3 Elder Dimension of Otsutsuki Clan

"Hey Mom, hey Dad."

Those words were the final straw for Minato and Kushina. Already shocked by what had happened so far with the Kyuubi incident that they miraculously survived, the time travel claims, the Kyuubi out of its cage, and now a teenager calling them his parents. So they did the one thing they were still capable of in their current mental state. They fainted. Shu, Kurama and Naruto all lasted about 3 seconds before they burst out laughing, which was rather impressive considering just how comical it was to see Minato and Kushina foaming at the mouth.

"Can't breathe…" Naruto gasped, leaning against the bars of the open cage for support.

"I had forgotten just how amusing you humans could be," Kurama gasped, on his back and hugging his chest in the hilarity of the situation.

"I really wish we could have a camera in here," Shu wheezed with effort. "This would be blackmail gold right here."

After they had sobered up, Naruto went to try to wake Kushina up first. "Uh, hey Mom, you all right?" Then he shuddered as he felt a large grade of killing intent. Before he could respond to this, Kushina jolted upward, and socked Naruto right in the face, sending him into the wall and making a crater that would make Tsunade jealous.

"Who the hell do you think you are?!" Kushina demanded as she started to stomp on the soon to be corpse, kicking up an anime style dust cloud. "Do I LOOK old enough to have a son your age? DO I?!" As Naruto was begging for mercy, both Kurama and Shu were laughing their asses off again.

"And this would be blackmail platinum," panted Shu.

"Serves you right, Kit." Kurama gasped.

…. At a bar near the outskirts of the leaf village, a certain blonde lady with a killer bust froze. For some reason, she felt as though her record of delivering the worst beating to an idiotic male was in jeopardy. She wished that Jiraiya was around for the first time in a while, so that she could re-establish dominance. Then her prayers were answered as some stupid drunk tried to cop a feel on her from behind. The resulting screams were heard for miles away. Kami, she loved chakra enhanced strength.

….. Once Naruto's beating was finished, Shu was able to calm Kushina down (which Naruto angrily noted he took his sweet time in doing) and they were able to bring Minato back to the world of the living. After that, they began to explain how Minato and Kushina both died in the original timeline and that upon the revival of the Jyuubi, they had to resort to time travel. Naruto was quick to explain that he was seventeen in the mindscape due to being from the future, and this being his real mental age.

"Call me crazy, but I actually believe this story," Minato said.

"You are not just crazy, you are bat shit loco," Kushina cracked, earning a laugh from everyone present. "But I believe it too."

"The question now is where we go from here," Minato said. "All we really learned so far is how the world ended up, not how it got there in the first place."

"As to that, I will not give many details yet on each future event," Shu responded. Noticing the confused and indignant looks he was getting, he clarified, "Look at it this way. If we went around changing everything bad, that stupid butterfly effect would basically ruin any plans we may have. If too many things get changed, we will throw the entire timeline out of whack, and the knowledge of what will happen in the future will become worse than useless, because if we plan for one thing, and something entirely different occurs, we are just asking for disaster. As such, the Elder Dimension guidelines state that what we change will be between me and Naruto."

As Minato and Kushina grudgingly nodded at the sense of this, Naruto said curiously, "You know, you are always talking about the Elder Dimension, but I don't know what that is. Come to think of it I was quick to trust you when we were about to turn back time, but I don't even know much about you, or why you were even in our dimension. Care to explain about that?"

"Ah, I am glad you asked. I was wondering when we were gonna get to that." Shu said, rubbing the back of his head. "You all ever hear of the theory that states that there is more than one reality? Well, the Elder Dimension is the very first one to exist, and all others are split off pieces of it. Think of it like a tree, with the Elder Dimension being the trunk, while this one is just a branch. Anyways, the Elder Dimension is easily the most sophisticated and advanced reality. We have mastered several forms of chakra manipulation and jutsu, and have incredibly powerful clans named as Otsutsuki which has a Kekkei Mōra that allows us to manipulate all five of the elements." He paused as they took that part in, clearly amazed.

Minato, Kushina, Naruto and Kurama looked at the green haired man with interest. Now that Naruto realized that the ten circles were actually five infinity symbols, each one representing an element.

"I get the Elemental part of the name," Naruto started, "but why does it have the Infinity part?"

