
A Distant Dream

When the night is silent, a beautiful song is played throughout the night. It presents the peace of the world, the calm, and sheild. Somewhere inside the music kingdom. 53 people, all carrying different instrumemts. Reunited at the center of the kingdom to play their annual concert. The lead player was a women of the age of 26. She was the women on the piano. The one that sat at the center of all the musicians, the one and only one that had her dreams taken. A soft melody came from the instrument and presenting the dreams of those that sleep calmly at night. A lullaby that place everyone in an enchanting sleep. The moment she finish her beginning piece, various different kinds of instruments started to play like fireflies reaching towards the sky. The song was sad but peaceful, presenting the pain of all the ones that sacrifice their dreams to bring peace in this world, is was a special fact about the musicians of Music City. Their music had the ability to express more than one emotion. They played till dawn and when dawn came the music slowly came to a stop. Like a dandelion being flown cross the field, as it slowly vanished from ones sight. The women on the piano and all the other musicians let out a sigh and begin a small prayer to those that were no longer here. Those that finish their prayers before the other, bowed inkoo respect and left the center. This process continued, like when autumn lets nature fall. Just like tree's losing its leaves. Only difference was this tree's leaves where destine to reunite one more time.

When everyone was gone, the last to leave was the pianist. She patiently waited for someone. As she sat on what someone would call a wheelchair. A figure appear from the dark and slowly began to approach the pianist. When the light of dawn struck at the figure, the image of a women with cane for the blind appeared. Although she was 23 years old, she looked old, strands of white hair appeared visible on the surface. If someone saw that this, they would cry in pain because someone as young as her has gone through the stress of life. Something that no young person should go through. To them this was like a knife to the souls for those that lived a calm life

As the blind women approach the pianist with careful step, she silently approach the center. Her only destination, was to reach for the handles on the wheelchair and when she achieved her goal, she looked at the women pianist with blank stare. Then, both her and pianist bowed down facing the piano, like the piano presented the souls of those that had pass away and were no longer here.

Then silently the blind woman push the wheelchair away from the center and when they were 70 meters away. The blind women ask the pianist "Where do want to go next, Autumn?"

As, Autumn silently looked off to the distant. She stared at the gates in front of her. They had small figures of people dancing happily as they play their instruments. She looked at it for a while and then, with one word she respond to the blind women's question and said "Home"

The blind women understood and began to push Autumn's wheelchair toward the exit of Music City. As they headed out of Music City. They pass by the beautiful buildings that express themselves with creativity, as they glow like jewels at night and day. The people of Music City began to attend their daily chores and habits and as they left the city that was fill joy and peace. The blind women and the pianist headed toward the entrance of the Village of Dancers.

When they reached the gates, Autumn stoped the blind women and said "Take me to the hill and please avoid all the villagers. The least thing I need is them attacking you."

The blind women said nothing but began to walk the perimeter of the village and came to a stop at one of the hills near by. She gently push the wheelchair towards the top and when they were 5 meters away from the edge she stop. Autumn, stared silently at the village underneath her. This place was her home, a place she could never return to, because to

them she was a disgrace, a child that couldn't dance was not acceptable. Sold to a family that came to visit at night, when she was 5. Taken to a place of labor and punishment, and when she had lost the hope of ever returning home. A blind came to her and said, "Little Autumn who has fallen from her dream. I will grant you, your wish but not in the way you want it to. You must give something of value in return. To dance or home?"

Autumn remember the first day she met the blind women and she understood what she meant. To Autumn dancing was a hopeless dream that wouldn't get her nowhere out of the pain she suffered. Home was her only wish now. That was the same day Autumn couldn't stand up or walk no more. She lost her dream, a dream she wanted to complete, so she could make her parents proud but it was pointless now because she no longer had a family. When she made her wish, the blind women took her away from the prison she had lived in for 13 years and told Autumn "I will take you to place of music near to one of the entrance to the Village of Dancers. There you would go by the name of Autumn and will forever be called Autumn. Your name is no longer yours, as you gave away what value the most to you in the beginning."

Autumn had nodded to her response and didn't complain because to her she was a hero. A hero that gave her chance to live free.

Remembering the past made cry tears of mixed emotion, as she silently said to the blind women. "Orla. Thank you for everything you had given me. If it weren't for you I'd be dead 9 years ago." Orla the blind women stayed silent for 19 seconds and then with a smile on her face she said, "I should be thanking you, or else I wouldn't be here if it weren't for you."

"I guess you have a point" Autumn smiled at the fact that they both help one another and so it meant they owe nothing to each other, but they were just too grateful. That, what they gave was nothing compare to each other's sacrifice. Orla gave her freedom, so Autumn could live peacefully and Autumn gave her legs, the one that she used to walk with so Orla could walk. Leaving her legs numb forever.

As the two young women stared at the sun rise, a smile appeared on their faces. Both of them really gave their dream for each other. As the sky bloom with colors, Orla push the wheelchair away from the cliff's edge. The two return to Music City, to begin their daily cycle.

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