
Daily School Life

The next day, the Academy scholarship results were released. As expected, I placed--

"Nowhere on the list. Not with your written exam score, anyway, but you should thank your good fortune. His Majesty heard about your magic examination." [Headmaster Bumblemore]

"So you say, but be honest. You sought me out. The King probably didn't hear *about* my magic, he directly heard my magic, didn't he? It made him nervous." [Tasou]

"Guh!" [Bumblemore]

Critical hit to bargaining position!

"Ahem. Regardless, His Majesty has graciously instructed me to offer you a scholarship position here at our prestigious Academy, despite your lack of qualifications, with the following terms." [Bumblemore]

He pulls out a sheet of paper and reading glasses.

"...His Majesty grants the applicant Tasou permission to live and study at the Royal Academy on the condition that he is not to disclose, demonstrate, or otherwise insinuate superior capability, magical or otherwise, than his peers." [Bumblemore]

He slides the glasses off.

"...In short, you are to be an average student, on your best behavior. Understood?" [Bumblemore]

"It sounds so gracious but it's really surveillance and house arrest!" [Tasou]

"How is every word out of your mouth so insulting!?" [Bumblemore]

"Unlike everyone else, I don't fear death!" [Tasou] <AN: Wao!>


"...And again, it is my great pleasure to welcome the Royal Academy's 70th--" [Bumblemore]

"Damn it!" [Tasou] <AN: off-by-one error is best error>

"--Class. We will begin our student induction with the traditional measuring ceremony. This year it is my great pleasure to introduce an Academy alumnus, one of our kingdom's court magicians, Keni, who will be overseeing the ceremony." [Bumblemore]

The new students are led to a table with a large crystal ball on it, and made to touch it one at a time. This is pretty bad. As I reach the front of the line, I desperately make eye contact with Bumblemore, and quizzically gesture towards the ball. Should I be touching this? I won't be able to hide the result. What if I break the device? He nods seriously.

"Next, please!" [Court Magician]

Damn, government surveillance again. Well, I'm sorry to everyone behind me if the measuring crystal cracks and doesn't work anymore. As I gingerly place my hand on t--


A massive blast wave reverberates across the auditorium and deafens me. The backblast knocks over everyone standing behind. As I slowly open my eyes and examine the room...

The part of the crystal ball touching my hand is intact, but the rest of it has exploded outwards, like a Claymore. The fragments have damaged the wall, and a part of it is demolished. Thankfully, there was no one in front of me.

Except for one very, very dead formerly court magician.

"Oh my god, I killed Keni!" [Tasou]

Bumblemore coughs and unsteadily rises to his feet. He pales as he looks at the measuring crystal. Then, he sees the destruction and voices a hoarse cry.

"Oh my god, you killed Keni!" [Bumblemore]

That line's been taken, fool!

But something's not right. Purple smoke is rising from the corpse, and the blood leaking out is similarly an intense violet. Almost like...

"No way, a demon!?" [Bumblemore]


"I see. A spy would explain a great deal of the demon army's recent advances. This is indeed a timely warning. Still..." [King]

The king looks at me. His throne is so unbearably flashy that I'm lowering my gaze just to avoid eye damage.

"...the fact remains that you killed a court magician. By law, you are to be executed. But hear my judgement, and know my mercy!" [King]

He leans forward.

"As you can see, the Demon Lord's forces grow more and more powerful. The land has need of exceptional individuals such as yourself to protect it. I shall spare your life, and give you the chance to earn redemption and glory! Prove to me with your achievements that this was the right choice!" [King]

"That sounds noble but it's so self serving!" [Tasou]

And just like that, I was conscripted to join the Hero's party.

<AN: did I allow him to enter school just to crack a Keni joke? Yes. Yes, I did.>