
The girl that looked after him

Hoseok Oppa,

I've never met anyone who smiles as much as you do.

It's the first thing everyone notices about you. I wonder sometimes, if your cheeks hurt.

BTS was performing at Wembley last week. Who doesn't know about that? You never fail to kick up a storm there every year. As if out of a dream, I was one of the university students from the drama department that was lucky enough to be chosen to help out by the organisers. It seems they were short on staff and we're cheap labour.

I don't mind, I was just really excited to be part of this event. The energy, the noise, the pace -- it was absolutely crazy. I was just a little nobody assistant, and I could feel the pressure. I wonder how you feel Oppa? It must be hard to keep smiling for every single person.

It was the last day you were performing at the venue. All three days were jam packed and sold out, naturally. Every performance was effortless and full of life. Amidst my never ending tasks, I always took a minute to stand backstage and appreciate your tireless work. You make people happy...especially you, Hoseok Oppa.

You make the other members happy. They need a hyung like you.

~back to my story~

The final show started at 7pm and there were a billion sound checks and stage rehearsals before that. Fans would be gathered at the venue, the madness was never-ending. I walked into the dressing rooms because my boss needed me to stock up the water bottles inside. You guys need the hydration, after all.

I barged in, thinking that all of you were out practicing or getting prepared because the show started in half an hour. After a moment I realised I wasn't alone in the room. There you were, sitting by yourself in a corner. You didn't even realise I'd come in there.

The was the first time I saw your face without a smile on it.

We'd been instructed to remain invisible. Crew like me only served one purpose; quietly support the stage because the show must go on. We must never be a distraction or interference. I wasn't really allowed to go up and talk to you, but I felt the need to. You seemed lonely.

I walked over and said hi. Suddenly, your smile was back on. You snapped out of it and started making conversation, grinning ear to ear. I offered you a bottle of water, and you thanked me, gracious as ever. Nobody is unimportant in your eyes. Nobody is too small to be interacted with in your book. Hobi Oppa, you are a gem in a world made of coal.

By chance, I noticed you were barefoot. You looked embarrassed and began looking for your socks. Obviously I started searching with you, it was my duty help! I finally found them under the table. They were the most adorable, yellow, Pikachu socks.

If you were a Pokémon, you would totally be Pikachu. With the cute red cheeks and all.

You were about to put your socks on but I noticed you had massive blisters on your feet. They looked fresh and you were bleeding underneath the layer of skin. It must have been painful, and I don't know how you were still smiling.

Where the hell were all your assistants! How could everyone else be too busy to notice?

You were reluctant to let me touch your feet but I insisted that I take care of your blisters. I'd had those before, walking from 5 km from my home to class and back. I was too poor to afford the even the student transport pass.

I disinfected a needle and made a small cut, draining the blisters. You were still smiling, thanking me while I attended to your injured soles. I applied some disinfectant and bandaged your feet up with enough padding as to prevent any more injury.

You thanked me profusely before you had to rush out. 15 minutes before the show started!

My boss cut my pay and scolded me for taking so long just to take water bottles to the dressing room, but I didn't care. I'd field all the scoldings in the world, just to be infected with a drop of your positivity.

You didn't have time to wander or hang around after the concert, so I never saw you again, Oppa. But you surprised me afterwards. No matter how small I was, in your massive world, I mattered.

I watched the BTS press conference on youtube the next day. All the other members thanked ARMY and expressed their gratitude to the fans. But Oppa, you said something different.

"I would like to thank the girl that looked after me."

- The girl that looked after you

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