

Surprise is quite an understatement.

Course ebony shafts of something disgustingly hard deftly rummaging inside my mouth scrapping along my teeth, the eerie curiosity of it was enough to induce a forceful rejection of the charcoal sludge that crept down my throat at some point.

*gushing noise*

The spines that were rubbing inside me, carefully pulled out and lifted me like a toddler, in one swift movement I was on my knees; spewing with my nose practically in the (slightly)maroon dirt; patted on the back by said things, phallic in nature. The guttural expulsion of the viscous slime continued until the last congealed drop wormed its way out its temporary home, a concerned click tapped from the space near my shoulders: the sound was like a broken clock decided to merge with a copper pipe, in a way that would make Sigmund Riefler shudder.

What was behind me wasn't a unstable clockmaker but some large spider. Gnashing at me, it turned curiously to better look into my soul as if it was searching for the meaning of my fear leaden eyes.

"*uck(!)" The thing wiggled after gazing through me, and i reeled back in horror, maybe a quite shriek like and old slasher flick stiffened on my oily face.

What happened next wasn't a quick mauling from a ravenous Harpactirinae but an odd yellow note glide in from above, only to land between the spiders red obsidian eyes; it said 'A little gift from me to you, au revoir, adieu'.

Ooooooh, i wonder? That note is familiar.

If you can see a cat in the cover, don't be afraid to comment. There could be some more i the future ~pics, not other things.

HiddenWhalecreators' thoughts