22 Meet The In-Laws

A/N I recommend wattpad for the best read of this story as it featuring pictures in every chapter and get the first updates. Link https://my.w.tt/Ma7ScuyMNbb

Or my wattpad name is TrinityLee3

I woke up to the heavy breathing of Elijah on my face, he was panting as beads of sweat slid down his face. The chain tugged on my wrist as he thrashed around the bed.

Anyone else would simply say impossible alpha Elijah having a nightmare? Never. But here he was right in front of me squirming around like a frightened child afraid of what goes bump in the night while his mind kept him in sleep.

"Elijah, it's okay calm down" I said stroking my free hand over his face wiping away his sweat cladded hair that had clung to his forehead.

Like a switch was flicked he's eyes shot open, his Brock eyes were staring right into my own. Maybe the sleep in my eyes was fogging my vision but his eyes seemed almost completely black as if the whites of his eyes had been overtaken.

His usual chocolate delight eyes were gone. Now only blackness was in their place like a never ending pit. I'd never eyes so taken over like this before not even the wolves eyes compared to it they didn't take complete control like this.

They still bore into me like lasers making Goosebumps rush over me as my hair stuck on end and a shiver rocked through me.

"are you okay?" Elijah asked me as if I was the one who looked like a walking demon. His eyes still stated into my soul two black holes that I was sure to get lost in. His voice was his own yet deeper, much deeper.

"me? You're the one who was having a night terror" I said with hint of fear in my voice, this Elijah was unknown to me and made me feel on edge.

Something about my words or maybe my tone seemed to flick the switch back, his eyes like obsidian one moment a blink later and his all too familiar and comforting.

"are you okay Elijah?" I asked him placing a comforting hand on his forearm. "talk to me"

Elijah cleared his throat before saying "I'm fine, sorry I woke you" his voice was once again his own making me calm down.

"you didn't" I lied "what was it about?" I asked him.

"what was what about?" he asked me back sounding as if he were lost in thought.

"your bad dream, what was it about?" I asked yet again.

Elijah cleared his throat once again. "nothing, it was nothing" he said in a completely unconvincing voice.

"fine, I'm not going to make you tell me if you don't want to, but if you change your mind I'll always be ready to listen, there's no shame in admitting that things aren't perfect you know? Goddess knows my life isn't.. Yours doesn't have to be either" I said in a soft tone.

"come on let's go back to sleep" Elijah said once again choosing not to speak to me about the things that clearly plagued his mind and thoughts.

"yeah you're right we should go back to sleep it is only 5:00Am and I don't fancy getting up at this time" I said while lying myself back down into the embrace of my bed.

"good night again little Tink" Elijah's voice came from next to me as he too had laid back down into the bed.

"Sleep tight.. And don't let the bed bugs bite" I said the last on a yawn closing my eyes to the sound of Elijah's soft chuckle and soon falling back into an all consuming sleep.

The second time I woke up it was because of the light peaking into the room from the gap in the drawn curtains had found my face.

I opened my eyes squinting at the brightness and raising my hand to protect my eyes from the over powering uv rays that seemed to burn away at my cornea in my eye like welding flash.

"good morning love" Elijah's soft voice came from next to me with a chuckle as he watched me try defend myself against the treacherous sun.

"er, what time is it?" I groaned.

"nearly 9:00am, we should get sorted soon you know the ever loving alpha will be wanting to see us and we shouldn't let hug highness wait" Elijah said with thick sarcasm.

"hmm, if I didn't know any better is say you almost didn't like you father dearest" I said sarcastically back while sitting up and leaning against the head board.

" Well then it's a good job you do know better then I suppose" he said smirking as he too rose up to lean on the headboard.

" by the way I call dibs on the first shower" Elijah said standing up from the bed and pulling me up with him.

"first dibs? And how do you suppose you're going to get a shower by yourself? I asked raising a brow at him.

" calm yourself little wolfie I can understand you wanting to join me and everything but I'm afraid no can do. Gotta keep my modesty and all you know how it is.. I'm sure you'll manage to hold yourself back from pouncing on me for 5 maybe, most likely 10 minutes... Right?" Elijah asked with a smug smirk across his face.

