
A Bad Introduction

"That's none of your concern," Leon spat, wrapping himself up in his blanket. He laid down and turned his back towards Seven, no longer interested in having a conversation.

Seven was hurt by his blunt response, thinking that they were at least considered friends. After all, he did spend a lot of time with Leon. But this wasn't the same for Leon, was it?

Seven should have expected this.

He may have helped take care of Leon. He may have risked his life just so Leon could breathe. He may even have found a friend in him along the way. But in the end, he was nothing but a stranger to Leon, and vice versa.

He knows nothing about Leon.

They haven't even had a full conversation.

Hell, they weren't even properly introduced.

Seven sighed and closed his eyes, 'I'll think about it later,'

For now, he'll just get all the rest he can get.

Even if it is still broad daylight.

Leon may have had his eyes closed, but he was still awake. But when he felt that Seven had knocked out, he opened his eyes. He did think that he was being a little mean to Seven, but he retracted that thought immediately.

'There's no reason to be nice,' he thought, 'he's just cannon fodder,'

Seven was nothing but a grain of dust in this world.

Even if Seven was someone who noticed him first, his existence only served to help Rey achieve his goals.

There was no reason to play nice.

Maybe that was a part of 'Leon's' personality that he still carried with him. To be nice even when you don't have to. To be nice even to those who hurt you.

Leon won't live like that anymore.

This world doesn't deserve his kindness.

'A Blood Flower of a Thousand Years,'

He wonders where he could find that.

Blood Flowers were already difficult to find. Where could he even find a thousand-year-old one?

Blood Flower, just like its' name, was a flower the color of blood. But that isn't the reason why it's called the Blood Flower. The main reason is because it absorbs the blood of fallen beasts. The more beasts that die in an area, the stronger the flower will grow. And it will continue to do so until it is plucked by someone's hands.

The reason why it's difficult to find is not only because of all the dangerous beasts, but also because it is only found in the demon's lands.

Humans and demons have always hated each other. Especially now that the demons have been defeated by Rey. How could he possibly find-

. . .

Leon smiled.

'Of course I can find it,' his smile grew bigger, 'This isn't Aruvar,'

He glanced at the door, sensing that Rey was there. Knowing that he's been there the entire time.

Leon hid his growing smile with a hand, 'This time . . . this time will be different,'

This time, he's patient.

He's calmer.

He's better now.

His mind is clearer.

He will go home.

Or die trying.

He took a deep breath, calming himself down.

Then he closed his eyes. His breath steadied. And just like before, he went to sleep.

Except this time, he's ready to wake up.

Rey sat outside the door, upset.

He missed Leon.

He missed him so much.

He just wanted to be next to him.

To always have him in sight.

To always have him within arm's reach.

The closer, the better.

Rey sat outside until Leon had fallen asleep before he began sneaking inside and kneeling at Leon's bedside. He gazed at Leon's face as if it'd been forever since he'd seen him.

Over the years, Leon's hair had grown to reach just below his shoulders. He's even lost muscle mass due to no longer training or exercising. But that didn't mean he was unhealthy; Rey made sure of that. Leon was just slimmer than he was five years ago. Rey is sure he will gain that all back in no time. He is also sure that Leon forced his body to its limit during the battle.

Though Leon fought gallantly like he once did, Rey knew there must be some repercussions. Five years of non-fighting with minimal exercise. There's no way that he could have fought like that without straining or tearing a muscle or two.

Rey started his examination, and he found that he was right. It was the muscles on Leon's legs. Though he would like to wake Valora up immediately and tell her to fix Leon, he knows that she is too exhausted to do it. She had already long passed out the moment she reached her room. But no matter, Rey made do with some ice packs.

After finishing his daily Leon check-up, he went back to kneeling at Leon's bedside and gazing at him.

'It must be time to cut it,' Rey thought as he kissed the ends of his hair. Then, with a small smile and gentle eyes, he softly caressed Leon's cheek.

He could tell that Leon was having his usual blissful dreams, but his body was stiff and tense, as if afraid to wake up. However, this was normal for Rey to see. So he scooted Leon over and laid beside him. He held Leon in his arms and ran his fingers through his hair. And just like that, Leon was calm and comfortable. His scrunched eyebrows disappeared, and his limbs grew limp. He slept at ease in the warmth surrounding him.

Rey made himself comfortable as well, nuzzling his nose in Leon's hair and pulling him into his embrace as if he weren't close enough already. Then he closed his eyes and fell asleep.

It wasn't until late in the afternoon that Leon woke up.

Who he had woken up to didn't surprise him. What did surprise him was the fact that Rey was cuddling him. Leon moved to get out of his grasp, but Rey only tightened his hold. The more Leon tried to escape, the tighter Rey held. Eventually, Leon found that there was only one way to get up.


Rey rubbed at the sudden pain on his face before scowling at Leon, "You-"

"-I'm hungry,"

Rey huffed, but eventually let Leon go. Leon got up and was about to make his way downstairs, but Rey stopped him.

"You have to cover yourself up," Rey stated, "People here don't like humans,"

Rey shrouded Leon in a cape of shadows. 

