
Chapter 60 : Vegeta's Pride

In the spaceship,

"I actually married an earthling and had a child..."

The previous image continued to haunt Vegeta's thoughts, and it quickened the pace of his heartbeat. In fact, in a remote corner of his once entirely hate-filled heart, there was a newfound emotion he couldn't quite comprehend.

That emotion was called loneliness.

On Earth, everyone was immersed in complex emotions. Vegeta's demeanor had undergone a complete transformation, resembling that of an Earthling. 

Particularly after the loss of Future Trunks, his paternal instincts had surged forth, and he had become wholly devoted to his son, putting his life on the line to protect him.

Even when Cell self-destructed, leading to Goku's demise, Vegeta displayed a rare expression of self-blame. As the war concluded, and Bulma took care of him, Vegeta's eyes couldn't hide their true emotions, despite his continued tsundere attitude. 

Although the pride of the Saiyan prince prevented him from openly expressing his feelings, his eyes, inadvertently revealed, spoke volumes.

At that moment, Bulma couldn't help but recall her vow to never marry Vegeta. Yet now, it seemed that she was on the verge of breaking that promise, as her heart was already deeply entangled with him.

As for Krillin, he had stopped caring about Vegeta altogether; his mind was preoccupied with Android 18.

Unexpectedly, he had fallen in love with an artificial human.

Yet, it was strangely beautiful.

[The scene continued, showing more fragments.]

[Seven years swiftly passed.]

[During this time, Vegeta had been with Bulma.]

[Aside from his training in the gravity room, Vegeta had taken to wearing Earthly attire.]

[As a reward for Trunks's efforts during training, he would offer to take him to the playground.]

[Whenever Trunks cried, he would willingly soothe the child until he was happy.]

[At the World Martial Arts Tournament, after Trunks defeated Goten, he even boasted triumphantly to Goku.]

In the video, Vegeta appeared as a loving father. Seeing this, Chi-Chi glanced resentfully at Goku.

After all these years of marriage, Goku mostly remained as aloof as ever, not even remotely as attentive as Vegeta. Bulma, on the other hand, radiated happiness, like a blooming flower.

In the spaceship, Vegeta clenched his fists.

Impossible! How could this happen?

But the scathing words he wanted to utter remained unspoken.

Instead, a struggle and a trace of hesitation flickered in Vegeta's eyes.

[The scene continued]

[The next moment, the camera shifted, and an ominous presence filled the air.]

[In the image, Vegeta bore an "M"-shaped mark on his forehead, and his demeanor had changed drastically, an evil sneer etched on his face.]

[Malevolent energy radiated from him.]

In the spaceship, Vegeta felt a sense of relief.

"Haha, yes, this is who I truly am. How could I, a Saiyan prince, be swayed by mere emotions!"

"Everything before this was just a facade I put on myself!"

Vegeta spoke these words in one breath, letting out a long sigh of relief. Yet, an unspoken sense of loss lingered in his eyes, unnoticed by even himself.

On Earth, Goku and the others were bewildered, not understanding the sudden turn of events.

Somewhere in the universe, the alien wizard Babidi's eyes gleamed. He had control over that symbol and thus over Vegeta. 

With such a powerful warrior under his command, he no longer need to resurrect the malevolent entity.

The world would ultimately bow before the dark sorcerer, Lord Babidi!

[The scene continued]

(The camera panned out from Vegeta to reveal the surrounding chaos.)

[A crowd had gathered, and in front of Vegeta stood Goku, a halo above his head.]

Everyone on Earth instantly recognized that this was the World Martial Arts Tournament.

However, they couldn't fathom why Goku wore such a grim expression.

In the next moment, Vegeta showed no mercy. He raised his hand and unleashed a powerful wave of energy at Goku!

Goku dodged the attack, but he had forgotten about the spectators behind him. Many of them were caught in the blast and perished!

The crowd screamed and fled, while Goku stared at the now unfamiliar Vegeta with disbelief.

"Vegeta, do you realize what you're doing?"

The transformed Vegeta sneered, "What's the matter, Kakarot? Don't you want more innocent lives to be lost because of you?"