" at least they'll never be able to knock your ego" I muttered "well sweet, sweet Elijah how do you plan on showering with one hand?" I asked him with a scoff while he turned the water to my shower on.

"never, and oh sweet Tink.. I don't" he said turning back to me to wiggle his brows as he held his hand under the flowing water to check the temperature.

"wha-" but before I could finish asking what he planned to do he threw his t shirt up over his head, pulling his one arm free, he then rolled the top up his cuffed arm over our hands and up my own arm where he sat it on top of my shoulder.

"be a dear and keep hold of this for me would you?" he asked with that cheeky smile.

Before I had a chance to even try argue he was already drawing pants down making me instantly shut both my mouth and my eyes. I will not perv, I will NOT perv.

I felt a little tug from the cuff on my wrist forcing me forward a step as Elijah stepped into the shower taking my arm with him as the hot water cascaded down my arm.

His t shirt had slipped down and off my shoulder a bit, so I used my only free hand to pull it back up and away from getting wet. The fucking liberty of this man.

The rest of my body soon became cold as Goosebumps swiftly spread over my skin though my arm which was tucked up in the shower with Elijah was wonderfully hot.

I could feel the softness of his skin and the tickling brush of hair over my finger pads as he washed himself and I couldn't help but to imagine just where exactly my missing hand was wondering on his body.

All too soon I could feel the soft locks of his thick hair run through my fingers as he massaged shampoo into his scalp followed by conditioner. I know hard to imagine a man use anything but a 3 in 1.


"do you have a towel?" Elijah asked poking his head out the shower, water dripped from his wet hair down onto his angled face.

"towels are in that cupboard" I said pointing to the cupboard across the room.

"can you reach?" he asked me.

I managed to take two steps towards the cupboard before there was to more give to our cuffs or arms.

I head two thuds but didn't turn to look back at Elijah who had now exited the shower.

Instead I took the extra two steps forward to reach the towel cupboard and then pulled our four towels two large and two head towels.

I put my hand out backwards offering him two of the towels and putting the other two on the hook so I could reach them from the shower.

Though I made my shower as quick as possible I couldn't help but feel embarrassed knowing that my bra and t shirt were both currently slung over Elijah's shoulder to stop them getting wet.

The fact we had to practically redress each other too just added to my torment as we wore the same clothes from the day before which we'd also had to sleep in too. The shower was suddenly feeling kind of a waste of time as I still felt dirty.

"is your hair dry enough?" Elijah asked me as he blew the hair dryer over my now basically dry hair.

"erm, yeah thank you" I said to him with a smile while I grabbed a brush to come through my hair.

Elijah also attempted to sort his own hair but in the end we both looked a little half arsed.

"you know we can't go to meet your parents like this" I laughed

"I know.. Do you not have any tools or even a hair pins ill try pick the lock thick I've never done it with one hand cuffed" he said back looked across my bathroom counter for a clip.

I reached up to the cupboard and grabbed my box of hair pins out. "you telling me that all this time all you needed was a hair clip!" I exasperated while handing him one from the box

"didn't-cross-my-mind" he said between pulling and twisting the hair pin in his mouth until it was straight with a curvy tip.

"this should do the trick" he muttered more to himself while wiggling the pin into the lock hole a few wiggles and click the lock on the cuffs sprung open with a clunk the cuffs fell to the floor.

"goddess that feels good" I said rubbing my red wrist and stretching my achy arm.

"tell me about it" Elijah said stretching his arm up above his head making his muscles pull taut. "as much as I've loved this I really do need to go get into some clean clothes buttercup, get yourself ready I imagine the parents will have a meal for us all tonight and you can't be late for your own party after all" Elijah mocked as he walked towards the door it was weird to not be dragged behind his every step.

Before he left my room he turned back a round to look at me and smiled before turning once again and leaving.

Once I was alone atlas I did get ready, choosing to take another shower as I felt dirty from wearing the same clothes for so long.

I'd never had to think much about what I wear or how I look yet I felt nervous picking clothes to wear to meet our pack alpha and Luna formally.

