1 Dear Diary: Hello

Hey diary, I know you can't really respond to my greetings but still, hi. You may be wondering 'Why are you writing this' or 'What are you writing'

Well my dear diary which shall now be named...

I don't really know what to call a Diary, well whatever.

Anyways, what I am doing is writing this to myself really. To myself of the distant future or to myself to read in 5 minutes. I'm writing this to remember everything I've done, and some of the things I've wished to have done.

For you shall be my diary and good friend from now on, you shall be my audience of one.

As for what I'll write who knows? Maybe one day I'll have had a bad day at work or school. And another day I'll have slayed a dragon, I'll have to figure it out along the way really.

And along this journey I'll mostly try to better myself through both my writing and imaginative capabilities. And you my dear friend will be the judge of that.

Although the ride will be bumpy overall I hope you enjoy the ride, even if you are inanimate. And although I'll never truly be able to talk to you, you'll still be my one and true friend. The one who will accompany me through life, the one who will accompany me through happiness and health....

Uhhh no I am not proposing to you...yet

For that is something to decide in the future. I still need to get to know you ///Baka///

Hmmm that last line was a little cringe but still true....

Anywayyyy Love ya diary I'll talk to you later, and I'll tell you about my start...maybe or I'll just jump into something exciting like that time I got super OP and went to Twilight. And then got a bunch of other fiends... or maybe the time the school babe asked me out.

Who knows what I may write next time, all that matters is that you'll be there for me. And you'll listen/read all my experiences.

Alright then You, yes YOU, bye love ya.

Talk to ya later Diary <3
