
Top Tier Summoned

[Chapter uploaded 1-4 every Saturday and Sunday] Yuichi and his classmates find themselves in an unfamiliar world where magic and peril abound, giving their seemingly routine lives a surprising twist. They are made to play the reluctant Heroes, charged with defeating the evil Demon Lord and his powerful army. But Yuichi's adventure takes an unanticipated and dangerous turn when he makes a seemingly innocuous choice that puts him alone in a dungeon's dangerous confines. Now that he is alone from his classmates, he must confront the hard reality of his condition, which is grave and could crush his hopes. As Yuichi progresses deeper into the labyrinthine dungeon, he comes into a terrifying monster that drives him to the point of despair. Just in time, help comes in the shape of a mysterious woman, whose involvement not only spares his life but also gives him a power that is the beginning of his rise to prominence. Equipped with renewed strength and a fierce determination to finally make his way out of the labyrinth, Yuichi sets out to defeat the last boss of the dungeon. He has no idea that his modest upbringing is only setting the stage for a remarkable journey that will challenge him, reveal secrets, and eventually determine his fate. CopyrightTopTierSummoned2024 Carl Lawrence "FletchB" Lara

FletchB · Fantasy
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43 Chs

He's Still Out There!

******'s POV

In the dimly lit expanse known as the luminance floor, a sense of otherworldly calm pervaded the air. Amidst the ethereal glow that emanated from the walls and ceilings, a solitary figure made her way through the obscurity.

The girl's long white hair cascaded down her back like a waterfall of moonlight, contrasting starkly against her captivating pink-hazed eyes, which held a distant and almost enigmatic allure.

Her steps were unhurried and deliberate as she strolled through the radiant corridors, her gaze fixed upon the mesmerizing play of light and shadow. Each step echoed softly, in harmony with her thoughts. But the tranquility was abruptly shattered by a resounding thud, a clash of forces that pierced the silence.

Without hesitation, the girl's expression shifted from detached contemplation to one of alert determination. Her right hand began to emit a soft blue glow, a manifestation of the power she held within.

Urgency fueled her movements as she followed the reverberations of the clash, her heart pounding in tandem with each footfall. The luminance floor was abruptly transformed into a battleground, the stark beauty marred by the chaos that had erupted.

There, sprawled upon the ground, lay a wounded young man, his sword now a shattered relic of his struggle. Towering above him was a grotesque monstrosity, a luminescent fungus-like creature with an eerie, predatory grace. Its maw, a horrifying assembly of teeth, glistened ominously, while its claws flexed with deadly intent.

Without preamble, the girl extended her hand, the soft blue glow coalescing into a tempestuous gale that tore through the creature's form with unrestrained force. In an instant, it fragmented into oblivion, an explosion of blood and sinew marking its end.

And as the echoes of battle dissolved into silence, the girl remained impassive, her gaze locked onto the aftermath. An elusive memory stirred within her, briefly trembling within her pink-hazed eyes.

Turning her attention to the fallen young man, the girl approached with a grace that belied her purpose. Her touch was gentle, her scrutiny swift yet thorough as she assessed his battered frame. Unconscious but alive, his breaths punctuated the stillness, and the girl's demeanor remained almost eerily composed. A trace of empathy, hidden behind her enigmatic facade, flickered in her eyes.

Something inexplicable then unfolded. The girl's scrutiny shifted from his injuries to his face, an internal struggle playing out across her features. As if driven by a force beyond her control, she bit her lip until a bead of blood welled. With a blend of determination and vulnerability, she leaned over the young man, her lips touching his momentarily, kissing him.

A transient exchange transpired, blood mingling as a conduit between them. The act seemed to hold a purpose known only to her, an act of strange significance.

[Attention: A Genome Transfer has been processed, please wait momentarily...]


[Genome Transfer successfully!]

Steeling herself, the girl withdrew, wiping a subtle trickle of saliva from her mouth. Her gaze lingered on the young man, his unconscious form now bearing a faint blue luminescence.

Moments passed as she regarded him, her pink-hazed eyes revealing a mystery that defied interpretation. With an almost ghostly detachment, she stepped away from the scene, her figure blending into the cavern's shadows until she became one with them.

[A passive has been activated]

[Healing in progress...]

One final glance was cast backward, a silent farewell to the unconscious figure she left behind. And then, as if guided by some hidden compass, she turned her focus ahead. The shadows enfolded her, a shroud of secrecy that swallowed her form until she was lost from view. In her wake, the luminance floor returned to its stillness, the echoes of her enigmatic presence fading like whispers carried on the wind.


Outside POV

The entrance to the dungeon shook as the sounds of a fierce battle and heavy footsteps reverberated through the dim cavern. A sudden rush of wind swept through the area, causing the air to feel colder. Soon, a clamor of worried voices could be heard coming from beyond the doors, and slowly, a group of panicked individuals emerged from the dungeon entrance.


