
When Did The Misfortune Fall?

Somewhere far away, on a hill stood a gorgeous women with a face of a warrior. She had vibrant brown eyes. She was tall and glorious. Her brown cinnamon hair that tied in a pony tail, while two strands of lay on ethier side of her face. Her flowing the wind. She wore amour that weighted like clothes. As she stood on top of the hill. She quietly observed the scene that unfold below her. The battlefield sure was a interesting scene to look. She watch as the dark shadows were slowing approaching the city.

"29?" The sweet voice of small girl resounded from behind her. She turn around and with a cold voice she said "Don't call me 29. I have a name."

Upon hearing her response, the small girl knew she wasn't going to get the answer she wanted. The small girl said in a mature voice "Fine! If you want to keep believing in him. I won't try to continue trying to convince you. Since it will a waste of my energy!!" The small girl sneered at the women in front of her. To small girl, she nothing but another puppet their father was using.

"Don't let me find you being like this to your younger sister, 10." A voice of man came from behind the two girl and when they turn around they saw who it was.

"13" The small girl said with disgust in her voice.

13: "Why do you always say my name like it's some kind of curse?"

All the small girl was hiss at his words. The women behind the small girl said in a serious expression, "How is it going down there, on your side?"

13: "Not so good Fileina, 12 them have already been corrupted. 5 hero remain. What about you 10?" 13 said in a lazy voice as he turn to look at 10. The small girl hissed again and finally said, "The entire village has gone down to flamed and ashes. 532 villagers reported dead. 23 corrupted. 58 injured and 5 remain in normal conditions. Do you still choose to believe in him. 29?" 10 said in a provoking way.

Fileina(29): "I'll still stand by my word 10."

13: "I wouldn't if I were you but I guess it's the best option you have because if you go against him. You will be one of his failures too and death will come."

10: "I rather died then help scheme against this world."

13: "10 has a point"

Fileina(29): "I don't believe in you that he would do something like this but I will tolerate both of your existance in this world." She said with unhappiness in her tone as she looked at both 10 & 13.

13: "That's sad Fileina, because both me and 10 want to help, but you won't let us."

10: " That's because she thinks too highly of herself because she has the privilege of a name. 13, we both know that those who don't have a name are consider enemies with him."

13: "Well, why don't I have a name!? I never did nothing to offend dad!?!?!"

After hearing this kind question come out of 13's mouth. 10 rolled her eyes and thought to herself " Aren't you the who try to kill the key holder because he flirt with one of are sisters and you even fell in love with one of them.


Fileina(29): "It doesn't matter what he does. He is are father and I am willing to do whatever he ask me to do. Even if it cost the lives of a few thousand people."

10 sneer at her response and said "More like few billion lives."

Fileina(29): "What you mean?"

10: "The so called justice Fileina!! Ha!! What a joke, you don't even know what is going on with your people!! 13!! Report to are beloved and disgraceful Fileina the 29, of what's going on." 10 said with pure hatred.

13 who was silence for a while was worry because they had promise Nick not say anything to her. 10 being impatient shouted, "13!!" With a concern look on his face he finally got to his senses and reported to Fileina.

13: "Fileina the 29. In the town of Lorani it was reported to sent help. 262 dead 36 corrupted 21 injured and 3 remain normal conditions.

Land of the 10 Waterfalls was reported with 29,472 dead 983 corrupted, 57 injured and 29 remain normal conditions. This report includes Land of Abandon Dolls, Land of Knowledge, The 8 Cabins, the Spring valley and Hunger Land Fill Wish, all together. Then, there is the reported on Winter mountain kingdom they were lucky to have 127 dead, 23 corrupted, 40,025 injured, 371 died during treatment, since are they lessen in resources and 375 remain normal conditions. Forgotten Village city lost to much. They reported 20,154,946 dead, 12 corrupted, 34 injured, and 2 remain normal conditions. Music City was much worse since the have large amount of land and are surrounded by the dark forest. They reported 419,352,362,521 dead, 18,471 corrupted, that they had to abandon on the route toward Water City shield, Fileina, all corrupted people were abandon since they couldn't pass the shield, 16,372 injured, they are being healed inside the Diamond Palace. 5,829 remain normal conditions. Wonder City because of its closeness to the dark forest. They send us a recuse signal, when.we arrived no survivor was found and we also found..."

Upon seeing 13's hesitation, both 10 and Fileina started the get concern of the situation. Fileina seeing the hesitation, she had some kind a guess what it was, but she hope it wasn't true. 10 being impatient could no longer stand the 12 seconds of silence, shouted "What in world the did your troops found!!!"

