
Torajins arc

Tora is a god who simply cant be pushed past a quarter of his own power level let alone find someone on his level until he finds Ashura a god of the sword who can cut even the very concept of infinite( the concept is that nothing goes beyond infinite as infinite is too big or endless to it as it is without limitless) but Tora was able to beat him without difficulty then Tora was bored and kept searching but then came Archangel and kitsune who was still a child.

AndreRyujinChamoun · Action
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34 Chs

Chapter 8 official slayer

After tora got the message he got Archangel and kitsune and said "alright today I'm going to train you for the official slayer exams so get ready to train your asses of cause this will be going on for months ok" Archangel looks at him and gives of the most confused look and says "what's an official slayer exams" tora smirks and says " it's a exam that is held every year to find a slayer who is officially recognised by the public" Archangel doesn't say a word and tora tells them to follow him so they do and what do they see well a training ground the size of a football field so tora trains them for 7 months and after seven months and goes out to buy new clothes cause there old ones don't seem like they would be suited for combat.

And that's the end of this chapter hope y'all liked it sorry for the delay