
Toradora Harem

A Death Wish let a person reincarnated into an another world that he hates where his actions changes the story of Toradora Completely and before he realise he slowly and unknowingly creates a harem of his own which leads to several adventures.

Swift_Wayne · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

A Very Delicious Challenge

When I woke up I hoped the last night was the sweetest dream and then rest of the day was nightmare but I was laying underthe ceiling that only saw last night for a few seconds in the room that was cleaner than my country. Well, anyways I still remember the promise I made with Yacchan. I know what I got to do first. Study...huh the real Ryuji didn't paid much attention he was not bad but not so great either if he paid attention he would be average at most. I was called cleaver as fox in my highschool because despite being a delequent and backbench I was top of my school which is number one and top school in my country. I did skip the first day of the school here though, do they teach in first day of school in Japan? I have to ask someone what happened yesterday. Let's wash up and get fresh first so I can make a delicious breakfast for Yaachan. After getting fresh I went to kitchen to see what we have left and only found Bread And eggs. Damn it now what? I searched For more ingrediants and only found some spices and edible oil and why are there so many garlic onions huh!hmmm... Alright then I will make my special breakfast with these I can do it even though I had parents I had lived alone since they kicked me out 2-3 and so I had manage on my own the one I am about to make is I what I ate everyday as breakfast even though I had way more less ingredients anyway I have these I am gonna make it a little different I Call it Egg Grub Crust since I have egg I will make use of it or else I would have just made Grub Crust. Alright let's make some Egg Grub Crust, here's how the recipe if needed

3 eggs

3 bread slices

Tomato sauce as per taste

6 tea spoons of onion spice

Coriander leaves as per taste.

2 medium sized onions.

Edible oil

Here are the following steps that you can skip if you are not interested.

Cut two medium size onions into round slices and wash them with water.

Finely chop 1 bowl of fresh green coriander leaves. These leaves will later be used for garnishing purpose. Also coriander is good source to increase blood hemoglobin level.

Place the cooking pan on gas stove and heat it on a medium flame for 2 to 3 minutes.

Once the pan is sufficiently hot, add 1 tea spoon of edible oil to it.

Break 1 egg and spread the yolk and egg white evenly in the pan and place one bread slice immediately on top of it. The idea here is to wrap the egg layer all round the bread slice.

Once the bread slice is well roasted on both the sides, take it out into a serving plate and cut it into smaller pieces with a knife.

You can add onion garlic spice and sauce on top of it.

You can repeat these steps for the other two egg and bread slices.

Alright after this made some tea along with It as I given it to Yaachan she was filled with happiness which made me fill with happiness as I got ready to go to school as I made some extra Egg Bread Crust I taken those with me but nor me but for classmates as I am gonna butter them with it as smoothly as I can so that I will get all the information I want that happened yesterday as smoothly as In return. Alright let's go. As I soon as I got out I saw the god like being standing right infront big me with a smile on his face. I ignored him and walked right pass him but he kept following me.

"Yo, Ryuji you know it's not good to ignore god."

"So you finally declaring yourself a god."

"You are the one who keep calling me that."

"I keep calling you That you are like a god"

"Like it or Not I am kinda god anyway."

"Huh...What do you want?"

"I am just curious why are you getting out of your way to make Yacchan happy?"


"Hmm you call her That so..."

"What's your point?"

"Did you never received mother's love."

"I did receive it but only when I was uptill 3-4 years old?"

"You still remenber that."

"That's The only time I received it there's no way I will forget it no matter how long the time passes on."


"What else?"

"Aren't you wondering how come there were so many little ingredients?"

"You provided them or replaced them."

"You are really smart despite being so dumb."

"Was that a compliment or an insult?"

"You see I am gonna help and provide you things when needed but there's limit system that you need to understand how it works."

"What is that system."

"That system is however I like system."

"That's a bull system"

"You calling a god a bull do you want a divine punishment."

"Thank you for making me bore all the way I have arrived at school so get list."

"Eh?... Wait hey Ryuji!"

Alright now ignoring that kinda god who should I ask what happened yesterday? Maybe that girl who helped me know the direction of the class beacuse of her I atleast know how the class looks from outside now I have to just look how it looks from the inside. Hmm okay as I walked in to the halls of the classroom I into Taiga once again she's fighting with someone it must be because of some petty reason despite being rich she only buys unhealthy food well her father only took where he wished so she have never formed her opinion preety much the reason she behaves like this. The girl she's fighting looks scared and she's not exactly even fighting but aplozing constant my without my interfere Taiga would just dominant her and forget about her but I got some business and stopped her.

