
The Torture Begins

Leonidas and the other experiments were awoken after around five hours to the sound of an alarm blaring. He was startled and woke abruptly much like the other children.

He looked around and noticed that the girl who had been murdered the day before was now gone and there was no sign of her blood or existence in that room even though the children would never forget her death.

The screen appeared once again, "Today is your first day of experimentation for you to become the perfect killing machine. It will take a long time, but it is necessary for this first procedure to take place. We will be injecting you daily for three hundred and sixty-five days in a row into every single part of your bodies with fluids that will make your skin, organs, bones, and everything else one hundred percent perfect. Some of your bodies will reject the injections, and this could potentially kill you, but we will continue to do so no matter the circumstances."

A different man than the one that took them to get engraved with their numbers entered the room, "0000, come with me." Leonidas got up and followed the man through winding corridors until they reached a long hall with doors running along the sides. He was taken inside of one of the rooms. It had chains hanging on the wall. The man picked up Leonidas and put his hands and feet inside of the shackles to keep him stuck in place. He did not try to resist as he did not want to be the next one to be killed for disobedience.

Multiple scientists entered the room with a tube, smoothied food and needles filled with a vibrant and luminous light blue colour. Leonidas knew that he would be injected with the substance, he did not want to be injected with it as he knew that it could potentially kill him. The needles were also extremely long and sharp on the end, and he was terrified to think of it piercing through his skin and seeping into his organs and bones.

However, there was nothing that he could do, and he had to watch in terror as he felt the pain of the needle enter his body. He could feel it stab into one of his bones and a hot liquid was pushed inside of it. The scientists then put the tube down Leonidas's throat and the liquid-like food was poured down into his stomach. The scientists left the room and did not come back, and without even realising it, Leonidas fell asleep while still chained to the wall.

He was awoken by a punch to the stomach and the food from yesterday being thrown up onto the ground which was rewarded with a punch to the stomach. The scientists had returned with another syringe and needle filled with the liquid, but there was more in it this time.

The scientist began to speak to Leonidas, "0000, you handled the injections better than any of the other experiments. Therefore, we will be increasing your dosage by ten times compared to the others. This very well could kill you, but the benefits will be greater If you manage to survive."

"Please, stop, everything hurts. I want to go home; I don't want to die."

The scientists did not respond, but instead lifted the needle and injected him once again.

This sequence of being injected kept going until Leonidas lost track of the days and lost the concept of time, as everything seemed to merge together into one.

The dosage kept increasing every day and each time, the injections would hurt less and less even though they should have been more brutal. Eventually, Leonidas stopped feeling anything at all. Leonidas could also feel that his body was getting stronger by the day and it was getting harder and harder for the needles to pierce his body.

Before he even knew that it was over, all three hundred and sixty five days of injections had finished and he was now six years old.

He was taken back to the original room that he woke up in after being taken to the facility. The other children were also in the room except four of them who Leonidas presumed to be dead and the majority of them looked dead inside.

The screen came down for the first time in a year, "Welcome back, sadly four of the experiments have died. Although, you survivors have made up for their deaths, especially experiment 0000. You should all look up to him as a role model, his body is flowing with one hundred times the amount of the liquid we injected you all with. This means that his body is much stronger than all of yours, but do not worry. The next experiments we will be conducting are going to allow you to gain the ability to surpass him even though his body is stronger than yours."

The children were all once again taken separately but to a different room this time. Inside of this room was a large training facility with an endless amount of weapons and training dummies.

Another screen dropped down from the celling and a different woman appeared on the screen, "Hello, I am the chief scientist of this operation. I have assigned myself to be your trainer as you have shown the best results and most potential out of all of the test subjects. While you may be glad about this and right now you might think that you will have special privileges, well you won't. You will be pushed harder than any of the other subjects and become motivation for them to push themselves harder. You and the others will spend the next four years inside each of your rooms. Once that time is over, you will fight against a random opponent to the death and the survivor will continue with the experiments. I will guide you to become the best that you can be, good luck in making us deem you worthy to live."

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