
How it started...

Author's note: Hello, before this chapter starts, I'd like to say that I may have some spelling errors and that this is my version of Tokyo Ghoul. Also this will have swearing, If your not comfortable with that I'd suggest you don't read this. Sorry, I just wanted to say that. Lets continue with the story.

'Hi, I'm Alex Right. I'm a pretty average kid in a pretty average word, Is what I would say... If it were true. My world is different, way different. There are these monsters called Ghouls and they take the form of a human, but couldn't be more different from one. They eat the flesh of humans and have these things called Kagunes, they are like their defense and attack, I'm not exactly sure but you get the point. Well anyways enough with discussing stuff, let me tell you about myself. As I said before I'm Alex Right. I only have one friend, his name is Jackson. I'm a book worm. My and Jackson are complete opposites, I'm honestly surprised we are friends. I'm in 11th grade (Junior) and I'm 16 years old. According to Jackson I'm scared of "Everything" which is a lie. I just am always alert and aware of my surroundings. Well anyways lets jump into the story.'

Alex was standing outside the school listening to Jackson while he was going on about the latest Ghoul reports.

Jackson: "Dude, did you hear? Apparently theres a new Ghoul gang and I bet-"

Alex: "I don't see why your so interested in Ghouls. I mean they eat humans for gods sake."

Jackson looked at him and smirked.

Jackson: "Your just scared."

Alex: "And your not? What if one came from behind you and ripped off your head and ate it?"

Jackson: "Ok, fine. I'd be a little scared."

Alex: "Exactly."

Alex checked his watch.

Alex: "Dam it! Sorry I have to go. I have a date with... someone in 20 minutes. See ya!" He waved and ran off.

He ran to his house, got changed in 3 minutes and after 15 minutes made it to the library.

Alex thoughts: 'Yes! 2 minutes to spare." Alex walked into the library and sat down waiting for his date. Exactly 2 minutes later a beautiful girl walked in. She looked to be 16 and was obviously a book worm.

Alex stood up and greeted her. "Hello. I'm glad to see you, Bella."

Bella walked in and was smiling sweetly. "I'm glad to see you to, Alex."

Alex lead her to a table and Bella followed. They talked and read for a while. After awhile, decided that they wanted to go home.

Alex: "Umm..." He looked at Bella, blushing slightly. "I would like to go on a second date with you. I-if thats ok!"

Bella: "I would love to go on a second date with you." She looked outside "On no..." She muttered.

Alex: "Is everything ok?"

Bella: "Ya. It's just, I just moved here and were I live has alot of Ghoul near it..."

Alex: "Don't worry, I can walk you home. It's the least I can do."

Bella: "Really?"

Alex: "Ya. Where's your house?"

Bella: "Right down this way." She pointed down the street. "Its a little far away."

Alex: "Thats ok."

They walked towards her 'House' and went into an alleyway.

Bella stopped and turned once Alex was in the middle of the alleyway. "You see Alex..." She walked closer to Alex and her voice was a little deeper. "I want you just as much as you want me..." She walked up to him and stopped when their noses were basically touching.

Alex: "R-really?!" He stuttered.

Bella: "Ya. Let me show it to you." Suddenly there was something red and long stabbing through his chest.

Alex instantly new she was a Ghoul. He screamed in pain and fell to the ground.

Bella: "Oh, right. Your not used to Ghoul claws. Don't worry, I'll make sure it won't hurt to much as my claws carve out your guts." She laughed and used her Kagune to sling him to the back of the alleyway.

Alex landed on his back "I'm so dumb!!" He yelled sitting and backing up, away for Bella. Who was running towards him.

Bella stabbed him again. Accidentally stabbing his lungs. "Dam... your already dead. Oh well, I'll just eat you then..." She started to bend down towards him but heard a large bang and crash and looked up. "Aaa!" She tryed to move but wasn't fast enough. "W-why... me..." And then she died.

To be continued...