

Back in Mystery City, Royal village, inside the Royal Palace dinning room. Prince Whittaker was standing near one of the windows facing the sun. As he listen to the commotion going on with the two royals of Dream Realm. It was chaos and all of this started when one of them brought up the idea of who should rule over the 5 kingdoms of Mystery City.

Lilia, a small 10 year old girl said she should take over Music City. Since she likes music and snow, but Prince Whittaker knew the actual reason why she wanted to rule over that kingdom. Although Music City was a minor kingdom, it was the biggest out all the 4 kingdoms and it would be bigger if the Dancers Village join them. Of course, this all happen because the queen of Music City had a grudge against the ruler of the Dancers Village.

Farton, a middle age man of "50 years" exclaimed to Lilia, "And why would anyone want a little girl to rule of their Kingdom!! Ha!! What a joke."

Lilia: "Well at least I am not old and don't smell!!"

Farton: "..."

Lilia looked satisfied with her remark because she knew that this old man wasn't smart enough to come with a comeback. As she smirk at this thought, she remembered that someone important was here. So she quickly brought up her best smile and turned around to look at the window were Prince Whittaker was. Her smile didn't last that Long because as soon as she turned around Prince Whittaker wasn't their.

Farton, who was behind Lilia laugh out and said "Who are you looking for little girl?" As a smile appeared on his old face.

Lilia' s quickly turn into a look of frustration

As she turn around to face Farton, with an angry look on her face. She never expected to find Prince Whittaker standing behind her. This made her heart beat rapidly, as she started to become nervous. She looked at him in the eye with an awkward smile and said "Umm,...Hi."

Prince Whittaker looked at her indifferently and said "Lilia, love isn't a game. I know all about your past. So quit looking at older man and find someone from your age."

Lilia looked even more awkward than she already was and she awkwardly said "But Whittaker, you know I am an immortal. It's only appropriate to marry someone older?"

Whittaker: "Then why don't you marry, Farton?"

Farton who was looking at the show from behind, was calmly drinking wine. When he heard what Whittaker said, instead of spitting out his drink. He was in the middle of swallowing when he accidentally swallow his wine all at one. Causing him to choke and feel the burning pain of his organs drowning.

As he cough, he looked at Whittaker and said "Prince... Whit.. taker.." he cough as he struggled to speak. He hold onto his throat with his right and with his left he signal for them to pause for a moment. He continued to cough, as he fell to the ground coughing more. Lilia looked at Farton with amusement and confused all at the same time. While Whittaker just looked at him with a blank expression on his face.

Farton kepted coughing loudly as his face began to turn from red to green. That's when he began throwing up on the ground. Lilia was disgusted by the scene, that she grab onto one of the table cloth near her and throwed it over Farton. Whittaker just picked up a cup of water and began drinking it.

When Farton finish throwing up, he picked up the cloth on his back, stood up and began wiping his mouth. Then he took off his coat, revealing his muscaluer arms. Once he finish adjusting himself, with a serious face he looked at Whittaker straight in the eye. Whittaker just calmly looked at Farton as he drank his cup of water, waiting for his response.

Farton: "Geez!! Not even worried that I might died Prince Whittaker?"

Whittaker: "I'm just helping the world eliminate another idiot."

Farton was a bit surprised by Whittaker coldness. As he stared dumbfoundly at Whittaker, it took him 5 seconds to regain his thoughts back together. Farton said "Whatever. I was just saying." As he pouted.

Whittaker: "..."

Farton: "Anyways!! I'm just going to say this once. First, I am not old!! You both know the rules of beginning an immortal!!"

"Oh really!? I never understood all this immortal thing, Farton!! Why don't you explain to us the rules?" Lilia said as she looked at Farton with a mocking expression.

Farton turn his head to sneered at Lilia, then he looked back at Whittaker who looked unfazed by everything. He calmly drank his water. Farton looked at him with amazement and then continued, "Who cares!? I don't have time to explain (referring to Lilia). Anyways, 50 years is still young not even close to middle age!!"


"You know that some people live to at least 1,000 years and you live even more if your an immortal. At this point Lilia is at least 46 years old!!"

(Double Oops)

"Then why do you call me Little Girl!!" Lilia exclaimed furiously.

Farton looked at her and said "Because, you look like one." This infuriourate Lilia even more. Before she was able to express her angry, Farton said, "Well moving on, second I would never marry a witch! Third, I don't smell!! And fourth I don't even looked old!!."

When Farton said this fact, Whittaker had to admit he had a point. Although Farton was 50 years old, he still looked like he was a 15 year old an athlete or farmer, etc. He was tan a dark color and was very fit. He looked like someone's dream athlete boyfriend. His hair a nice dark color and red eyes.

Lilia skipping all the other reason and focusing on the second one and said. "Well I wouldn't marry a night crawler, either"

Farton: "Oh yeah!! Well at least I don't suck people's souls!!"

Lilia was so furious she randomly said "At least my name is better than your's!! If you were to take off the 'O' & 'N' on your name, it would spells Fart!!"

Whittaker, no longer being part of the conversation. Silently stared at Lilia's and Farton's little battle. As he saw how the battle escalated, until it end up with who had a stronger gut. Leading to both of them passing out on the ground with bottles in the arms. Whittaker, seeing that none of the other royals were coming. Found no reason to stay, so he ask the servants to take Lilia and Farton to the hospital. As he walked to his car, his assistant walked up to him and said "Prince Whittaker you have an appointment with Ms. Snosáes. Would you like to head to the hospital?"

Whittaker looked at his assistant and said "No, I have important matters to deal with. Come, get inside the car, we're going to visit the Kingdom of Eclipse."

"Of course." Lan said as he went to the passengers seat and quietly observed the activity going on outside.

As Whittaker was heading out through the villages main roads, that were now empty, he didn't realize someone was following him until they hit his car. Vearing it off the road and crashing into one of the building in the village. This cause a huge commotion at night that the villagers woke up and began running like crazy. Only one person that had their mind in the right place called the ambulance.

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