
CH 48

After everything had calmed down, the one who put an end to the whole mess, the dragon council president Oscar, walked towards Ignell to check up on her

He was expecting her to be scared, unstable, or even traumatized!

But she was not, she was sitting there calmly next to Evelyn, instead, the only thing he could see on her face was confusion

Once he got in front of her, he looked her in the eye for a few seconds and she looked back at him, she clearly wasn't affected by what just happened, but he could see that something was on her mind, so he asked

"You have something to ask I assume?"

Now with a fiercer gaze, she looked him dead in the eye before she said with a serious voice

"The thing he used on me, what was it? I've never heard of a dragon being able to breathe a fire that strong"

Right as she said those words, both Oscar and Eveline gave a quick glance at each other, then eveline spoke "sweetie, haven't you been to the dragon academy before?"

Ignell was confused, that was her first time ever hearing about something like a dragon academy, so she assumed it was just the dragon School renamed after a few decades, as such she decided to just mention it and see if it really is the same thing or not

"well, I've went to the dragon School when I was young, does it have anything to do with the earlier attack?"

The two dragons that only had a vague suspicion before were now certain! the one sitting in front of them had never heard of the dragon academy before, much less, studying in it!

And because of the horrible experience Ignell had to go through because of Ignis, Oscar decided to give her a brief explanation as an apology

"Listen to me young one, the dragon school is the place we send young dragons to learn stuff like flying and breathing fire, we also teach them about our dragon tongue and how to read and write ancient scriptures, while the dragon academy is meant to only teach dragons about magic, and prepare them for the outside world"

Right after Oscar mentioned about stuff like magic and academy, Ignell quickly stood up and began questioning him aggressively

"What! since when did a dragon academy exist!? and why have I never heard of it before! I was always called a genius back in the dragon School, and all the adults always gave me all sorts of advice without me even asking for them! so why have no one ever told me about it!? and why have I never seen a dragon use magic before!?"

Now that Oscar was being bombarded with questions in a manner that he is not that good at dealing with, it was quickly apparent that he was quite flustered and didn't know how to answer, as such, Evelyn had to step in and take over the conversation in his stead

"Sweetie please don't think bad about us, there's a good reason why we don't tell younglings about magic, after all, if a dragon wanted to cast any form of spell, they would need first to at least have a properly developed mana heart, and if they were to attempt to use magic without it, then they risk receiving serious injuries! best case scenario, is that they won't ever be able to use magic for the rest of their life, and worst case scenario, is death!

Since we don't want that to happen, we specifically limited the area which young dragons are allowed access to, as well as limiting the places where adult dragons are allowed to use magic in. But after a dragon reaches a certain age, their parents are supposed to tell them all of what they know about the dragon academy before sending them to it, which is why I don't understand how you've never heard of it, did your parents die or something like that?"

It was now that Ignell finally realized her mistake, she was way too impatient and eager to show everyone that her title as a genius was not fake, and that she was really worthy of it, and because of that, she ended up leaving the dragon ravine before coming of age, and missing her chance to learn about magic

But even after all of that, she was still unwilling to give up! She gritted her teeth and finally said it

"Fine! I get it! it was my fault! I shouldn't have left the ravine on my own! But even if I couldn't learn magic when I was younger, I can still learn it now! I just have to put a lot more efforts in it then everyone else, and I'll easily climb back up to the top"

Now with a beaming smile and a new goal in mind, Ignell was ready and fully motivated to learn all that she can about magic, but, just like any other aspect of life there's always problem.

Evelyn gave another quick glance at Oscar telling him that it was now up to him to deliver the bad news

He sighed and paused for a second before saying anything, which reminded Ignell that no matter how amazing or bright her dreams are, there's always a but

"Sorry kid, but I'm afraid that it's impossible for you, even if a dragon has to wait for their mana heart to be fully developed before they can learn anything about magic, they still need to learn it quick! because right after they reach a certain age, it becomes impossible for them to increase their mana capacity any further, and sadly enough, you seem to have already passed that age. I hate to bring it up to you but, right now, and based on what you told us about yourself, it would be safe to assume that you are the weakest dragon in this ravine, and without the ability to use magic, it would be quite difficult to change that, if not out right impossible"

With that, it wouldn't be surprising to say that Ignell was shocked! She was always the hard-working type of person that did not know how to give up

But now, to think that one of the most respected dragons she ever knew was telling her that she had officially been classified as the weakest dragon in the ravine? She couldn't believe it, she didn't want to believe it, she didn't think she needed to believe it!

If she cannot overcome her weakness with magic, then she can only do it through physical abilities, and luckily for her, most of the titles she acquired during her journey, are ones that greatly boosts her physical stats

If most of the dragon council members are dragons that highly excel in magic, then she just need to be the first one that joins the council while relying purely on her physique


if you've read this far then please consider leaving a comment, telling me how you feel about my novel, it would really mean a lot to me and would give me the motivation needed to continue writing

seriously I really need it !

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