
Chapter 1 Sudden change in life?

My name is Mark Adkins and man i got a quite story for you guys.

Imagine being a simple guy that just loved playing the game based off of the title of this book to near fanaticism dressing up as the character (having all the raiments for my gender at least).

So no! I didn't fucking crossdress, don't even bring that up!

My ex-girlfriend tried putting me through that poisonous way!

And she failed!

End of that story *ahem* got off track there now back to the things I did, Ah, I also tried talking like the character(failed miserably by the way).

But yeah, thanks to wanting to be as fit as my character I worked out, like a lot!

I Tried making my body more towards the lean side but sadly thanks to my body's make up my arms and legs were larger than average works really well scaring away assholes and troublemakers but my last convention was something I remember so well before my life changed!

I was about to leave for the day but some peculiar thing caught my eye. One of the hot air balloons they had in the air suddenly burst into flames and it was heading towards a man that was busy taking some photos.

The dude was so absorbed in checking out the skimpy outfit of one of the girls from what was it again league of legends? Heroes?

Well if you guys can figure it out it was a black-haired fox babe but that doesn't matter, I began asking my Soul Sacrifice character to give me strength as I sprinted towards the man doing a full-body tackle sending the poor bastard flying!

I can already imagine a couple of large letters, as the man let out a slow yet loud groan that echoed with it, which was K.O.!

Ok I'll admit that was fun as hell, hurt a little but hella fun, sadly none of the crowd went wild for my silly feat since the wind picked up and the blazing object that I forced the man to avoid(me included) landed on me, my friends were screaming in horror when I suddenly blacked out!

When I opened my eyes again, guess where I was?

It sure wasn't the hospital or some random orgy party or heaven(at least what I thought at the time) but in some kind of forest, I was rather disappointed since the stories I heard were so much different since I haven't gotten laid yet!!! (a virgin's cry from the heart!)

what was even weirder was a letter it had a few questions that as well as some words that i found floating, all while hoping that i wasn't sent to a twilight zone!

Write what you want for each question and GTFO!

Angry much.....?

The person that left me this letter didn't bother to leave any explanation, just curses and a piece of paper whatever, however, the questions on the back of the letter made me really tempted as they were…

1st question: if you were given a power what would it be and what can it do?

2nd question: do you want to keep your current looks, copy someone else's or customize it to your liking?

3rd question: one world, random world, multiple worlds, random and multiple worlds

4th Question: One wish of your choosing, so make it count!

Okay, first one when I touched it a screen popped up like in a VR game following the movement of my head I was stoked, so I tried checking out all the available options for additions since the power I will choose it was pretty obvious, as I chose my favorite character of soul sacrifice abilities to save or to sacrifice with the addition that I have no limit to how much it can grow!

just that it will take a very long time to get to Godly Magi level and higher I also tried to squeeze in all the offerings I had collected throughout my gameplays.

While I tried adding more stuff it didn't let me just showing some big error signs in front of my face with a bunch of illegible words, so I'll just use the fourth wish to the fullest that will benefit me in the long run.

Which brought me to the second question for the looks well I long disliked my oversized arms and legs so I picked a certain character from fate stay night called Cu Chulainn as my preset look with a few additions to it a collection of magic circuits were included apparently so I added more to make myself look more mysterious and tribal, as the circuits glowed reddish thanks to what my first answer from what I gathered.

I tried adding more but more of the error screens kept on popping up so I had to give up on any more changes.

The third question was random and multiple worlds as I loved playing soul sacrifice so much that I well... ignored every other anime so its like swing in the dark and hope you hit something kind of deal.

So I am fucked regardless of where I go unless I am sent to some kind of movie before I started playing soul sacrifice... Which is a very low chance from how unlucky I tend to be….*sweating slightly*

So now for the 4th question my choice well I tried so many damned things I was getting pissed, limitless mana was out, higher comprehension was errored as well, so I tried remembering all the skills that my fellow cosplayers talked about, absorption, predator, skill steal, etc it wouldn't let me as they all had either error or incompatible with my choices and current body so I brained stormed….

Tried to think of something that I can use or what my character will be using a lot-

Then it came to me why not add a unique or innate ability to my arm or arms then the trial and error began, can't claim a skill or any of their stats of another being purposely so I tried this...

Every time I save or sacrifice something I gain a random copy of a portion of their memories, experience and/or skills with occasional bonuses, which by the way, I have to train to a certain point to keep if I am lucky enough to get it, it was better than nothing so I agreed since anything else I friggin tried either errored out or was incompatible with my first couple answers.

Upon pressing ok... that was when, I knew that I fucked myself badly, that was a wake-up call for me as pain, pain and more pain filled my body making me feel all the little changes, I think I am starting to understand why it didn't let me change anything else….

I would've killed myself if I added more! Since I was unprepared for it, I screamed like a baby that was left all alone as my voice turned hoarse before coughing up some black sludge, and what looked to be some of my insides as the stench included was horrible!

The time it took for the changes to complete for me felt like years no decades! Everything felt so slow and pointless, HELL I WAS tempted to kill myself at some of the points where the pain that wreaked havoc at the worst times, but to the excitement of being able to use the abilities that I could only dream of was within my grasp!

No way in hell, Am I dying without using those spells! at least even experience the usage of saving or sacrificing! The magic circuits began to form as it was like pouring melted plastic on your skin as it slowly crept up. Yeah, I really shot myself in the foot on this one!

I could no longer scream hell, not even a squeak, from the havoc that I brought upon myself while I felt good coughing up more of that black stuff whatever it was with my face to the side I slowly blacked out as my body forced all the unnecessary stuff out and I mean everything it deemed unnecessary until my body matched everything that I asked for.

A real 'fuck my life' moment here!

Before a portal opened up underneath me dropping me into a world of who knows where or what universe.

P.s. his character name in the game in Cu Chulainn.

while his real name was Mark Adkins not that it matters too much.

Rauoncreators' thoughts
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