13, being startled by 10's action he turn toward Fileina and said "We found the entrails of children and many women that were laying on the floor with their stomachs open wide. The child inside was obviously removed."

Fileina(29)&10: "What!?!"

Both Fileina and 10 didn't expect this plot twist. Talk about turn of events, they both started to wonder who would do such a heartless things. Taking the life of innocent.

13: "According to the report there were 27,163

corpses on the floor in the throne. They...they found Risa, Queen of Wonder Palace, dead on her throne cover with blood and in her mouth were body parts of.....dead children's."

Now to this was even more of a surprise because she guess that Risa would died but never the fact that she committed murder. 10 thought the same but then an idea came to her.

10: "Corruption."

Fileina(29)&13: "..." Both of them were stun at what 10 had said.

10: "I mean, how long have we been fighting these things and still don't know what they cause. My guess is that they make wishes that can't be fulfilled. Like you had a bad day and solve it in a brutal way."

13: "Why would I solve my problems in a brutal way? I rather just talk about it."

Fileina couldn't stand it anymore with 13's stupid words and decided to smack 13 on the head, "No!! You, idiot!! She means the delusional way!!"

13: "Oh!...That makes sense."

10: " I sometimes feel like droping you off a cliff. Anyways, I remember you once told me Risa lost her child and she thought if she connected it to her organ and place it back to the position it was, it would live. Right?"

Fileina(29): "Correct. What about it?"

10: "I believe the corruption made her believe if she ate the body parts of children's her child would come back."

13: "But, how did she died?"

Fileina(29): "The answer is obvious, gluttony"

10: "Yes, she ate more then she had to. Causing her to suffocate or Fileina, did you know blood is poisonous to the human body if we drink it? Well at least if we drink to much."

Fileina(29): "No? Why do you ask?"

13 who was standing on the I sidelines finally said a word of wisdom.

13: "Your saying, she couldn't have died from eating body parts because it's less likely to happen and from the reported they were newborns. Even if they were some children then the corruption might have helped with the digestion. Knowing how blood taste. Surfer, iron, and metal. If a human were to drink half a gallon of blood. They would died because of the elements that blood contains. Am I correct?"

10: "Very good."

Fileina(29): "So in others word the corruption fulfills your desires."

10: "Yes. So 13 what are the other reports?"

10 said as she looked at 13 and waited for the next piece of news.

13: "Right. Queen Eira from the Music Palace and Sira from the Royal Palace were also found dead. Eira was strangled to death by mysterious creature. Same with Sira, her body was torn apart to pieces."

10: "What about their husbands?

13 closed the reports book and look at 10 with an expression of amusement, "We didn't find any of them, but we found Risa's husband body hanging on a tree inside the dark forest."

10: "Great just what we needed. Backstabbers and now the Licas sisters are dead. Just perfect!!!"

Fileina looked at 10 as she saw how she was slowly her mind. Fileina thought for a while before coming to a decision."13, 10. I have an idea of how to restored everything but it will cost the lives of many people. Of course what I am doing will be temporary. As key holder to Dream Realm I have the ability to give up on my position but it's a risky step because not everyone can endure the affect. Are you two willing to let me try?"

10: "Fileina...dad will murder you. Not only that, we'll lose the balance of the world. How will we communicated with other world? We can't cross the dark forest. At least not all of us." It really surprised Fileina that for the first time 10 had spoken to her in such a sweet caring tone that was simply concern for her younger siblings.

10: "Fileina, I already seen many died before you. Please, not you. I beg you not to give your life away." As 10 said this, she fell to ground and started to cry like the small child she was. Of course to 10, she wasn't good with emotion, so the moment she felt the pain in her heart. She immediately fainted, she would've hit her head on the ground if it weren't for 13's fast reaction. Fileina was shocked from what she saw, someone as strong as 10 still fainted because she controll the pain in her heart.

Fileina(29): "13, How many have died in dad's hands?"

13: " You'll be the 29th to died. Fileina are you sure?

Fileina(29): "I'm sure, take care of 10."

13: "I will." As he saw Fileina leaving he suddenly had an idea!! "Fileina!! When you go back home!! Try to hide from dad and write a letter!! Place it inside the book, I am not sure if it will work but let it doesn't repeat!!!" He shouted from a far and in Fileina heart she made a bow that once this was over she would find them.

Many thing happen in December. Many died but life's didn't go in vain for they sacrifice themselves to save Dream Realm. The different worlds of many places were cluster to a small planet. All this happen in a year. Orla had passed away, as she was one of the ones that sacrifice their life's. Winter was one of them too.