
CH 45

Out of nowhere, a woman clad in a deep red scale like armor was pushed away by Alpha's rampaging Mana

After she hit the cave wall and fell down, she couldn't stand back up no matter how much she tried due to the pressure from Alpha

So she screamed and pleaded for him to stop and calm down, but he didn't, his sadness was way too overwhelming for him to notice anything, it was way too much for him to care about anything

In the end she had no other choice but to crawl to him, desperately resisting against the tremendous pressure he was emitting

And when she finally got close enough to him, she grabbed his foot and begged him again

"please, stop! Alpha please! just stop! you're gonna destroy the cave! calm down! please!"

After he noticed that someone was grabbing his leg , he lowered the pressure he was emitting and looked down " huh? who... are you?"

"Alpha, it's me Ignell" said the woman with a tired smile on her face

But the expression shown on Alpha's face was not happiness. It was Shock, confusion, doubt!

No matter how high Alpha's INT is, he could not stomach what the woman just said, after all, understanding something and believing it are completely different

As such, he had to confirm things one last time and used [appraisal] , and what he saw... shocked him! made his hole body shiver! And rendered his legs weak

What that woman said was true, she really is Ignell, and knowing that alone completely changed his expression, from shock to one that's just about to cry

He then fell hard on his knees and hugged her really tightly as if he was afraid she would disappear again

And yet again, his overflowing emotions caused his Mana to run out of control, but this time, it wasn't as distractive, chaotic or saffocating as before, instead it was so warm and soothing, filling up the entire cave with a sense of peace

Ignell is now at ease, seeing her new friend has finally calmed down, and desided to just hug him back and enjoy the moment, enjoy the warmth, the peace, and most importantly, the feeling of not being alone anymore


A few minutes past, and Alpha finally calmed down, now that everything is fine, they desided to investigate the sudden change in Ignell's appearance

Alpha then took a step back and used [appraisal] one more time, and he was left speechless, there was more than just one thing to be surprised about

Because Ignell's level that was higher than 500 has now reverted back to 1! And not only that, she still managed to retain all of her stats from before

No! Retain isn't even close to being the right word for this, her stats didn't just stay the same, they were doubled!!

And not only that, when she looked at her status screen, she noticed something new about it, she got a new title!

Without even reading it, she jumped up and down in the air with her new light body, screaming and salebrating! She even jumped at Alpha and hugged him, spinning around him in a circle

" OH MY GOOOOOD !! Alpha Alpha, I got a new title! a new title! can you believe it!"

Ignell was so hyped about the whole ordeal, and Alpha was so... confused?

"uhhm... Ignell? I know getting a new title is a good thing and all but, is it really worth getting that excited about?"


But the one who was truly shocked was Alpha, as he didn't even know how to react

"Wait... Fifth? Ignell you can't be serious... How can you just have five titles when you've lived for centuries? Ignell this isn't funny..."

Alpha was utterly confused, how can someone so powerful and so old have no more than just five titles !?

"What are you talking about, titles are not something you can acquire so easily, if someone ever managed to get a single title then he would be hailed as a Champion by his people, and if he had two, then he can easily be a king! While anyone who have three or four titles is considered an existence so powerful, that no body would ever dare mess with. Yet you're unfazed by five... Alpha, just how many titles do you have"

Ignell was so worried and confused, and Alpha felt the same too, he didn't know what to say, but he didn't want to lie either, he didn't want his friendship with Ignell to be like that or worsen, so he gathered what ever little courage he could and said

"J... Just, a little over 30..."

The moment Alpha muttered those words, Ignell's face turned pale and she almost fell on her knees

"th..thirty... titles?"

Seeing how she was acting, Alpha realized his mistake, and quickly tried to mend the situation

"Well , I understand that titles are amazing and all, but they can't be that hard to get right? I mean, once you know the conditions to be fulfilled, you'll be able to get whatever title you want right?"

Alpha was nervously smiling while he said those words, trying to sound as cheerful as he can in order to lighten up Ignell's mood, but alas, her face grew paler instead

"A..Alpha.... Are you even human?"

Those words were what made Alpha realize how worried and scared Ignell was, he knew he had to do something, but what can he do! He never comforted someone before, no matter how much he thought about it, he couldn't come up with a way to make her feel better, in the end, he could only try to answer her question

"Well... you could say I'm a human but not a human at the same time, if you wanna be more specific then I would be a high human"

That was it, as soon as Alpha finished his sentence, Ignell's heart sank deep down! she fell on her knees and SLAMMED her face on the ground!

