10 Lunchathon

From seeing what Sam did I'm guessing he probably wants to kill me or something, but I ain't afraid of some kid who calls me a toner or something.

I also got to know the my teacher for science was like super chill, so he was like totally chill about how me and Sam were on thin ice with each other,


Lunchtime folks now get the hell out of my classroom! And mason! ask others if you don't know where the lunchroom is!

Well that's helpful,

Shut up and leave me alone!

I could tell that the chill science teacher new something big was gonna happen, and crap! I guess Sam was waiting for me as he walked over grabbed my collar and said,

You will regret taking my spot!

I don't care cause no matter what I am not letting you push me around!

We were getting a crowd again and I guess he didn't want to be embarresd so he let go and walked away, but seriously I don't get him.

I did have to ask around but I did finally get to the lunchroom to be surprised by like every single person in the cafeteria showing me everything! To having a computation to who sits next to me, and as people were fighting to the death to sit next to me I could see Sam sitting with other girls and him and his gang just staring at me and now I wish I could just about zone out from reality for a minute.