I didn't want to dress up too much and appear to be desperate to impress them even when I stupidly was but yet again I also didn't want to dress to casual and look uninterested or even worse offend my superiors.

After what felt like an eternity and was surely 90% of my wardrobe later I'd finally chose what I was going to wear and got myself dressed for the formal occasion.

I was just now doing the final touches to my hair to my hair which I had tied in a low sophisticated ponytail of already finished doing my make up choosing to go for neutral and warm colors with a nude glossy lip.

Ultimately I decided to just be myself I wasn't going to dress for them but for me and what I felt good in. If they didn't like it then at least they disliked me for being myself and not for trying to be something I'm not, someone I'm not. I am trinity Elizabeth the dead man's daughter and I'd never be more than that and I never wanted to be, my roots are what made me grow and I'm proud of them.

Once I was completely happy with my appearance I turned to look at the clock seeing it was now half 2 and it had been around 4 hours since Elijah had left.

Elijah clearly had bad blood with his parents or maybe just his father and I wouldn't stir that further if he wanted to pretend we were together for his parents if play. I sometimes forget the pressure he is under and that his every living breath is being judged. I can't imagine what it must feel like to constantly have to prove yourself to your own father, mine had loved me dearly until the very end.

Distracting me from my plaguing thoughts my phone began to loudly vibrate against my bedside table, I ran my hands over my outfit looking at myself in the mirror one last time and letting out a deep breath before turning to answer the phone call.

"hello.." I said know I g it was Elijah on the other end after checking the caller ID.

"hello back to you too, as I thought my mum has planned a late lunch for a few people, are you ready?" he asked me.

"yes I'm ready, when do I need to be there?" I said pulling on my diamond heels and filling my sparkly clutch with a few bits.

"I'll come over now and pick you up, okay?" he suggested.

And since my nerves were already going crazy it wouldn't hurt not having to go in alone, besides it would be good for me and Elijah to talk about how we're going to handle this beforehand.

"oh how chivalrous of you" I mocked pretending I didn't desperately want him to pick me up so I didn't have to walk in in front of his parents alone.

"of course my dear, that's me now ill be there in 5 or 10 minutes top.. Wear your hair down over your neck" Elijah said the last quickly.

"weird preference but okay, why?" I asked with humour in my voice.

"my dad will tr- never mind just wear it down please" Elijah said almost desperate.

"fine whatever I will" I huffed at his insistence though I didn't take my hair down from its ponytail.

"one last thing Trin.. Laura and her family should be there.. They're family friends of my father and all" he said now sounding nervous probably anticipating my dramatic response.

But none " well it wouldn't be a fucking tea party without a little tea would it, see you in 5 my little chauffeur" I said before hanging up the phone.

I closed my bag and a headed down stairs where I sat anxiously waiting Elijah, I could talk the talk no problem but now it was time to see if I could walk the walk.. In stilettos and shaking like a banshee. This was going to be a cinch.

I was waiting with my phone laid in my lap for Elijah's text to say he was here or him to beep his car horn, I hadn't expected him to knock on my door dressed and tailored to perfection

"Wow.. You look beautiful" he said taking my arm and walking me to the car where he opened the door for me and closed it once I was in.


The car was fancy as hell but I expected nothing less, Elijah loved cars and with this one I could see why.

He handed me a single red rose beautiful and bright yet still I said " a red rose? A little cliché, no? For preference my color of choice is blue" I said though I absolutely adored the rose and the gesture, the first flower if ever been given.

" a blue rose.. Noted" Elijah said with a smirk which made me smile as he kissed the back of my hand.

"your chariot awaits miss Elizabeth" he said silkily.

So this is how we are going to play tonight I see. I smiled brightly and asked "is there anything I should know before walking into the trap. Any rituals I need to learn or prepare for?" I joked.

With a skirt Elijah said "only one or two but I'm sure you'll get the hang of it"

"what do your parents know about us?" I asked more serous now.