"That would be because it has access to all of the world's elemental chakra, effectively allowing for practically an infinite supply of chakra."

"But then… how did Madara manage to wear you down during that fight?"

While Minato and Kushina started at the name, Shu said, "I said infinite chakra, not infinite durability. I was still hindered by the wounds Madara managed to tag me with. And that was a low blow, bringing that up. For the head of a prominent clan, even by Elder Dimension standards, while wielding one of the Elder Dimension's top three weapons, to be beaten by an upstart from this dimension is just positively embarrassing. Although in my defense, he did have that whole unfair reanimated by the Edo Tensei thing working for him, and I STILL nearly managed to pull a win out of my ass. The fact that I only had one way to beat him like that was a serious handicap against me."

"Madara was reanimated?" Minato asked. "So the masked man is not him? Or did he die between now and then?"

"Madara actually is dead right now, though the masked man is affiliated with him and operates under his name with permission."

"Do you know the masked man's identity?" Minato asked.

"I do, but I am not going to tell you. It would do no good and could do you a lot of bad. Trust me, for now at least, you are better off not knowing." Shu replies. Minato looked as though he was going to argue, but thought better of it. "Anyhow," Felix continued. "One distinction of my clan is that while we have the ability to use all five elements, we still have greater affinities with some elements than others. Not all members of my clan have green hair. We are born with the hair color representing our strongest element, green for wind, red for fire, yellow for lightning, brown for earth, and blue for water. I am a green head, so wind is my main element."

"Me too!" Naruto exclaimed proudly.

"Our second place element is shown by our eye color. You can see that I am yellow eyed so I have a strong affinity for lightning. While we have no more body signs at birth after that, we developed a special ink that takes on the color of our middle element when used for tattoos." He showed them the blue dragon tattoo on the back of his right hand. "So you can see that my middle element is water. The other two are represented by articles of our clothing, usually of our choice." He pinched the fabric of his dark brown slacks. "Earth is next, and that leaves fire as my weakest, though it is still quite potent." He finished as he tugged at the sleeveless red vest that left his arms bare. "Now to answer the question as to why I was here in the first place, while the Elder Dimension's inhabitants try to keep their nose out of the business of other worlds, we do try to clean up our messes. Long ago, the Jyuubi was the bane of the Elder Dimension itself. In those times, we were able to drive it out of the Elder Dimension and into this one. Many of the higher ups back then thought that they should leave it at that, but one of the best of us, who you call the Rikudou Sennin these days was concerned for the people of this dimension, and you already know how he handled the Jyuubi."

"So that means that I am in a way from your Elder Dimension," Kurama rumbled.

"That is correct, Kurama, albeit in an indirect way. Of course, there was controversy in the Elder Dimension as to whether the Rikudou Sennin was a hero or a traitor. These days, he is viewed as the former, though his actions back then resulted in his exile. Today, we try to follow his example and solve problems for other dimensions if they originated from ours. There are always power hungry bastards, even from our realm, and there is no shortage of those who leave the Elder Dimension to try to subjugate weaker worlds. So we try to keep them from doing too much damage. As a result, when the Jyuubi was revived and I was notified I ended up traveling here. So now here I am, stuck here for the next 17 years." Shu replies with a little grumpy voice.

"Eh, why is that?" Naruto asked.

"Gaki, there is a reason I consider time travel to be a last resort. There are a lot of complications and obey-under-penalty-of-instant-death-rules that make it even more of a pain to utilize. One such rule is that I can't leave the dimension that had its reset button hit until we get to the point where time was turned back in the first place. This rule was made to keep the person who turned time back in the first place from messing up, by ensuring an Elder Dimension denizen could keep an eye on them. My friends will probably come to see what is taking me so damn long to get back." Shu replies.

"But wait, didn't we turn time back? So when we get to the point where you can leave again, it will still be a point where you were only briefly gone."

"Doesn't work like that. We only turned back time in this dimension. Picture two spools side by side, each representing the present time of a world. The strings of both are unwound as time passes, the strings representing the past of those worlds. Turning back time, or rewinding a string, does not affect the other spool's string, and both spools are still side by side, allowing travel between the two. In other words, in the Elder Dimension, it is even now in the exact state of time it was before we turned this universe's time back. Savvy?"

