
Torus Thrio: The Strongest God

In this wonderful world people are born with a seed, this seed can sprout in an infinite number of different ways; however, once sprouted, it can never return to its previous state. This seed is the seed to Godhood, the seed that forms the basis of ones divinity. And in this world there is one young man's seed that blooms into something unimaginably unique, this young man is Roy Thrio, read along as Roy explores his unique powers on his crazy journey to godhood.

Stealth_Panda · Fantasy
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37 Chs

Requited Feelings and Shared New Experiences

Torus felt as if he were about to throw up and pass out at the same time, the feeling of his heart hammering in his chest now so strong he could swear it could be heard throughout the entire forest by this point. 

He continued to avoid eye-contact, hoping for this moment to be over as soon as possible. However, this all changed when something finally happened, his Master finally recovering from the shock his words had induced in her.

While he could intellectually recognize there was at least some feeling held for him by his Master, that was easier said than done to recognize with his feelings. 

As such, even though the pair had just shared a kiss that seemed to connect them on a deeper level than he had ever been connected with someone before, Torus couldn't help the pounding of his heart and the twisting of his gut, worried about how Sofia would respond to his sudden proclamation.

Torus' gaze once more tentatively turned in the direction of his master as his eyes widened in shock. 

This was caused by one simple feeling - a tugging on his hand as something slipped within it. As he looked down at the location his hand was resting in by his side, he watched with widened eyes as it was slowly pulled up, feeling as something slipped between his fingers before interlocking with them. 

As he glanced at the location, he spotted another hand now interlocked with his own, and as his eyes traced the hand back to its source, it revealed the figure of none other than Sofia. 

This state of calm remained as Torus' eyes continued in their upward trajectory, coming to once more rest on the enchanting face of the one he had come to love - Sofia Lenor.

As their eyes locked once more, Torus could feel the warmth radiating from her as his icy-blue eyes met her milk-chocolate ones, the look within them seeming to cause his own to melt. 

Just feeling the physical contact with his Master left Torus feeling ecstatic, while this wasn't necessarily an answer to his question, it did at the very least show that his Master didn't hate him for his sudden confession. 

With his heart now beating in more than just anxiety, Torus looked down at the area their hands locked at, giving hers a tentative squeeze. 

Watching this, Sofia felt her own heartbeat speed up, the feeling of Torus' much larger and calloused hands enough to send her heart out her chest. 

Sofia seemed to take in a deep breath, a look of hesitance overtaking her for but a second before she seemed to steel herself completely, "Torus, I-" She started, cutting herself off as her eyes shifted from him, nerves getting the better of her. 

This silent anticipation would've continued if not for Torus using the connection their hands were now in to gently squeeze her hand in a showing of reassurance, calming her ramping emotions. 

Glancing back up at his cerulean blue gaze and the look of calm reassurance contained within them, Sofia gathered up the courage to continue where she had left off, "I know it's wrong for me to feel this way about you, even a bit silly considering I've known you since you were but a little boy." She said, even letting out a slight chuckle here; yet, Torus caught the slight sound of self-deprecation within this tinkling laugh.

Taking a moment to regain her bearings, Sofia steeled herself, continuing on where she left off, "Wha-what I'm trying to say is, even though I know it's wrong, even though I feel terrible because of it, I've come to love the man you've become. Watching you grow from a little boy that would follow me around like a baby chick, to the strong and dependable man you now are, has brought out emotions within me I never even thought possible. What I'm saying is, Torus, I love you too." Sofia softly stated, her words coming out as barely audible, with her heartbeat ringing so loud in her ears she was certain Torus could hear it.

Soon however, this feeling of embarrassment and nervousness faded, being replaced by the pure joy and relief that washed over her at the reveal of her true feelings. After a moment of letting out the emotions she was currently feeling in a simple joy filled laugh, Sofia continued, "And while I'm not sure how this will all turn out, I think I'd like to see where this goes!" she said, her tone turning excited and a giddiness rising within her at the prospect.

As she said the last of her sentence, it was now Sofia's own turn to look away, the end of her words seeming to sap whatever courage she had remaining, and Torus' stun-locked state gave no reassurance to the current emotions she was overwhelmed with.

Sofia stood there, her heart hammering in her chest as she purposely avoided Torus' gaze - she couldn't-no-wouldn't be able to look at him right now - her mind a mess as her emotions were in disarray.

However, this stalemate of emotions seemed to last only a few seconds before it was her turn for her eyes to widen, her figure seemingly being pulled forward. 

Before she could even react or figure out what was going on, Sofia found herself firmly held within Torus' embrace, his arms wrapped around her in a gesture of reassurance. 

With a slight tug of his arm, Torus sent the small figure of Sofia forward and into his embrace. 

As she rested up against his chest, Sophia took in a deep breath, taking in the scent of Torus for but a moment before she felt her body being moved once more.

This time, Torus had reached down and cupped her chin, his thumb resting directly against the front of it as it drew gentle circles, tugging her face up to look at him. At the same time, he leaned down before encapsulating her lips with a kiss. 

This one was much rougher than the one before, where the previous kiss felt like the gentle embrace of a lover, this one felt closer to the passionate throes of youth, a searing kiss that seemed to destroy the previously awkward atmosphere. 

Roughly pressing his lips onto hers, Torus' hand slipped out of her own as it came to rest on the small of her back, his pointer finger slowly drawing circles into it. 

However, Sofia didn't remain so indecisive this time around, being much quicker to react. She reached out and placed her hands on Torus' large chest as she pulled her lips away from his with some reluctance. 

However, her lips only stayed off of him for but a moment before they trailed downward, coming to a rest on his sharp jawline before they continued their way even further down.

She spent a minute sucking on his collarbone, something that seemed to cause no small amount of shock to run through him if the way his body went ramrod straight was any indication. Even if that wasn't enough of a clue, the slight groan that he seemed to release would be more than enough. 

However, this state of passivity from him could only last so long, something Sofia realized first-hand as she felt the hand on her back slowly travel south. 

Eventually, that hand came to rest on Sofia's rather plump backside, the springiness of the flesh causing his hand to slightly sink in for but a moment before he took in a big handful of it. 

As she felt the sudden stimulation, an involuntary moan rang out from Sofia "Oh!" Sofia exclaimed at the sudden feeling, her mind stuttering to a halt as a shuddering gasp escaped her.

At the sight of this, Torus felt as a massive wolfish grin spread across his face, his hand continuing its rough treatment of her well-muscled backside. 

As she glanced up at him and noticed the look on his face however, Sofia's eyes slowly grew darker, a light flashing within them. 

Soon afterward, Sophia continued her ministrations, this time her mouth came to rest directly on Torus' neck as she suckled at his pulse, her hand now coming to rest on his member through his pants as she slowly stroked it. 

Soon, what had started as a beautiful dance of passion turned into that of a battleground, the pair fighting it out to see who would succumb to their lust-filled desires first.