
No other identity

Nancy felt the urge to put on some music to lighten the mood. She walked to the television and turned it on. Noor was still eating her breakfast as she was a slow eater.

Nancy turned channel after channel to find a good one, playing the latest music. She might be a lady in her forties but her soul was young as a teenager.

As she was fiddling with channels Noor interrupted her to stop at a particular one.

It was a local news channel hence was not popular. But today that channel was showing news about a businessman who got into an accident which made him paralyzed from the waist down.

Jimmy entered the dining area with his laptop and suitcase as he was ready to leave. He gave a look at what Noor was watching on the television so engrossed but then stopped in his steps because he could clearly identify who was the person in the news.

He walked and stood beside Noor's chair with furrowed eyebrows. They both knew that the person was George Anakin.

Apparently, the news reporter was reporting from a hospital, where George was admitted. According to the news George was found by a group of people who admitted him in that hospital. He was covered in blood, it was oozing from his head and he had hurt his lower back very badly. He had other marks on his body which were maybe because he fell from a tall building. He was in a deep coma and not even the doctors knew if he could ever wake up.

Noor was stunned from this piece of news. She had wetness in her eyes. But Jimmy was emitting icy cold vibes. When he saw that Noor is turning pale he patted her head and said," this is his karma!" But in his heart, he knew that it was him and his men who delivered George at the door of karma. He had no pity for this mongrel. His ruthlessness was chilling. He nearly killed a person but did not bat an eye.

But Noor was soft-hearted. She felt bad but could not stop herself from agreeing to what Jimmy said. It was indeed his karma.

She nodded back at him without lifting her head. After seeing the news she felt like throwing up.

Noor stood up and excused herself to use the loo.

Jimmy was getting late for work, he asked Nancy to prepare nutritious food in lunch for her and walked out of the door.

Jimmy left for work and Noor went upstairs to her bedroom.

She closed the door behind her and sat down at the door itself. She was trembling and tears started dripping involuntarily from her eyes. She placed her hands on her knees and uncontrollably sobbed. She covered her mouth so that Jimmy and Nancy could not listen.

She clutched the sides of her clothes until her fingers hurt. Her heart was in pain and she broke down completely. She was overthinking, she was blaming herself for what happened that night at the party, for what happened to George, for what happened back when she was a kid and everything that has ever happened in her life, as well as in others'.

From the continuous crying, she triggered her asthma. She tried to breathe in between her sobs. Her throat was on fire. Her chest was heaving. This further made her cough uncontrollably. Her lips were shivering. But her crying could not stop as if her eyes were not in her control. She cried her heart out but made sure she was silent.

When she felt all the energy drained out of her, she lied down on the cold floor. The floor was like a savior for her. Her body was emitting a lot of heat; her face was itching due to drying of salty tears, and in this situation, only the cold floor was giving her support.

She slept on the floor for some time. After she felt better she made her way to the bathroom. But she was ashen inside. Not feeling anything, just living on with no purpose.

After a warm bath, she felt a little energetic. She looked in the mirror and saw a depressed young girl who has lost her purpose.

She was nothing but Noor Carter, she had no other identity. She pronounced her name "Noor Carter, wife of the great Jimmy Carter" "Hello, nice to meet you I am Noor Carter" "Yes, Jimmy is a great husband" "oh, yes he takes care of me well"… [But I am nothing…]

She felt like crying again. Suddenly, a bell rang in her head and she started looking for her phone anxiously.

She got hold of the phone and she dialed a number. After few rings she spoke, "Hi, it's me" "I was busy a little these days" "Yes, I have called you to reorder for me, will you be kind enough?" "I will pay you as soon as I get hold of it" "I haven't got any left" "yes, see you soon. Bye"

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