
My name is L------

District 10.

This district was well known for its insecurity.

But since Kanaru came to this district, the crime rate dropped considerably.

Kanaru sent abandoned children from this district to district 13 or other places where there are orphanages.

Kanaru donated money to these orphanages.

In this district were the ashes of Karui...

And in this district was Kanaru's first hideout.

In this district was a very peculiar place.

This place was hidden underground.

This place was not hermetically sealed like Kanaru's hideout in District 11.

This place had doors and a ventilation system.

But no one could find this place.

That was due to the lethal and non-lethal traps that Kanaru created in the only entrance to this place.

This was the first hideout Kanaru created and the place where he created his equipments.

Kanaru reappeared with a white flash in this hiding place.

Around him were weapon blueprints, but there weren't many weapons around him.

Most of the weapons were stored in his world.

Of course, there were also other kinds of equipments around, but most of them were in the process of being created or in the second hideout in district 11 (medical room).

In this place Kanaru created his elegant white suit and Kakine's 'locator'.

Kanaru created this place immediately after the events of the Dark Matter Project.

He went to a gray door.

Around him were also autonomous cleaning robots that he created himself.

Kanaru opened the gray door.

But before entering there, Kanaru stopped.

A white substance separated from his body and little by little that white substance took the shape of a human.

It was an identical copy of Kanaru's, including his clothes.

Kanaru didn't like wearing clothes made of Dark Matter because he felt like 'being naked', but for the clones it was a completely different case.

Kanaru gave him his black headphones to that clone who was standing still.

"Shadow 1 awareness activated" Kanaru said those words firmly.

'My ability -Mental Out- is now at level 4, it is much stronger than when I fought Accelerator, at least I can do this.' Kanaru thought.

The 'Shadow' in front of Kanaru blinked.

The 'Shadow' sighed upon seeing Kanaru's face.

"So, I'm the fake... wait... why do I feel this way?" 'Shadow' seemed to be surprised by something.

Everything around him was different from the perception of him before.

"That state feels different right?" Kanaru said in a seemingly envious tone.

'Shadow' nodded.

"Yes… now I don't have mathematical calculations in my head all the time, I don't have to concentrate my mind to use all my abilities because I don't have any, I also don't have to be aware of the thousands of insects, ah… wait, still I control three of them… I feel human once again, I only feel this way when I'm with Misaki." He said 'shadow' in a happy tone. Then he saw Kanaru and kept talking

"But I don't understand why... I feel like there are gaps in my head..."

Suddenly, Kanaru touched his own stomach with his left hand.

After a while, a translucent white sphere with 3 small lights inside appeared in the palm of his right hand.

"That is..." "Shadow" was surprised, but he understood Kanaru's intention.

That white sphere pierced 'Shadow''s stomach, but there was no injury to his body.

"Dark Matter as the center, Recovery to level 2 as support, Railgun to level 3 to avoid the nanobots and you've all my Fantasy World." Kanaru muttered.

Kanaru gave part of his abilities to 'Shadow' with the exception of the ability -Fantasy Word-, that ability was given to 'Shadow' completely.

"I'll do that… it just takes me one more step to complete that grimoire and defeat that clone of god. But that is not enough, what will follow next? The real body of that magic god? A stronger god? I need to be stronger and that's where you come in." Kanaru said.

"I don't understand..." 'Shadow' said.

"The ability -Fantasy World- is the weakest of my abilities, you must level up that ability, if possible, to level 5, that way we'll reach level 6 faster. We both know that we both improve extremely quickly when fighting in mortal danger, so you need to look for the guy we sent to the hospital, Sogiita Gunha. Besides, I need you to attend classes." Kanaru explained.

Then, he gave him his own cell phone, some keys, some money and a bottle of pills.

"Misaki will kill me and you have also lied to Rika with that date you told her..."'Shadow' said.

"Idiot, I haven't lied to her, I'll definitely defeat that god clone on September 18th." Kanaru said.

"You calling me an idiot feels a bit strange… but what about the other abilities? What will you do? Give me all the memories!" 'Shadow' exclaimed.

Kanaru didn't answer him.

He entered the room and he closed the door.

'Shadow' sighed.

Although the door had a normal appearance, it could withstand a nuclear attack. It was impossible for him to open it once it was fully closed.

Then, he looked at some equipments around.


There was nothing inside the room, the place was desolate and without lighting, but it was unexpectedly broad.

Kanaru sat in the middle of that place in a lotus position and he closed his eyes.

'The last step to finalize the grimoire:' The darkness of an angel 'and obtain its powers are in two ways according to my calculations: Becoming the angel's heir, but that would be the same as being his slave or destroying the remnant of the angel that is hidden in the grimoire and get the power just for me without obeying his orders.'

'The first way is out of the question, although it is the easiest option, it's something that only an asshole would choose, like those guys from the past. Now I've to face a clone of a magic god and I need to be at my best for him and for the next enemies.'

'The second option is the most difficult, but the most suitable for me. I'll face the angel remnant in a battle for power and that way I'll get out of this situation.'

'So... go ahead!'

Kanaru touched his necklace.

"---I'm not one of many, I'm not a servant of God, admire my beauty and my power, I'm the one who will surpass God. My name is Lucifer!---"Kanaru exclaimed in the language of angels.

Kanaru repeated the first words he learned from the grimoire.

And suddenly…

Everything around him turned red.

This chapter is a test for timed updates.

If this goes well, it should be published in 4 hours after the previous chapter while I'm sleeping.

If this goes wrong then, I died.

The Daihasei Festival will be concentrating on the science side and the magic side.

I hope you enjoy it!


Help me find any spelling mistakes.

Have a nice day!

Alexis21creators' thoughts
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