Upon hearing this, Goku immediately understood that Vegeta was willingly under Babidi's control.


Vegeta smiled cunningly and replied, "You know very well that you can only stay here for one day before you have to leave. If I don't do this, you won't fight me at all."

"Moreover, Babidi's control allows me to break the shackles within me."

The Supreme Kai, witnessing this, widened his eyes in disbelief. "You're willing to be controlled for such a foolish reason? Don't you understand that Babidi is unleashing a terrifying evil creature?"

In the spaceship, Vegeta struggled to accept it. Why was his future self so weak, requiring external control to free the shackles within his heart? Where was the proud Saiyan prince he had always been?


Fury erupted from Vegeta, and a cold, murderous intent was directed at the Supreme Kai.

"How dare you call me a fool!"

Vegeta finally couldn't contain himself and shouted, "Over the years, I've been a Saiyan as well, but this guy has always outshone me. As a Saiyan prince, my greatest source of pride is my unmatched strength. But every time he saves me, I can't stand it, you know?"

Watching the raging Vegeta on the screen, Goku and the others were shaken to their core.

It turned out that, in the footage, Vegeta had suppressed these emotions for years, shattering the pride he had once held dear. His sole purpose was to prevent any external factors from affecting him, to remain indifferent to everyone, and to compete solely with Goku.

However, understanding was one thing; acceptance was another. In the previous scene, the Supreme Kai had warned that Babidi was unleashing an evil monster. 

At such a crucial moment of life and death, Vegeta's indifference further eroded any goodwill others had towards him.

Indeed, aliens were aliens, and they couldn't fully comprehend or control the destiny of Earth.

[Screen continues]

[Observing Vegeta's unwavering determination, Goku raised his voice to the heavens and implored Babidi to transport them to an uninhabited location for their battle!]

[However, at this critical moment, the Supreme Kai intervened, positioning himself between the two combatants!]

[He understood that the energy generated by their battle would only hasten Babidi's plans to unleash the monster.]

Nevertheless, Goku had already grasped the situation; he knew that avoiding the battle today was impossible. His only goal was to strike Vegeta down before the monster could awaken!

[In the next instant, the scenery shifted, and Babidi transported everyone to a desolate, barren wasteland in the Gobi desert.]

[Now, Babidi began to manipulate Vegeta, compelling him to eliminate the Supreme Kai.]

[Severe cranial neuralgia caused Vegeta to writhe in agony on the ground, but...]

[Vegeta, his body pulsating with blue veins, resolutely rose to his feet and let out a defiant roar!]

["Though you control my body and mind, my self-worth remains unbroken!"]

[In the following moment, Vegeta exhaled an even more fiery aura, bathing everything in blinding golden light!]

[Everyone was astonished to see that Vegeta was successfully resisting Babidi's commands, fueled by his inner pride.]

This man possessed remarkable ki and an indomitable spirit!

Though he knew victory was unlikely, Goku's eyes still blazed with fighting spirit!

In that instant, they shared a deep understanding of each other.

[Observing this scene, Goku couldn't help but smile.] 

"Sorry for the wait!"

["I've waited a long time, Kakarot!"]

[Their voices trailed off, and both combatants unleashed their anger simultaneously. Their golden auras crackled with blue electrical arcs, exuding a terrifying power!]

[Due to his training in the Other World, Goku's strength now surpassed Gohan's.]

[However, what neither of them anticipated was that Vegeta, their opponent, would also emit a significant aura, matching them!]

[In the next moment, the battle commenced!]


Almost instantaneously, the two combatants closed the gap between them as if teleporting, and their fists and feet collided in a cataclysmic shockwave!

[This was merely a prelude. Their figures weaved in and out, launching countless strikes at each other within seconds.]

[Observers witnessed a flurry of afterimages as punches and kicks constantly clashed and dodged!]

[Each strike that connected seemed capable of tearing the very heavens asunder!]

Even as the Chief Commander of the Shinigami world, Yamamoto felt a shiver run down my spine at that moment.

Their presence was so overwhelming that it felt as if the very air had thickened, making it hard to breathe!

