
CH 1 Breaking Up

"I need to do this" for the tenth time the guy whispered to himself. After a few more minutes of driving, he stopped the car at the nearby park and faced the girl sitting at the passenger sit. 

" Kez, " he said taking a deep breath in. 

" I know that it will be so bad of me to do this, I know you loved me so much and you cared so much about me but trust me Kez, it wasn't you, it was me, and all this time I know you deserve someone better so I'm letting you... I'm letting you free now. I really feel like you really deserve someone better and same as I, like maybe I could take a break or something to find myself again, then if time would allow maybe after some more years if we're meant to be we'll get back together. But one thing's sure right now and I think that is we really have to end this now, Kez... " the boy said acting all sad and guilty. But after the dramatic antics of breaking up, only awkward silence remained and the girl didn't even budge. 

" Kez ? " the guy asked confused. 

" Kez are you alright? " he asked again.

Keito become more and more distressed as seconds pass by, he's afraid that the girl would refuse the idea of breaking up but just as he contemplates for another persuasive drama line— the girl finally looked back at him with a still " no expression " face.

" Keziah I know this is so sudden and I know that ... "

" Okay " Kez, replied shutting Keito midway his sentence.

" What?! " Keito asked in disbelief, is she really letting me off without drama? 

" I said okay, fine. Thanks for all the time we spent together, and sorry if I ever like~ bored you out or something, but I respect your decision and all I hope is we could still be friends. " then the girl smiled genuinely.

Shocked over from what he heard, Keito started to doubt if his girlfriend or rather " ex girlfriend " was cheating behind his back that she nonchalantly let him off the hook that easy. Like I thought im the player here! But shaking his suspicions aside, wasn't it great it went out smoothly ?.

Inhaling deeply Keito sat properly again preparing for turning on the engine, then he glanced back to Keziah saying; " then I guess that's it. Thank you too, for everything Kez. " 

" No problem, but I guess we should hurry or else we'll be late for the charity event. " Kez reminded a matter of factly, then Keito drove again heading to their destination, and another awkward silence filled the car.