
The Sunrise on Destiny

In a dark and dusty stone room that was filled to the brim with display cabinets holding everything from dark and malicious looking amulets to glowing weapons filled with runes. Yet none looked as old or ornate as the crystal ball sitting on the table.

The crystal ball wasn't clear as it was filled with stacking circular patterns of complex runes that ran inside and outside of the ball. The purple crystal was held up by three swirling dragons filled with complex sets of runes. The ball was hit by the rays of dawn as it flickered to life with an eerie green light.

An old woman in an elaborate magenta cloak hurried into the room and sat in front of the glowing crystal ball. Her cloak was filled with old golden runes running the length of the cloak up to the back of it that was embroidered a golden eye that was illuminated. She placed her hands on the ball and muttered a chant in raspy voice willing the ball to life. The crystal ball flashed, and her eyes rolled into the back of her head.

The elderly magus croaked the prophecy of destiny:

"As old forces of evil rise to siege Aria again the young stars shall rise to protect the realm from the corroding darkness. Time and time they force the darkness back through hardship and losses to the final battle. The throughout the campaign the brightest is forced to sacrifice themselves to end this darkness."

The crystal ball dimmed as the old magus slumped into her chair.

"There will be dark days ahead, I fear. I hope our younger generation is up to the challenge."

* * * * *

Seventeen Years Later

The sun creeped over the crest of the hills as it lit up the green countryside in its golden glow. The small room was lit up waking up the boyish Merlin from his slumber.

"Wake up its your birthday today and the start of your journey to the academy!"

Merlin "uuuuugggghhh .... Today's the day"

Merlin stumbled out of his cot, throwing on his clothes as he stumbled out of his room. He was greeted by his brown-haired mother melody.

Mother "Morning honey, happy seventeenth birthday."

Merlin "Morning mom and thanks."

Mother "You ready for the start of your adventure?"

Merlin "I can't wait to go!"

Mother "Well eat up so that you're ready. Also wash up."

Merlin "I'm working on it!"

Merlin sucked down his gruel as fast as he could and scrambled to the washroom. He dragged the tub out of the corner and chanted the spell to create water for the tub. This spell is a part of the most basic magic that everyone is required to know.

Merlin looked at his reflection from the tub. His scraggly golden blond hair that hung in front of his emerald eyes that shined with a special light. His face was lean while his body was tan and fit from the work in the fields. Merlin paused as he thought about all his time in the small town that was Ashton.

Merlin grew up working the fields and spending all his extra time in the books from the local school. He went through everything in the library reading from history to about plants in the area to even what little magic information was public. As he turned 16, he learned about his talent in magic. Most people in the world can use a little household magic but he has the potential to be a full-fledged magus if Merlin receives the correct training.

Once he learned about his talent, he pushed himself further to learn about everything magic and even experimented on his own trying to make new spells or expand the original spells. This is hard because all the spells are written down phonically and there are no runic textbooks about the language of magic. Merlin was successful in creating some spells from small attack spells to other household spells like ones to dust. Merlin then decided to set out for the Shex academy when he could go no further in his magic studies.

Merlin finished up in the washroom and went to ready his bag for his journey. Merlin snatched his bag and dashed out the door to be greeted by his father holding something behind his back next to his mother.

Father "Happy birthday son. Your mother and I prepared this gift since we heard about your talent in magic. Everyone who goes on a journey needs proper protection and funds."

He pulled out a slightly rusted iron double edged sword that glowed in the sun.

Father "Make sure to protect yourself on your journey and be wary of the big cities."

Merlin "Thanks Mom and Dad, I will put your gifts to good use!"

Merlin hugged them hard as he took the sword and money. He then began his journey.

This is my first web novel I have ever done and this is a fun poject for me. Feel free to give me tips as to things I can improve on.

PurpleCloakcreators' thoughts