"Please have mercy my Lord! I had eyes but failed to see your greatness! I've been standing in front of a high being yet I was so rude! My sin is deserving of a thousand year of punishment! But please! Please just spare my life! I'll do anything you want for you! You can do anything you want to me! But please have mercy! Please don't kill me!"

Alpha was shocked! He knew ignell was scared but, that reaction is just too much. He tried to approach her, to comfort her, see if she's ok, but her reaction kept getting worse

"PLEEEASE !!!" She screamed before Alpha could even get close. Without lifting her head of the ground, she brought her hands closer to her face, clinching the soil underneath, her knees were folded tighter and brought closer to her chest, her back was arched and her tail was flat on the ground, her entire body was shivering from terror " please, please, please...."

With one look, anyone could tell she was having a terrible breakdown

And Alpha was no deferent, he knew that whatever he said wouldn't get to her, and whatever he did would only make it worse

In the end, he desided to do what he does best, meditation.

He sat down cross legged and began exhausting his mana, he didn't have any clear objective this time, he just wanted to distract himself while waiting for Ignell to calm down

What he didn't know, was the side effect of his meditation on his surroundings, whatever skill he used, whatever spell he activated, he would need first to burn mana as a fuel to extract the energy needed for the activation

But just like any other fuel that produces smoke when burnt, mana produces something else called magicules

Although it's a by-product, magicules are very similar to mana, so similar that when a person absorbs mana from the air, they ends up absorbing magicules with it! resulting in there mana purity to be so low

But their true worth lies when a monster absorbs them.

While humans turn mana into magicules to power their skills, monsters turn magicules into mana to enhance their growth

And thanks to the huge mana pool Alpha has, the speed at which he produces magicules was tremendous

In a short period of time, the entire cave became saturated with magicules! So saturated that they started flowing into Ignell's body all on their own

And unlike humans that would suffer a drop in efficiency and power to their skills when they have too much magicules in their body, monsters react differently

As soon as enough magicules seeped into Ignell, her uncontrollable shivering stopped! her fear disappeared and her mind was cleared, once her body relaxed, she unconsciously got up

Now sitting straight with her legs folded neatly below her, she began taking deep breaths, slowly lifting her head until it was slightly facing up

With each breath she took, her body actively absorbed a bunch of magicules from the air

Now that everything had finally calmed down, they both continued doing what they were doing in peace

Until it happened!

{Congratulations! Due to the constant absorption of large quantities of high quality magicules, your body is now more in tune with the world}

Passive Skill : [breath of the world]

Apon hearing a weird unfamiliar voice speaking inside her head, Ignell quickly got up and started frantically looking around trying to make sense of what just happened

But, she wasn't the only one who heard something.

{Congratulations ! Your familier Ignell have aquired a world class skill, as a result, you as the tamer will get to share the same skill}

Passive Skill : [breath of the world]

With the authority given to you by the world, you will be able to tell the density of mana and magicules in a given area just by breathing.


World class skill detected: [breath of the world].

World class title detected: [One who seeks the peak].

The world gives you his attention!}

Hearing the same voice, Alpha wasn't as surprised, since he've been reseiving similar notifications all the time. Instead he was curious to see what's this all about


World's attention detected!

World class title detected: [One who sees the peak].

Communication with the world administrators is now possible}


Link with the administrators detected!

World class title detected: [One who reach the peak].

Congratulations! You've now been appointed as a world administrator!}

Title [world administrator]: you can now see, hear and feel everything that's going on around the world.

You can now send instructions to your loyal followers around the world in a form of oracles.


World class title detected : [world administrator].

World class title detected :[one who surpasses the peek].

The world is now aware of the true extent of your existence!

The world is now afraid of you!

The world is now submitting to you!}

Title [the world]: you can not be bound! space time magic aquired.

In just the span of a few seconds, Alpha was bombarded with countless notifications! and was reseiving world class titles and skills left right and center! and his reaction to all of that was "...meh"


if you liked this chapter then please consider leaving a comment, it really means a lot to me as a new novelist, cause I'm really worried that my novel isn't up to standers, and any kind of support will be highly appreciated.

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