

2,342 yearlings later, after everything went back to normal. Many believe that Dream Realm would maintain its peace few 12 more decades. Nobody new that it would last for a few moments.


As Idalia sat on her couch. She was watching the news.

"Today, Walt as you can see behind me. Many loyal fans of Prince Whittaker are excited to see the prince. After all its been years since he return to visit Mystery City!!! The city of Royals as we speak he is now heading to The Royal Palace to go meet with the new queen and king to hold their plans of actions to defend are beloved world!!" the reporter in T.V announce excitedly.

All Idalia did was stare blankly at the T.V since she supposedly didn't really care about this prince or anything else.

"Hey!! Idalia, stop moping at the T.V"

Amaryllis who had just return from work. Couldn't stand the sight of Idalia looking so depress. So she walk over toward the couch and pick up the remote and turn off the screen in front of Idalia. Amaryllis had a scolding expression on her face. As she place her hands on her hip, she looked at Idalia with a sharp look.

Idalia sign and spoke with her hands. Spelling "I'm bored." Amaryllis sneered at her and said

"If your bored!! Then do something! Cleaning the house, wash the dishes, mop, or take a walk!! What are you doing watching T.V!!!"

Idalia said nothing but sign language the words. "You're too loud and I was too tired to do chores. So I am watching T.V since it's easy to do. You just stare."

Amaryllis sign in relief and said "You're having night shifts. So you should be sleeping and not watching T.V."

Idalia looked at Amaryllis and sign language "I can't hear you." with a smile on her face.

"What do you mean, you can't hear me!? You can at least read my lips!!"

Idalia: "You were mumbling."

Amaryllis: "Then fine, I won't talk to you anymore!! Your always complaining!! Amaryllis, you're too loud.

Amaryllis, you're too quiet.

Amaryllis, you're mumbling!!

So you know what!? From now on I will just talk to you with my hands!!"

Idalia, who looked quiet happily sign, "Amaryllis, your hands might get shaky when you speak in sign language because your just to anrgy. You won't be able to express yourself. You have to be calm." With a bright smile on her face.

Amaryllis: "Sorry, I didn't see your hands. Can you repeat that with 'your own words'?"

Idalia: "..."

Amaryllis: "Oh righttt. You can't speak! Mute!!"

Idalia, once again smile at this fact because she thought even if she did speak, they would still need sign language to communicate or at least lip reading. Idalia then decide to sign the words "Even if I did speak, you wouldn't be able to hear me. So it's pointless because if I did speak I was planning on talking to you with my back!! Don't forget your deaf."

Amaryllis face turn red and then shouted. "Idalia, it's time to stop chatting!! You should get ready for your night shift."

Idalia sigh and then looked at the clock at the corner of their house. It was already time. Idalia looked back to tell something to Amaryllis but she already headed towards her bedroom. She walked in the room and loudly close the door. Meaning she didn't want to be bother.

With that, Idalia stood up and went to change into warm clothes and headed out, towards the hospital she worked at, Hope.

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