As the group managed to escape the dungeon, a sudden onslaught of arrows came flying out of the dim cave, narrowly missing them. Fear gripped the members, and their faces turned pale.

"PUSHED!!!" Acting swiftly, some of them pushed with all their might against the massive dungeon doors, sealing off the entrance for good, ensuring their safety.

They were determined to do so, and they managed to seal the dungeon, stepped back, feeling scared because of the loud thudding sound coming from behind the two massive doors.

They were breathing heavily and let out relieved sighs, finally feeling secure after escaping the danger lurking within the dark dungeon.

"We're out of harm's way." One of them exclaimed.

"The sight of those skeletons really frightened me! I absolutely never want to venture there again!" Another person added, their voice filled with fear.

In the midst of their relief, there was suddenly a lot of noise as a young girl with a young man wearing a glasses and a knight started arguing near the doors of the dungeon. The girl seemed to be about 17 years old, with long black hair and bright blue eyes. The knight was a tall man with a beard, dressed in strong iron armor and carrying a sword in its sheath.

Mitsuki spoke with a mix of urgency and worry, insisting, "Please, I need to go in! Yuichi-kun hasn't arrived yet!"

"You can't go back into the dungeon right now because there are powerful monsters roaming around." Alistair said, telling her she can't enter.

"But you said there weren't any strong monsters before! You're lying!" Mitsuki accused him.

"I did mention that, but I didn't expect it." Alistair replied with a hint of guilt.

"Hoshizaki-san, let's take a moment to relax and calm down." Kenji suggested and tried to calm Mitsuki down.

"Calm down? I can't calm myself down! Open the door!" Mitsuki kept asking, attempting to push the knight aside.

"I can't... The dungeon is about to vanish." Alistair unexpectedly reveals, leaving Mitsuki and Kenji both surprised and confused.

"I forgot to tell you all earlier. The dungeon has a time limit. It appears every two weeks in a certain spot and stays for a specific amount of time. This dungeon has been around for two weeks already, and today is the last day it'll be here."

"How much time is left before it goes away?" Kenji asked Alistair, sounding worried.

Alistair paused and looked at them with a sad expression. "Two hours..." He said, revealing the remaining time in the dungeon.

Mitsuki and Kenji stood there, utterly taken aback by the words that had just come out of Alistair's mouth. The shock was like a sudden jolt, freezing them in their tracks. However, Mitsuki's emotions quickly transformed into a fiery surge of anger. Unable to contain herself, she grabbed Alistair by the shoulder, her grip firm as she confronted the source of her frustration and disbelief.

"You asshole!" Mitsuki fumed at Alistair.

However, during their intense moment, the group's attention was drawn to an arrogant young man whose voice could be heard, capturing Mitsuki's focus.

"Quit arguing and move on, girl. That jerk is dead." Kazuhira complained with his smug expression.

At that moment, Mitsuki's fury surged, compelling her to pivot fully and squarely confront Kazuhira with her boiling anger.

"What did you just say?" Mitsuki's voice seethed with frustration, her emotions laid bare.

"Sure, you want me to say it properly? I said – that asshole is dead." Kazuhira replied.

"You said you'd keep us safe, but Yuichi was left alone in the dungeon because of you!" Mitsuki accused.

"It's not my fault he ran at that skull monster and got himself killed. Plus, I wasn't even there." Kazuhira explained carelessly.

Kazuhira's words stirred strong emotions in Mitsuki. Suddenly, she pointed her left hand at Kazuhira and shot a [Frostbolt], hitting his left hand and causing serious harm.

"AHHH! YOU BITCH!" Kazuhira grimaced while holding his frosted left hand.

"I'm gonna totally tear you apart, Kazuhira, and I don't care if I end up in jail!" Mitsuki slowly comes closer, looking really angry.

Thankfully, just in time to prevent Mitsuki from causing harm to Kazuhira, Alistair swiftly intervened. He rushed forward and positioned himself between them, halting her actions.

"Kindly put an end to this foolishness, please." Alistair implored, attempting to halt Mitsuki's actions.

Tension hung heavily in the air as Mitsuki and Alistair locked eyes, their gazes holding an unspoken intensity. The rest of the group felt the rising unease, the weight of the moment palpable. With a mixture of anxiety and anticipation, they observed the charged exchange between the two.

In a reluctant gesture, Mitsuki broke their gaze, turning away and beginning to walk. Her actions seemed to convey a dismissal not only of Alistair but also of the entire situation.

Shortly thereafter, Kenji trailed Mitsuki with a worried look etched onto his face. The air remained thick with tension as she walked away, leaving behind a group of people whose combined emotions mirrored the intricate web of feelings woven during that intense juncture.