"I was walking fine earlier," Leon retorted.

"Just wear it to be safe," Rey said, and went to pick Leon up, or at least tried picking him up.

But Leon fought back immediately, "What do you want?"

"You've strained your leg muscles, you shouldn't be walking,"

Leon stared at him incredulously, "I've been hurt way more than this before. What could a little muscle strain do to me?!"

Rey furrowed his eyebrows and looked away, knowing that what Leon said was true. They've been through life and death together, a little muscle strain is nothing. But that doesn't stop Rey from worrying.

Leon made his way out of the room, and Rey quickly followed behind, grasping Leon's hand along the way.

Once again, Leon tried to make him let go.


Rey only held his hand tighter.

"You're being annoying!"

Rey didn't let go.

"Let go!"

Rey frowned but still didn't let go, "We hold hands all the time,"

"No, we don't,"

In the end, Leon lost. Rey was so insistent and stubborn that Leon just gave up. There really is no use fighting a losing battle.

Much to Leon's dismay, when they made it down to the tavern, eyes were immediately drawn to them.

"Our savior!"

"Thank you so much!"

"What could we do to repay you?!"

Cries of thanks and praise surrounded them. It was a familiar sight, one that Leon had witnessed a thousand times before. Usually, 'Leon' would revel in these types of situations, dancing and laughing with the people. Celebrating their victory as Rey finds a nice, quiet place to relax. But he wasn't 'Leon' anymore, there was no need to do any of that. Instead, he wanted to see how Rey handled situations like this.

"Leave us," Rey ordered.

The crowd instantly dispersed and left them alone.

Simple as that.

It was not as intriguing as Leon had hoped.

"Rey!" a voice called, "Over here!"

It was Valora and Penny.

Rey and Leon made their way to them and sat down.

"We woke up not too long ago too," Penny said, "We just ordered food, it should be coming out soon,"

"Hm," Rey nodded.

Valora and Penny stared at Leon, expectantly. Valora with squinted eyes and crossed arms. And Penny with glittery eyes and a smile.

Leon returned those stares with a blank look.

They sat like that for a few minutes, just staring at each other. Rey made no move to intervene and just made himself comfortable by Leon's side by playing with his fingers. Eventually, when the food came out, it was Valora who broke first.

"Are you really not going to introduce yourself?!" Valora yelled as she slammed a hand on the table.

"Valora, Valora," Penny calmed, "It's okay," she turned to Leon with a nervous smile, "I'm Penny, it's finally nice to meet you, officially,"

"Hmph!" Valora huffed and looked away.

Penny sighed, "And this is Valora, she's a . . . she's happy to meet you too!"

Valora rolled her eyes.

Leon stared at the both of them expressionlessly, looking back and forth.

"A-and you are . . .?"

Then Leon looked at Rey, who obviously didn't seem to care much about the introductions.

Penny continued, "Leon, yes? . . . Ah, Seven told us so much about you! You're Rey's best friend, right? Together for te-fifteen years now. You fought valiantly today, you are truly a Swordsmaster!"

Leon broke into a big smile.

"I'm Leon!" he boasted with a golden aura, "The best Swordsmaster to exist, the spark that flies through the battlefield, and the one and only best friend of Rey himself! Leon at your service!"

Valora and Penny were shocked and speechless. Even Rey could only stare puzzled, his hold on Leon's hand, limp.

Finding that his hand was free, Leon took it back and acted with dramatic movements.

"Rey here isn't all that good at introducing friends, so please bear with him!" Leon laughed, "This must be the second time we've met! No, it's actually the third time now, isn't it?! It's great to finally be officially acquainted,"

Leon's smile grew grim, "I'm surprised that you're both still here and alive, must've been really hard. I mean, Seven almost didn't make it, so-"

"-Leon," Rey said with a low voice, "Don't do this,"

"Oh, come on, Rey, I'm just introducing myself! Besides, I'm sure it was 'Leon' who they actually wanted to meet anyway,"

Rey held Leon's hand again and stuffed a piece of bread into his mouth before turning towards Valora and Penny, "This is Leon. He's going to be with us from now on, treat him as you've always had. Nothing has changed,"

"Nothing has changed?!" Valora scoffed, "I think I like lifeless Leon better!"

Rey glared.

Valora put her hands up in defense and said, "I'm just saying, Leon is not all . . . right in the head. He's kind of cuckoo. Hell, he threw a stick through Penny's wing just so he could talk to us!"

Leon shrugged, "How else was I supposed to get you down?"

"See, his morals aren't straight!"

"Sigh . . . For a healer, you're quite loud,"

"Listen you! I didn't like you the moment we met, especially now that you're alive and talking. I suggest you watch yourself before-"

"-Threatening me?" Leon grinned, "You should use your words wisely. Women of the harem don't get happy endings for as long as the protagonist has his one true love. Will you be abandoned? Extorted? Maybe unsullied? Maybe even killed? Who knows how you'll end up? So be careful with what you say next, it might be your end,"

"-Leon, enough!" Rey slammed a hand on the table, "Eat,"

"I was just giving advice," Leon shrugged and went to munching.

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