17 Stranger and the Beloved

You never know how the most beloved person would become a stranger one day, and how a stranger would become one of your most beloved one's. I guess that very much applied in my life.

My Talk man was now a stranger to me, no text, no calls... I used to keep updating my whatsapp statuses, just to know if he still sees my status, if he still cares. But who am I kidding?

On the other hand, Jake was slowly and steadily becoming a close friend to me. I felt much more of myself with him, lately. He was indefinitely the only man, who listened to my non-stop blabbering without interrupting me, I truly give him the credit for being so patient, especially with a women like me. My mood swings were very unpredictable, especially when I'm on my menstrual cycle. My near and dear ones knew to be out of my sight or better to say, not to irritate me... because whoever does would be the most unfortunate, to face my wrath.

Well as unfortunate as it was for Jake, he didn't know that. And I never shared such menstrual details with men before. Well, the only exception was my then boyfriend. I mean you only share such stuff with your bf, right? Then I don't know what possessed me to say this to Jake, that he better stop sending me irritating texts as I was on my periods. Dang!!! I was stupid and in rage as well. But arrggghhhhhh, my cramps were very painful. I just switched off my phone, took my pills and slept.

After waking up, what I saw...made my eyes nearly bulged out from my sockets. 13 Missed calls from Jake. Bloodyyy thirteen calls!!! Who does that?

And he very well knows that I hate talking on call or even converse face to face, as I'm too shy. I know it's quite constrast to my personality but believe me or not, I'm like a coconut, hard from the outside and soft from within. And who was I even kidding? My hard side would just melt away in a minute, if something touches my soul or when something makes me super angry. I was actually living my life on the extremes. But just 4-5 people knew that. And Jake, I didn't know if he was aware of this?

Before calling him, I first came online to check his texts. That was another eye bulging part for me. 28 texts?!!! Dang!!! And all were with respect to my whereabouts, my health, if I'm okay... if I need something, he's just a call away and bla bla bla.

I was momentarily shocked to see someone care for me. I mean, nobody did that before... this level of caring, of course the only exception were my parents. But something about Jake was different. He seemed very genuine. It made me smile. But I had to bite my tongue, because this was were things were going to go wrong soon.

No, no, no... He shouldn't develop feelings for me. No, I love my Edward. No, I mean... this was wrong.

My subsconscious suddenly slapped the back of my head and started lecturing me or rather to my overthinking and over anlayzing brain. My brain made matters worse for me, and then my heart used to blindly follow my brain. I mean, is my heart so blind? What use are these organs? Don't they know the consequences of their actions?

Okay, okay I know enough of blame games here... But still I would defend myself saying that I'm a writer and overthinking and overanalysing is part and parcel of being a writer, right?

I didn't know what to reply Jake back. I mean, he seems to care a lot, but why? That question kept bothering me and honestly I didn't want to get sucked into this, all over again. He was online and I know he saw the blue ticks but I was so afraid and was debating as to what I should write, but before I could do so my phone starting ringing again and Jake flashed on my screen.

My heartbeats went to race with a horse it seems...as my chest started heaving up and down heavily and nervously. Well, this was extremely awkward. I can't cut the call or ignore the call. What shall I do now?

With lots of courage, I finally picked up the call on his sixth ring. And well he fired me all the questions that he already texted me. Ufff, I groaned and that seems to stop his ranting. Shit, he must have heard!! With unclarity in my voice, I said, "Heyyy Jake. Well, sorry I didn't see your calls or texts as I was asleep. I had stomache and so I took pill and went to sleep." all in just one breathe. Phewww!!!

"Sorry, for disturbing you... " he said in a small voice.

Damn! He must have felt bad. What Bella, you are such a fool!!

"Heyyy, what are you sorry for? In fact I'm happy to know at least someone cares about me. I just woke up so I'm little dizzy right now so I might not seem that happy of excited like my usual self." I tried to reason with him. Hoping he would understand, that I didn't purposely want to hurt him.

"Yeah yeah I understand. Get fresh and have tea, you'll feel good. I will come online after you are done with tea. Well, then see you in half an hour?" he said hopefully.

"See me? What? Where? At my home?" I screamed on top of my voice.

"Lady, calm down and relax. I said I'll come online later, so there I'll see you... not at your home obviously... unlessss... " he wandered off quite abruptly but purposely too.

But my curiosity got better of me and I fell right into his laid trap, "Unless?? What, tell me?"

"Well, well... unless you want me to come over at your place for fun... " he said devishly.

"Whatttt, nooo noo.... What are you even thinking... no man has ever been to my home" I said taking deep breaths, only to realize later what I actually said might have sounded so unclear to him.

He started laughing, "No man ever? Who are you kidding? Your dad? Is he not a... "

Uff I knew where this was going, that little piece of shit, I interuppted him, "Well, only my dad, my uncles and my cousins brothers are the only men who are allowed to come and stay at my home. Seeing as you don't fit to be my dad or uncle, you'll have to become my brother in order to visit me here... So well... "

"Ummmh, no it's cool. Anyways you get freshen up. Byee, see you online soon" he ended the call.

Gotcha!! I loved the way how I turned the tables.

Well, after all I'm a Leo woman and we Leo's surely know more than just turning the tables. If you know what I mean ;)
