16 1.16

When I reached the Winter Garden, I was slightly out of breath, but just in time to see Pytor crash through the shrubs and bushes, knocking branches and flowers astray. Oh, dear. Poor, poor Head Gardener. He was going to have a lot to clean up again.

I stepped through the branches and fallen leaves, careful to remain silent as I trailed Pytor from a distance. I cocked my head in mild surprise when I saw him head towards my secret hiding place in the Garden. What was he doing there? I tiptoed and got as close to Pytor as I could without being seen. I crouched down behind a bush and winced as a leaf merrily tickled my nose.

"I might have fooled her once, but I can't fool her again… I need to find and meet up with Darius soon. He'll know what to—but what if he rats me out? I heard he did that to his last informant—" Pytor was mumbling to himself until I stupidly stepped on a dry branch. The crack seemed to echo through the Garden as I stared wide-eyed at Pytor from behind the bush, waiting to see how he'd react.

He looked around wildly as his eyes seemed to scan every inch of grass and shrubbery. I held my breath and prayed that he hadn't seen me.

After what seemed like an eternity, he finally turned back around and continued mumbling to himself and gesturing at the air. I stared at him from behind the bushes, scrutinizing his every move and remembering every word said. My mind raced like a warhorse on a battlefield. Who in the great heavens was Darius? That was a rather foreign name, and I was pretty sure no parents named their sons 'Darius' here.

Yet, if Pytor was mentioning this Darius person, he—or she—had to be important, right? But what did Pytor mean by his 'last informant'? Talks of informants were usually bad news; nothing good ever came out of having 'informants'. Informants also hinted at secret, unhatched plots. I massaged my temples in dismay. Oh, dear. Why was everyone plotting something? I was pretty sure this wasn't my paranoia talking, but I continued to watch Pytor in thoughtful silence as he crashed his way back out of the Garden.


I squatted by the pond and stared at the frogs warbling away. Somehow, without me noticing, a few dozen cute tadpoles had decided to pop their way into existence, darting around the pond and bumping into the frogs every now and then. I chuckled to myself. All children were the same—be they tadpoles or human kids—all cheeky and overly active and driving their parents up the wall on their way to madness. I dipped my hands in the pond and swirled the water around my fingers as I thought. I could safely assume that whoever Pytor was talking to, he was not talking to anyone with good intentions—not in the slightest.

I groaned to myself. If this wasn't a bad omen, I didn't know what this was. Aye, I'm not the superstitious type, but what with Papa dying, finding out Pytor might be a possible traitor, and practically being unable to find sufficient pallbearers who wouldn't want to drop Papa's casket halfway through the funeral procession… well. Asking for everything to go my way would be too much to ask, but it'd be lovely if I could have a peaceful day in the palace for a change. But… since when was palace life ever peaceful, to begin with? I stood up and trudged back into the main palace building to go look for Mama. The funeral could wait—this could not.


I strode into the palace, my boot heels clacking against the tiles. The servants and lesser nobles bowed and curtsied as I marched past them. I usually acknowledged their presence, but I was in too much of a rush to talk to anyone. This was literally an emergency. I spun around a corner on my heels and walked headlong into a crowd of courtiers helping Mama. Wincing at the elbows bumping into my ribs and the sharp heels treading on my boots every now and then, I waded through the crowd and finally spotted Mama's bright red kokoshnik.

My eyes brightened and I pushed past one Duchess as I started to sprint towards Mama. Out of the blue, two guards stepped in between Mama and me, and I nearly crashed headlong into them. I skidded to a stop just in time and caught my breath before I tried to push past them, but the guards were like miniature Goliaths, not budging one whit.

"Mama! I have something urgent to say but they aren't letting me through!" I shouted.

Mama and her ruby kokoshnik spun around to face me, her mouth dropping into an 'O' when she saw her guards blocking me.

"Aside!" she called and they stepped aside smoothly. Their reactions, however, weren't so smooth when Mama decided to berate them for blocking me. Apparently, from what I heard, she had given them instructions to prevent anyone from getting near her… except me and Adrian. I chuckled as I watched the guards try to stammer their way out of their predicament.

"Mama, it's alright, really. They were just doing their jobs." I tried to calm Mama down.

"I had given them clear instructions, for Slyev's sake! How is it so hard to—ugh. Never mind." Mama shook her head wryly and turned to me. "You said you had something important to tell me, sweetheart?" She snapped her fingers at a nearby Lady for a bouquet of white flowers.

I nodded and cleared my throat. "Mama, this is private—I need to speak to you in private. I don't want anyone eavesdropping."

Mama sighed and tied the bouquet of flowers with another few bouquets before tying the whole bunch to a column before following me to a nearby hallway where it was more secluded. When I was certain we were all alone, I pulled Mama closer.

"Mama, the Regnistals found Pytor."

She raised her eyebrows in reply. "You dragged me away from funeral preparations just to tell me that?"

"But that's not all, Mama—" I began.

"What else, then?" Mama snapped somewhat impatiently. "I really don't have all day, Yul." I could sense her annoyance simmering below her cracking facade of patience.

"They found him near the state borders between Stanthern and Gwythyn, Mama. Apparently, he was seen coming out of an unmarked inn." I took a deep breath and barreled on, "I've already told Commander Skeylanovich to keep me updated and I'll update you in turn, Mama. Don't worry."

Mama frowned at me before she turned away in the opposite direction, with her hands on her hips. Finally, she turned back around with a thoughtful look on her face. "That's a… rather disturbing development, Yulia. What did Pytor have to say for himself?"

"He said the Regnistals kidnapped him, Mama."

She chuckled. "Is that the best excuse he could come up with? He came out with way better excuses when he was younger and decided to sneak down to the kitchens without me knowing." I smirked and shrugged.

"But in all honesty and seriousness… do keep tabs on Pytor. You're about to take the throne soon, Yulia. As your mother and the future Dowager Empress, I can't let anything happen to you that will affect your ability to take the throne." Mama paused and rubbed her chin. "I'll get my most trusted staff to track his whereabouts in the palace too. I can't have him wandering all over the place anymore."

I nodded in agreement. "You're wise, Mama," I beamed at her and she chuckled, blushing.

"I learned from the best, Yulia. I'm just utilizing what your grandmother had taught me at your age," Mama smiled at me and continued, "Now, the flowers aren't going to hang themselves, so I need to head back. In the meantime, get the list of pallbearers together and give it to me when you're done… and keep an eye on Pytor. No need to reiterate the last part, do I?"

I nodded my head firmly. I might screw up getting sufficient pallbearers, but I wasn't going to let Pytor get away with whatever he had been doing behind our back. I watched as Mama stalked back towards the half-decorated columns and the crowd of courtiers, where she disappeared quickly within seconds. I took a deep breath and went to find Patrina. I needed her help as soon as possible. The sooner, the better… as they all always say. Pytor was my priority now, and time was most definitely not on my side this once.

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