"I guess that makes sense."

"I have a question," Minato piped up. "Two actually. First, why were you sent to deal with an opponent as strong as the Jyuubi by yourself in the first place?"

"That is a good question. You see, even though we of the Elder Dimension try to clean up messes originating from our home, we still try to avoid sticking our noses in too far in the affairs of other worlds. As such, one of the dumber rules was that only one knight, is usually sent per enemy we have to fight from our home. Since the Jyuubi, powerful as it is, was only one foe, and all others are local to this dimension, they sent a one man army: me. Although I still think they could have made an exception to the stinking rule, considering just what I was up against. Even someone like me going up against the Jyuubi, well, it is like asking me to try slaying a dragon armed with nothing but a pin and no chakra use." Shu replies.

"I think Mom might manage that, if said dragon was dumb enough to make a comment on her age or maybe her weight," Naruto joked dryly, causing everyone present to burst out laughing.

"I don't… ha ha… think she'd…ha… need the pin…ha ha ha… if it came to that," Minato managed to heave while clutching his sides.

"You are damn… ha ha ha ha… right I wouldn't," Kushina practically gasped as everyone laughed harder.

After about a minute, when they were sober, Shu asked, "You mentioned a second question, Minato?"

"Ah yes," Minato replied. "Just why are you and Naruto telling me and Kushina all this, when you are not going to let the two of us change things?"

"I never said I would not let you change things. I merely said that what we changed will be at the discretion of Naruto and I. Not only that, but we need someone in a high place to help keep these things as low key as possible. Who better than the Yondaime and his wife, on top of them being the parents of the time traveler, adding to their trustworthiness? Also, it is important for you to have at least the gist of things as they come up, so questions are not asked when we need you change something for us." Shu replies.

"I see. So that means that we are in on the loop, but on a need to know basis, is that it?"


Minato sighed. "I have gotten too used to being in a position to be the one withholding information, being Yondaime and all. Now it sucks to be on the receiving end."

Shu chuckled before saying, "Now that that is out of the way, it is time to plan for what we need to do in the present. Once we get out of here, I am going to need a cover story. You can tell everyone that I am one of the last surviving members of a clan that kept our existence secret, which can be why no one else has heard of it before today. I will be offering my services to your village as one of your shinobi, though you will have to be careful what assignments you give me, so I don't create too many butterflies, or break one of the time travel rules, yada yada."

Minato nodded in acknowledgement. "All right, I guess that it is time for us to go back to reality then?"

"You got it."

…. Once they were all back out of the mindscape (minus Kurama of course), and were heading back to the leaf, accompanied by the ANBU, Shu whispered into Minato's ear, "I know that it is disconcerting to have a baby with the mental age 17, even if he is immature. My advice to you is to just treat him like the kid he physically is. Kami knows, he deserves to have a decent childhood this time around, and it will be too funny to watch his protests too pass up."

Minato only chuckled in response.

… Obito was furious. The blasted Yondaime had delayed his plans by breaking his control of the Kyuubi, and now he and his former Jinchuriki of a wife actually survived the attack when a green haired stranger and that old Sandaime foiled his hopes that they would die in the attack at least, making it easier to plan his next moves. Zetsu was wisely keeping his distance from his infuriated boss. Obito's brooding was interrupted when the air seemed to crack, and pieces fell causing what seemed to be a rift in reality. 5 people stepped from this tear to stand before a shocked Obito and Zetsu, 4 of them standing behind the one in the lead, who was covered in head to toe in plate armor colored in the darkest black Obito had ever seen, with the other 4 wearing simple black hooded cloaks that obscured all of their features. The only body feature in sight from this group was the jet black hair that flowed out of the back of the lead person's helmet to the back of his knees.

Obito got up and demanded, "Who are you people, and what are you doing here?" That was before he was hit by the lead man's aura, which projected a very high level of killing intent, one that intimidated even the Uchiha, who staggered back after quickly recognizing the fact that this was definitely not a person to tick off if you were fond of breathing.

"I am Otsutsuki Dokuro, and these four are my underlings." The armored man replied. "Individual introductions for them can come later. As for what we are doing here, we hail from the Elder Dimension and I have a proposition for you." Needless to say, Obito found his interest piqued

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