Not even Shunpo could match their astonishing speed. It was clear that neither of them was holding back their power, yet they seemed to control it perfectly.

Otherwise, the Earth would have shattered entirely!

What was most astonishing was their physical resilience. They exchanged blows capable of demolishing mountains, yet neither inflicted any serious injury upon the other.

It seemed they hadn't even unleashed their full power!

As expected, Yamamoto Shigekuni was left speechless for the first time, and then, the world darkened on the screen. Not due to darkness, but because an even more dazzling light emerged!

The atmosphere rippled as two incredibly potent golden energies radiated from both sides.

Upon impact, sound vanished, and a massive explosion erupted!

The intense energy carried a sense of annihilation, pulverizing everything in its vicinity!

However, after the devastating explosion, both combatants bore wounds but remained standing, if a bit fatigued.


The battle continued!

At this moment, their confrontation resembled a clash between two mythical beasts. The earth and colossal rocky mountains seemed as fragile as tofu.

Wherever they moved, they left only desolation in their wake!

Countless viewers from various dimensions watched in awe, as if witnessing the ultimate battle of speed and power for the very first time.

This was the epitome of the Ultimate Fight!

Anything unfortunate enough to enter their battlefield was promptly reduced to rubble!

At this moment, Boros, who had proclaimed himself the ruler of the universe, chuckled bitterly. He realized he had been a mere clown, and his claims of invincibility seemed like a joke.

Participating in a battle between these two would likely result in one's instantaneous demise!


The ground shattered, and both combatants spat out blood simultaneously, yet they stood up.

Feeling the surging and formidable ki within their bodies, Vegeta commented, "As I suspected, Babidi's control amplifies our power."

Goku, visibly irritated, retorted, "Vegeta, how could someone as proud as you let that kind of person dominate you for power's sake!?"

Vegeta's body trembled, pain evident in his eyes, as he finally cried out, "Because I want to return to my former self!"

"To the cruel and apathetic Saiyan who cared for nothing!"

"Only then can we have a true battle with you!"

"Is he insane? Is he willing to give up everything for the sake of a fight?" Bulma's eyes welled with tears as she felt all their cherished moments slipping away.



Vegeta refused to engage in further banter and launched another assault on Goku!

However, two Super Saiyans of nearly equal strength could not settle their battle swiftly.

Before long, an immense and overwhelming power awakened in the distance!

Worry clouded Goku's face, as he knew that the evil monster must have emerged. He wanted no part in this battle!

But Vegeta refused to let him escape!

In another flurry of blows, Goku tightly grasped Vegeta's arm and yelled enthusiastically, "That monster's resurrection was due to us!"

He wasn't sure if his condemnation had any effect, but Vegeta's response was fierce as he roared back, "I don't care! It has nothing to do with our battle!"

Goku could sense Vegeta's internal struggle and shouted, "Doesn't it concern you when Trunks and Bulma's lives are at stake!?"


With an explosion of power, Vegeta broke free from Goku's hold. In the midst of his attack, he declared, "I've sacrificed my soul to Babidi to rid myself of this compassion. I don't care what happens to others!"

Yet, after uttering those words, Goku sensed Vegeta's power diminishing.

Vegeta had completely lost his composure!


Goku struck Vegeta down into the ground.

He didn't say a word, merely gazing at Vegeta intently.

Vegeta seemed to be offering excuses as he wiped blood from the corner of his mouth.

"Even you, vulnerable when distracted..."

"Scoundrel! Attacking from behind!" Krillin exclaimed indignantly upon witnessing this act.

Bulma, her brow furrowed, remarked, "Is he so desperate that he resorts to this?"

Viewers from across different realms expressed their disdain.

Strength was one thing, but these tactics were beneath them...

However, in the next moment, everyone fell silent.

[Screen continues]

Vegeta picked up a Senzu Bean and consumed it, restoring his body's functions and energy to its peak.

As he looked down at Goku, who lay unconscious on the ground, Vegeta's eyes conveyed a mix of complex emotions.

"This time, I'll protect them, Kakarot."

"Of course, our business isn't finished yet..."

With that, Vegeta smiled.

"If I survive."


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