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Sports event was approaching. Students were filled with enthusiasm. But same couldn't be said for Mia. She was beginning to notice something that she didn't even wanted to imagine. Willy's infatuation for Sophia. Unknowingly, his eyes always followed Sophia. But the bitter part for Mia of this fiasco was that Sophia stared him back with a spark in her eyes. It seemed that whatever was between them, it was mutual.

Mia feared for the worst. She knew Willy never looked at any girl like that before. Even though her mind gave her the red flags, she wanted to deny it till the end.

During lunch, Mia and Jacob were sitting in the cafeteria, while Willy went to buy sandwiches and croissants for three of them. They were late for the lunch. Luckily they found a seat, but they wondered if they were lucky enough to buy the croissants as it was the fastest selling eatable in their cafeteria. Emerging from the mad crowd of students rushing to buy the lunch, Willy waved victoriously like he had won some war. Mia and Jacob laughed heartily at his gesture.

But what happened next rendered Mia with pale face. She watched how Willy went to Sophia's group and handed her one of the croissants he just bought. Sophia too smiled and thanked him. Jacob noticed Mia's reaction and understood something. He tried reducing the tense atmosphere by cracking a baseless joke but in vain. Mia was so shaken by Willy's act that she couldn't move.

When Willy came to their seat with 2 croissants and one brownie which he was offered in exchange of his croissant, Jacob hurriedly asked him," Why did you gave your croissant to her when you don't even let us take a single bite of your croissant?" Willy shrugged the question like it was not a big deal and said," Well I was in mood to eat brownie and turns out, those girls were unable to buy croissants as they were already sold out." But Mia knew better. She knew Willy never shared his croissant with anyone, not even with her.

Even though, croissant was no biggy, his gesture was. Her heart sank at this thought.

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