

Today the rain is heavy and all the subway station is jammed there are not a single person on the sight and I started crying and thinking of my poor parents who had lost all their property , finance everything by his own assistant.

suddenly one car stopped infront of me and taken me away with them and asking if I am okay at that time I brust into crying heavily infront of them and didn't stop crying until I was on someone's arms and realised where am i and started shouting then one man came from the car and told me" madame you are here on the sky heaven mantion one of the world leading house in the country".

After listening my mind was blank and when I open my eyes I stared into the photo above and started shouting how I got into the house and how my dress changed ? "miss my name is cate the master took you home and I changed your dress when you were unconscious and slept for one day and now you should drink some soup the doctor said you lack nutrition so drink the soup quickly and come downstairs the master is waiting for you.

Next chapter