
Chapter 1- Adventures waiting for us!

The Chirping of bird's awoken two sleeping forms under a tree, Nana tail twitched in irritations as she was awoken early as well as the Female Moon elf besides her, the Elf breathes in the morning air trying to calm herself down but to no avail, she was once again overcome by worry, trying to mask her worry she greeted her small companion with a smile looking at each other, Noticing something strange Nana began to spoke but Miya cut her of with a calm voice "Goodmorning Nana" Miya stretched reliving her bones giving of a cracking sound, she then thought that it was a terrible Idea to be sleeping at the forest floor, Nana brushing of Miya's somewhat rude behavior she yowned indicating that she was still sleepy and put on a smile, calming the elf a little "Good Morning Miya, how well did you sleep?" Nana ask the Elf, though knowing she knew the answer already she still Continued to ask "Well, It was not very... Comfortable" being honest she frowned still feeling the soreness in her back, Nana laughed at Miya who was holding her back as of she has arthritis "I told you not to camp here, look now you have back problems" Nana still continue to laugh at Miya, untill a small rumbling sound stopped Nana from laughing, now it was Miya's turn to laugh "you must be hungry, let's go and find something to eat".

As the two equip their weapons and double checking if they left anything behind, they set out to find some food to eat, they found a bunch of Mushroom, vegetables and fruits to fill their belly and gain energy for their long travel, the two would sometimes get attack by Demons randomly, with the help of Molina and Miya's fast arrow shooting they took down the demons in no time.

As days and nights pass they have now reached their destination, the Land of Dawn, Nana Happily trot to the entrance of the Large city with Miya who sighed in relief as their trip was now over, walking towards the guards stoping the two females "Who goes there" ask the the guard to their left "I'm Miya a Moon Elf here for a mission to save my trabe" Nana raised her hand and introduced her self cutely "I'm Nana a Cat-like Moon Elf here to... go.. uhhh, for an Adventure!" The guards looked at each other skeptically, seeing this Miya pulled out a paper "We are also chosen 'Heroes' to fight for the Land of Dawn" As the guards read the letter they quickly let in the two apologizing for their rude behavior.

They where greeted by the busy street with a bunch of people comming and going ranging from young to old, As Nana and Miya were about to take their first step inside the city, a flamboyant man holding a rose stood upon the two and kneeled in front of Miya "How the gods have grace me with such a graceful woman, my name is Sir Lancelot and tell me, my dear, what name should I call you?" The man named Lancelot offered the rose he was holding to Miya, who declined nicely and grabbed Nana's hands "I'm sorry but we have to go, we have.. uhh someone to find, Bye! " rushing to a random direction and half dragging the small Nana who whined they left Lancelot behind still kneeling and dejected "Oh, who cares about her, I still have my beautiful Odette" he then began to fawn at the woman named Odette forgetting his encounter with Miya.

Miya glancing now and then to see how far they are from the weird man and if he was following them, Miya sighed in relief "Oi!" a angry Nana looked at Miya who apologize and let's go of Nana's small hands "Wait, where are we?" Glancing around around they we're not near the entrance anymore, but in a garden full of different flowers ranging in colors and shapes Miya looking around the beautiful garden she saw a road made of cobblestone straight to the center of the garden, she then spotted a person dress in traditional clothing with patterns and was colored with the lightest shade of Electric blue, they were holding what seem to be an umbrella "Let's try and asking her, she might know where we are" Nana suggested as there were no other people around, nodding, Miya approach the person who stood at the center of the graden, walking on the pavement the person turned around to investigate the tapping sound, a Elf holding a bow was walking towards the person tilted their head as if they were a confused puppy "Excuse me but, do you know where we are?", Miya questioned the woman who hesitated a bit, noticing this she smiled and introduce herself "I'm sorry, My name is Miya, me and my companion are lost, could you give us direction as to where the gathering hall is?" The woman eyes grew big and smiled "Why of course, My name is Kagura and I was about to go to the Gathering Hall's myself, why not come with me?" She faced Miya who beamed in happiness "That would be delightful, are you perhaps a hero too?" Miya ask Kagura who nodded cheerfully "Yes I am, and I also have a companion myself, if you don't mind us waiting for him we would gladly accompany you two".

As time flies by Nana and Miya became acquainted with Kagura who told a little about herself and what attributes she is good with "I'm more of a Support/Mage hero" Nana told Kagura who was very interested at the small Racoon Cat-like creature, she found Nana very adorable "I'm a full Marksman, even though I use Mana" Miya showed her bow to Kagura who examined it admiring the fine details that were ingrave into Miya's bow "Such a lovely bow, were is your quiver?" Kagura looked behind Miya to find no quiver Kagira was confused as to how Miya will use her bow, Miya smiled and began to explain the mechanic of her bow, she began to draw her bow point at a random direction away from the two, a arrow began to materialize on her bow, as Miya shots the arrow pierce the air as it disappear with it, Kagura clapping amazed by Miya's magical bow she then tried to explain her precious Umbrella, untill a man appeared out of nowhere kneeling the ground besides Kagura, "Kagura-san forgive me if you have waited so long" Miya, Nana and Kagura jumped away from the man startled "Eekk!" Nana trew her Large boomarang at the man in a panic "Hayabusa-kun!"Kuhura was to late, the man who was named Hayabusa was not ready for the coming Large boomarang for it was to fast his reflexes stopped working and he was hit on the face, falling backwards landing and with a 'Oof' The man clad in black was knocked down by Nana's boomerang, who returned back to her "Oops" was all Nana could say as she began to sweat, on the other hand Miya was covering her mouth in shock and rushed towards the fallen male with Kagura "Haya-kun!, I told you not to do that anymore!" Kagura scolded the male whi lay flat at ths group groining as her rubbed his head, Nana rushed at the ground dragging her boomerang she began to almost cry and said sorry over and over again, the man dressed in black sat up and said that it was ok, It was his fault for startling all of them in the first place "That was a fast trow" Hayabusa complimented the small female who was in the verge of crying, she rubbed her eyes with her sleeves to wipe away any stray tears "T-thank y-you" Kagura examined the Male to see if he was hurt anywhere, but to her dismay Hayabusa was very much covered in black thick clothing and his eyes were the only thing visible at the moment so she cannot see if he was injured anywhere.

Kagura, introduce her two new friends Nana and Miya to Hayabusa, they were accompanying each other as they were on a secret mission , their relationship was not entirely clear but Nana and Miya decided not to pry, "Miya-san, Nana-chan it was a pleasure meeting you two, but we must leave now" Hayabusa was about to leave until Kagura grabbed his hands "Wait Hayabusa-kun, I promised them they would come with us to the Gathering hall's" Hayabusa stopped on his tracks and turned around, Kagura never called him Kun so it was a new experience for the Ninja, Hayabusa sighed and gestured the two to follow them, Kagura happily grabbed Nana's hand and walk with besides Miya, with Hayabusa taking the lead.

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