"Hey, stop bothering her Taiga."

"Huh? You again... What is your problem?"

"Why are you bothering her?"

"Do I have to tell you?"

"You are bullying her."

"I am not bullying her I teaching her to see Where you are walking and don't Just walk while running blindly." The girl looks in very sorry state as she said in middle.

"I am so sorry I didn't see you beacuse of the tears in my eyes I was just sad and just walking...."

Taiga just cut her off in middle

"Hey did I say you to speak I don't care if you are sad go cry me river you pink face i don't care if your eyes are teary you still have working eyes right don't you see people walking Here?"

"Even if she wasn't having teary eyes noone would normally see you since you are so short."

"Eh?! Are you looking For a fight?"

"Also it looks like you were coming from this corner right?"

"Yeah so?"

I quickly shown a board that was here it had symbol which meant under non-sevice.

"Even if you don't know how to read you can still understand it even if you have a brain of a junior school, it's clear she wouldn't exeoect you to come from here Taiga so it's your fault, you should be the one who should be apolozise to her right now."

"That's it you are looking for fight."

"Alright the winner will be the master of the loser for the rest of the day."

As soon I said it she moved straight at me and so I moved to side as she crashed in front.

"You lose and I win."

"Hey this doesn't count!"

"The one who fall is the one who lose but what a shame you are nit admitting defeat is such sorry state but if you wish to admit that you are being like a loser spirit we can go again."

As soon as I said that she grit her teeth and back down.

"You know what you have to say."

The girl was not sure what to do as she watched and then Taiga spoke up.

"I am sorry I didn't see you it's my fault please frogive me."

The girl was speechless as she looked at me to ask what to do as I signal led her to just forgive her as she died I handed Taiba one of the set of Egg Grub Crust.


"Don't question the winner and take it you loser do what the winner says or are you gonna back down from the fights honour."

"What do I do with it?"

"I dare you to eat it."

I was gonna give it to her anyway well it was hard for me to give it as an exuse this is a perfect one done even though I did given a lot as an apology because there was no board of it originally I just hand drawn it right away can't believe she got fooled by it.

"Huh?" I can do that here I go."

She ate and and given made one damn cute face. She just began to ate all as she was all into it as the girl who she spolozised came to me and then thanked me.

"Thank you I don't what to say I was just going back home I was waiting for someone he promise to but he just didn't show up."

Oh wait I recognise her.

"Were you waiting for your boyfriend?"

"Huh? He's not.. I was just..."

"Maybe he's just kate you know."

"Even so....he promised we were gonna take the apply together today."


"For the student council?"

"Yes. There's gonna applications filled noe and few days later there's gonna be vote.

"Damn Japan's fast or is this School's different?"

Huh? Wait if I became one of the school council memeber ever I can ask all the students about their studies without even giving all the food. Now that I have mostly given all of the lunch I bought to that girl who's still eating it without stopping she has gone disconnected from reality guess she's never eaten something like this. Anyways I have decided.

"Hey, Sakura where do we sign up for school council member?"

"Huh.... How did you know my name?"

"I am sorry I just saw it on your uniform it's beautiful name just like you. I am Takasu Ryuji it's lovely to meet you."

"Huh!...T-T-Thank you....."


"Hmmm mm"

"Can you tell me where to sign up?"

"Y-Y-Yes it's in the office right that way."

"Alright, Thank You."

"C-C-C I go with you too?"

"I don't mind going with some one as beautiful as you."

"So that means..."

"Ofcourse you can come with me."

"Alright I will go with you."

Suddenly Taiga came and said.

"That was a very delicious challenge I mean a very great challenge I had in while do you have more?"

"Just how much hungry are you?"

"I mean more challenge?"


"Oh! T-T-Then can you tell me where can I buy that."

"I made that."


"You won't get it around hete as I made that breakfast I call it Egg Grub Crust."

"Eve though it's terrible name it is delicious."

Well I feel like I should give here beating for that but the again She also said it's delicious so I handed her the recipe.

"Here you go next time give me your worst challenge to make me eat it."

"Alright you are on."

I know she doesn't know how to cook but she has to learn somewhere I too learned it The hard way I was not as rich as her I had to get everything from the search alone besides it's just a next level of how to make a sand which I hope atleast she knowd that or else it's gonna be.... Well let's just see what see does.