

Iris is a stray dog that followed me home a few years after many encounters with many men.

She looked so sad and hungry. I had to let her stay with me, even if it was for one night.

But one night turned into one week, two weeks, one month.

My landlord, Ryan, didn't allow pets so I had to make sure she was well hidden.

I took care of her and we always went on walks, only late in the afternoon though.

Buying her dog food was a serious issue, my landlord is... what's the right word?

A stalker. And a pervert.

But I was just glad that he hadn't suspected anything. Yet.

One day when I was coming home after being fired from another job, I was surprised to see Ryan outside my apartment with a creepy smile on his face. Weird much?

'Oh, it's a surprise to see you here, Ryan.' He always insisted on me calling him by his first name.

'I just wanted to see how my favorite person was doing.' He said this every time he visited. Every. Time.

'I'm good thank you,' I replied as I found my keys in my bag and stepped toward the front door, 'it was a pleasure seeing you here but-.'

He grabbed me by the hair and threw me on the floor. Crushing my ribs and leaving a mark on the side of my face.

'Listen here bitch,' he whispered in my ear, 'I know about that stupid dog you've been hiding. So if you don't want to be living on the streets, you'll do exactly what I say.'

I was too shocked to answer, so I nodded.

'Good, now stand up' -I stood up, careful not to hurt my ribs even more- 'go upstairs to your room and wait there. Don't even try running.'

I followed his instructions and waited on my bed, knowing what would happen. Five minutes later he enters my room, naked. I close my eyes as he comes towards me and takes off my clothes.

Five hours later. I sit up feeling pain all over my body. As I look down I see bite marks everywhere. I cry about how many times this has happened, I cry about not being able to stand up for myself, I cry about my existence.

I stand up from the bed and take a cold, long shower. Then I change into a sweater and some leggings.


I ran outside of my room to see Iris on the floor, bleeding. The bastard kicked her multiple times! I immediately put her in her dog cage, and took her to the vet clinic, silently praying that she was alive.

The vets told me otherwise.

Something else that I love. Gone. I just wanted to be loved, I guess that's not happening.

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