
new beginning Ariana's Pov

I woke up with a slight headache, just because I slept late, due to over thinking. I just can't digest what my dad told me, I mean what the fuck, who on earth does that? no one but my dad, I was trying....


my thoughts was cut short by no other but my dad

"get ur lazy ass down here" he shouted

"yeah whatever I'm coming" I smile, although I didn't like what he told my last night, but I love him a lot, he's been but my parents, since my mom died when I was five.

I quickly went to the bathroom and freshen up, then I went downstairs

"good morning dad" I greeted

"morning sweetheart" he replied

I helped him in bringing the food to the table then we started eating,

"so baby, when are we leaving"? he asked, when I was hoping he'd let it be, I mean why do we even have to leave this place?

" dad, why don't we discard it"?

"no and that's final" he said

"alright, I'm full" on that I went upstairs to my room, oh before I forget let my introduce myself, my name is Ariana Ace Winters, I'm my dad's only child, I'm 21yrs old, have a boyfriend who's name is Daniel and my best friend ria, Daniel was so sad when I told him we are moving out of the city, and so was i.

I fell asleep without even knowing, when I woke up I decided to pay Daniel a surprise visit before we leave,

on reaching there I paid the cab and then went inside, on reaching there, I couldn't find him in the living room, but I was hearing strange noise from the bedroom, I went up , when I saw should have gave me a heart attack but I was surprised it didn't , all thanks to God

I finally keep back to earth

"what the hell"?? I shouted

"what the actual fuck is going on here" I asked no one in particular

"what the fuck Ari?"

I scoffed, such nerve

i caught clearly fucking my best friend and you have such audacity to ask such question???

I didn't have the energy to look at my best friend so I storm out of the house, wow I just wanna sleep!