Elijah too became serious before answering "not much, I've ignored their questions so far.. Don't worry I'll make sure to take the fall for us not being together I won't let him ridicule or try force your hand in any matter"

I noted he only mentioned his dad would likely ridicule me and not his mum too. "we don't have to tell them yet, I'll play along in this Bonnie and Clyde shit show" I said stealing a quick glance at his surprised features.

"no, I won't ask you to pretend this is my own fault let me deal with the shrapnel" Elijah said facing the road but sparing me a seconds glance.

"well unlucky for you I've already made my mind up on this manner" I said as we pulled up to his massive drive his house never seizes to amaze me. "time to get loved up Eli are you ready?" I asked him with a cheeky grin.

Instead of answering me he jumped out of the car coming to my side to open the door for me, after giving me his hand to help me from the car he looped my arm under his own. " you've signed your own death warrant my love" he said lowly to me as we made our way up the drive arm in arm though he had a tell tale smile on his beautiful face. Goddess help me out of this alive.

When we reached the double front doors two butlers opened them for us, I'd been in this house countless times yet I'd never seen it like this, Elijah had always chose not to have people work for him yet right now maids and butlers covered the house in professional uniform.

"welcome young alpha Mathews and miss Elizabeth" the butler welcomed us in. I only just now realised how stupid our titles sounded alongside each other especially when from over my shoulder I heard them welcome the next guests "welcome lady Clarke" I knew who it was but didn't turn to face her.

Laura came with her parents but I came with Elijah so I wouldn't feel unsettled by her prim and proper title especially when I knew that having the title lady certainly didn't make you one as proven by Laura's actions.

Elijah too didn't spare a glance back as he lead me upstairs, he pulled me aside quickly meaning Laura and her parents who were close behind walked ahead.

"are you ready little Tink?" Elijah asked me pulling my hair down from its ponytail so it bounced over my shoulders and down my back, he used his fingers to make sure it was tidy.

"as ready as I'll ever be" I said with a half smile though my nerves got the better of me.

Elijah once again linked our arms and carried on walking to the double doors at the end of the corridor.

"sweet Laura, look at the beautiful woman you've grown into, tell me where's Elijah?" the pack alpha Samuel asked Laura as he looked appraisingly at her.

"he's err-" Laura started but was soon cut off.

"here father" Elijah announced loudly projecting his voice through the room.

Great it was clear before I'd even spoke a word that the alpha was taking me in.. Then spitting me back out with a look of displeasure.

"and this is trinity, trinity Elizabeth" Elijah said pride vibrating off from his words as he brought my hand that he held up to my lip giving it a line and firm kiss clearly unfazed by his father's scrutiny.

"look at you my sweet boy!" Luna phoebe Elijah's mum walked from around the table past the other guests without so much as a glance as she walked to me and Elijah.

She stroked a gentle hand over his cheek "oh how much you've grown, and you wow your so radiant, so beautiful its a pleasure to meet the lady who has my son in such turmoil" she said with a bright and welcoming smile and a little chuckle.

Elijah resembled his mother, she was beautiful and elegant though she appeared to be the angel to Elijah's devil looking over to alpha Samuel it was clear to see where he got that devil inside him from.

"come her then introduce us properly" alpha Samuel said in a cold voice.

Elijah took a few more steps forward tightening his grip on my hand.

"father I wish for you to formally meet Trinity" though I'd met this man many times at the charity balls over the years he never seemed so displeased with me then.

"yes, trinity tell me again which family it is you come from" he asked me almost smugly though he knew very well the answer.

"the Elizabeth's, I'm sure you were familiar with my father, right alpha Samuel's?" I asked back with an edge to my voice though I should know better than to provoke him I will not back down to an unworthy man.

A cough and multiple laughs filled the room including that of Elijah's but the sound soon died down when they saw the look on Samuel's sour face.

"that I did ms Elizabeth" he said my ms as if it were an insult to me. It was not. I didn't need or crave a fancy title.

"how fortunate" I said back at this point the whole room had fallen silent as if people didn't even dare to breath, Jaws were left wide open as they stared at the interaction accept for Elijah who seemed rather amused.

"that he is to have met your wonderful father" Elijah said as he pulled out a chair for me on the long rectangular table. He then sat in the seat next to me as alpha Samuel took a seat at the head of the table.

