
Together We Will Touch The Stars

When you find strength to rise up, you can find happiness. Lin Ya is the idol of millions of people in the nation. She is the most successful business woman of her age! The only thing is, that her physical figure is off the radar! This changes on her 25th birthday, when she reveals herself to the world and catches the eyes of every person in the country. A beauty with brains, she will fight for herself and her people. Enter Qin Jie. He understands the benefits of hard work and even rules one of the biggest business empires in the world. He sees her decides that she is the singular direction of his life. She has a past, but he wants to be her present and future. No big misunderstandings, no rape and no evil stepsisters. Also no overbearing, overly narcissistic male lead. Just sweet romance! Some tragic events but with happier endings. This story is like 110% fluff. I am sticking to a pretty straight, feel good story line! Please recommend to others hehe. Cover picture is not mine! All credit to creator :) Authors Note: I am not a huge fan of thousand chapter singular stories. It can get tedious and so, what I might do if I continue the series, is create multiple books via different volumes... but only time will tell... **NOTE: This is an original. If you see it anywhere other than webnovel, please do not support it. Updates 2-3x a week :))

abby_123 · Urban
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13 Chs

Who is the Person Behind the Mask?

For a long time, Qin Jie has been wondering who truly operates LY enterprises. It is a widely known fact that the CEO and founder wants her identity to be kept private. For what reasons? Nobody can really figure it out. Even him himself can not find out who the mysterious woman behind the curtain is. However, just the thought of her makes his heart start to pound a little harder. An unparalleled lady whose newly formed business thrived against all odds. All while keeping her identity in the dust.

A knock on the door to the office snaps Qin Jie out of his thoughts. Pan Huan, his best friend and assistant is holding a golden envelope with two words on the front. 'Gala Invitation.'

"It is from the LY enterprises. For her 25th birthday, she is going to show her face to the public for the first time. The only catch is that the party is a masquerade ball. Formal attire is required." Pan Huan sounds eager because he, as much as anybody, wants to know the identity of LY's CEO.

"I will attend."Qin Jie nods his head in approval. The corners of his mouth tilt up as he sees right through the facade. It seems as if the CEO of LY is going to be playing games with the guests at the party before revealing her true self. Clever.


At the Lin residence

"Uncle, Auntie, why do I have to reveal myself to the public?" Lin Ya confronts her relatives who are sitting on a large sofa, drinking their tea. They don't seem surprised by her interruption.

"Xiao-ya, you haven't had a boyfriend and you have been spending too much time in your office. We can not let the Lin family name die out with such a capable girl. Additionally, you got to pick the theme of the party and are allowed to pull your tricks before your reveal. Is it not enough?" Uncle Lin's voice is soft but holds reasoning. Lin Ya sighs.

"I understand uncle, it's just that I don't think that I am ready." Lin Ya pouts a little bit but her family members are unperturbed.

"When would you think that you would be ready then, huh?" Auntie Liu breaks in with her soft voice and Lin Ya knows that she has been defeated. There is really no reason that she can't reveal her face to the public. She is not ugly, she doesn't have powerful enemies and she is even the number 1 bachelorette of the nation.

"Fine. When is the party going to be held?" Lin Ya sighs again as her uncle and aunt share a knowing look.

"On your birthday day. And we already set out the invitations." the last part makes Lin Ya's eyes widen.

"Who did you invite? Are there going to be a lot of people? I--" Uncle Lin's raises a hand to break off her worries and nervous rambling.

"We invited 50 people. They are all parts of prominent families and can help boost your company even above the national level. All of them will have the opportunity to bring one other person." Lin Ya looks downward

"I can boost my company on my own," she grumbles to the floor. Her eye aversion indicates, however, that she is submitting to the whole idea of this crazy party.

"Now, do you want to go and practice martial arts?" Uncle Lin says knowing that this will cause an instant 180 in Lin Ya's spirits and he is right. Her eyes light up and she runs upstairs to change into athletic clothes.

Lin Ya is a martial arts prodigy. Under her uncles watch, she has mastered four different types of fighting for self defense and for protection. These are kung fu, karate, muay thai, and MMA. Lin Ya is a double black belt in karate, kung fu and muay thai while she has reached one of the highest levels in MMA.

Lin Ya took up martial arts as a way to vent from stress and work affairs. Uncle Lin is proficient enough to teach her the basics of all of these martial arts while she hired a trainer for herself to reach her current level.

There is a home gym inside of the Lin house which Lin Ya prances into, dressed in Karategi [1]. Uncle Lin comes inside with two swords, gloves, and a stick.

"Where do you want to start?"he asks and Lin Ya doesn't hesitate to answer with "Karate!"

Due to her proficiency at the sport, Lin Ya is able to use a large, heavy sword in her attacks which has not only trained her muscles, but her willpower and determination.

After 2 hours of brutal practice in all four arts, Lin Ya is exhausted. She lies on the floor, panting as Uncle Lin fetches some water for both of them. He hands her a cup as she sits up. The sweat on her only further makes her pale skin glow and the flush of the exercise adds a sweet rosy color to her cheeks. Lin Ya is truly a goddess even without trying.

[A/N: she looks amazing so effortlessly like how]

[1] Name of Karate uniform

I will give you guys a full body description of both characters very soon (in the dressing room for Lin Ya!). This party mentioned earlier is going to be quite interesting! Please vote, comment and share this story!

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