

Hate, utter hate is what I felt. Even after feeling numb for so long, i still hated the fact that he made me feel something even if it was hatred.

'You,' I said with a voice laced with so much venom it sounded foreign even to me.

'Yes me.' he replied a small smile dancing on his lips as if to taunt with the mere fact that he killed Zayn.I felt. Even after feeling numb for so long, i still hated the fact that he made me feel something even if it was hatred.

'You,' I said with a voice laced with so much venom it sounded foreign even to me.

'Yes me.' he replied a small smile dancing on his lips as if to taunt with the mere fact that he killed Zayn.

How can someone be so merciless as to kill another human being without a thought of what it would do to them let alone the life they just wasted . Won't the guilt of ending a life drive them crazy .

As I looked into the eyes of the man I once loved with every fiber of my being I couldn't help but feel disgusted by him .

' You're a monster you know that,' I tell him in a deadly calm tune. ' Every time i look at you, I can't help but feel sorry for you.' I end in a bitter way.

As if I had snapped something in him , his coffee brown eyes that once hypnotized me stared back at my hazel ones with so much intensity as his large frame of 6'5 loomed over me.

'You don't know me ,never have and never will so don't judge me as you see fit zuzu.' he said. That name was like a slap to my face .

'Don't call me that.' I told him ,'you lost the right a long time ago.' Even if it brought joy to my heart once all I felt was an empty void now.

Can you both stop it , yelled Trish . Dean ,what do you think your doing here, there isn't a drop of shame in your veins.

Watch it was all Dean said whilst looking at Trish with so much hatred ,making her petite body stiffen and her round large grey eyes widen in horror as if she knew something .

As she gulped down a large amount of saliva, she spilled out the words I never knew she was capable of saying.

' Am sorry, ' she said fear evident in her voice '. To say I was shocked was an underestimate.

Leave us, said Dean. ' I..I can't,' she said trying to sound brave. Right now he bellowed causing her 5'7 frame to cower before him.

She gave me an apologetic look before running down the pavement. I just watched her go in shock ,her black floral dress being the last thing I saw with her Brazilian weave bouncing as she ran.

Turning to the monster that was besides me , I let out a gasp when he yanked my hand so hard making me lose my balance.

'What is wrong with you, let me go.' but instead he held on tighter making me wince in pain.

Tears rolled down my face without me even knowing it. Is this what my life has come to, being at the mercy of a monster.

' It seems that after one month of leaving you alone, you forgot am your husband.' he reminded me in a dry tone as if those words were tiresome for him to put any emotion into them.

Him saying that made me realize the situation I was in, am still his wife. Dean and I got married two months before Zayn's death. A death he caused .

So what if am your wife, tell me is that supposed to be a threat. Are you going to kill me just as you killed your own flesh and blood. Your twin brother, a copy of you. I sneered.

He just stared at me blankly as if lost in his own thoughts.

'Zuzu,' he whispered suddenly his voice so thick with emotion that it momentarily knocked the breath out of me.

And just like that it was gone making wonder if it was just my imagination.

' Mama and Baba want you to move back with me, they feel you have had enough time to yourself.' he stated in a mocking tone.

I didn't have it in me to fight him so I just nodded, his parents don't know he killed his own brother making it pointless to argue with them.

I didn't have any evidence to accuse him with hence making him a free man plus the fact that he threatened to also kill Trish if I ever spoke a word to anyone except Trish knows what he did seeing as I told her.

Still holding on to hand , he pushed me forward making me stamble only to fall into a small pool of water.

As I was looking up, I saw my reflection for the first time in a month, my once bright hazel eyes looked so lifeless with bugs underneath, my pouty lips now looked so dry and my dark skin now so pale and broken not to mention my natural shoulder length hair left uncombed.

Standing up to my full height of 5'6 feet making sure to hold my head up high. I sent him a glare that would kill if it could.

I lost everything because of you but one thing you won't take now is my pride, so if u ever lay a finger on me it will be the last thing you do.' Got it I tell him.

And with that said I left the central cemetery leaving an olive dark skinned man with think eyelashes and brows standing with a scowl plastered on his face ,his sharp jawline the last I saw as it clenched in fury.

His suit that clang onto his body like a second skin and braided hair a sight I won't forget seeing as I have to move back to his house.


Honestly I don't 🙄😌even know if I wrote it well but that's why you guys are there to help so please vote😭 comment and Sharee😭😭😭

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