Luna phoebe grabbed all her utensils and plates moving them from the seat at the other end of the table opposite Samuel and moved them to the seat on the other side of me.

Elijah who was on my right sat next to his father, a seat of status while across from him on the seat left of alpha Samuels a seat for someone important or special sat Laura.

The alpha had clearly chosen who he wanted his son to be with but then again it appeared the Luna had too as she continued to praise me and ask me about my life.

"son don't you think Laura looks delightful tonight" alpha Samuel asked Elijah with a devilish smile.

"do you mean to insult my mate father? I doubt mother ever asked you what you thought of Mr. Elizabeth so I'd expect the same curtesy for my own partner" Elijah voice held no fear instead it was fierce and sexy as hell.

Samuel sat up and walked behind us between me and Elijah.

"you call her your partner yet there lies no mark, no claims have been made yet, the games still open" he said while flicking my hair from over my shoulder onto my back exposing my clear smooth neck where my mark would be.

Elijah shot to his feet making the chair skid behind him and fall to the floor with he stepped in front of me placing his hand back toi hold me. "you'll keep your hands off of her. This is no game and my decision has already been made but I'll not rush into making her bare my mark, trapping her in something she might later regret like mother" Elijah's words were pure malice, a death blow.

Before alpha Samuel said whatever he was about to say Luna phoebe shot up from her seat too but hers didn't bounce to the floor.

"now that's quite enough! You'll stop all this right now.. Apologise Sam" she raised her voice suddenly radiating power.

"you want me to apologise? Did you hear what our son just said?" Samuel scoffed.

"now! And you owe lady Elizabeth an apology too so you'd better make it a good one" there was no bend in Luna phoebe's voice and no room for argument.

Alpha Samuel cleared his throat before speaking. " my apologies to you both if I stepped out of line" he seemed to all but force the words out.

Elijah turned away from his father ignoring him completely as he turned to face his mother. " I'll see you soon mom" he spoke softly to her before taking my hand and leading me out of the dining hall then out the house.

We'd managed to go and leave before half the guest showed up including Stephan and before any food at all had been served.

Elijah was pacing and I struggled to keep up with him. "slow down, I'm sorry about in there" I said doing a little jog to try keep up.

He stopped, turned to face me and said "it's me who is sorry I should have known better than to take you anywhere near him"

"come on let's go let off some steam, we'll feel better after a run" I said besides I had denied the instinct for far too long.

We walked together to the woods that I'd run in when I lived with Elijah that short time ago which feels like a life time ago.

Once we'd gone deep enough into the woods we striped off our clothes behind separate trees trusting that Elijah who knew these woods much better than I would be able to successfully relocate them again afterwards like I often couldn't. Then we let nature do the rest.

My transition was a little more painful then usual because I'd tried to block Tink out meaning she was pissed.

We ran, walked, jumped and simply just laid down under the shelter of the trees for hours on end letting ourselves forget about our earlier problems if only for a little while.

When we'd finished escaping reality we'd gotten our selves dressed again and set off walking as neither of us wanted to go back there to get Elijah's car. Instead we'd walked our ways to my house.

As I opened the door I said. " this time you shower alone"

"I showered alone last time too" Elijah said in an innocent voice.

"you know exactly what I mean, you'll have no one holding your top for you or helping you dress now" I joked.

"how will I ever manage on my own" he laughed taking his shoes off as we got into the house.

After ordering and eating take out to make up for the dinner we missed out on we laid in my bed watching the vampire diaries per my request.

"Stefan or Damon?" Elijah asked me as he grabbed a handful of popcorn.

"none, or both but I'd rather Klaus any day of the week, in fact I'll take all three" I said before stuffing popcorn into my own mouth.

"hmm, take what you want, I like it" he said with a laugh.

"what can I say, I want what I want" I said after finishing a mouthful of popcorn.

"Atta girl" he said knocking his shoulder into mine.

Being with a Elijah like this reminded me of how me and Evan are, I'd never of thought I'd see the day me and Elijah were actually getting on as friends and simply enjoying being in each others company effortlessly.
