
Hair all messed up, oily face and a drool

The next morning Jimmy woke up before Noor. Few sun rays were sneaking into their bedroom escaping blue curtains hung at the two large windows. He stretched his entire body and yawned like a hippopotamus. Birds were chirping as if singing a morning song to him. He turned around to see Noor sleeping beautifully next to him. Hair all messed up, oily face and a drool. Oh gosh, she looked like a dog. A sweet smile came across Jimmy's face. He remembered how he could hold Noor's hand for 10 mins without her getting all scared last night. It was beautiful for him; it was the longest in the history of holding hands for him. He would have written in golden ink the date and time in Guinness book of world record if he owned it. He was in love. Oh, he was in so much love. He loved her but could never really confess it to her.

Without disturbing her he woke up and tiptoed to the bathroom to freshen up and get ready. Maybe because Noor was thinking half of the night she was still in a deep sleep. It was rare for her to sleep for such long hours. Maybe she felt secure in the presence of her husband that she was all cuddled up in a quilt.

Jimmy came out of the bathroom to find that she was still sleeping. He made his way to the kitchen to make coffee for her and breakfast for him. He threw some bread in the toaster, poured a glass of apple juice and cooked eggs in a frying pan. He was not a great cook but could cook in a situation of demand. He brewed some milk coffee for her and took all the food and beverages to their room in a tray.

"Noor…Noor…wake up… hey, good morning sleepy head", Jimmy tried to be gentle as he could. Noor woke up and looked around as if she wasn't sure she woke up on the correct planet. "What.. what happened..what time is it, it's morning already…", Noor sprung up. "Relax have some coffee and come back on Earth", Jimmy patted her head. Noor rubbed her eyes and combed her hair with her fingers. And sneakingly cleaned her drool. Noor placed both palms in front of her and prayed in a low voice looking at them in all seriousness. After her prayer, she rubbed both her hands together and placed them on her eyes.

Jimmy was confused. Noor looked up and saw his confused looks. "This is the morning ritual that I follow since childhood, I just thanked God for the life he gave to me and prayed for the well-being of others", Noor confessed. "Oh… does this work?" Jimmy enquired.

"My grandmother used to say that it is the most overwhelming thing to do, it gives you positivity for the complete day and God listens to those who remember him with gratitude and not in need", she responded.

He was touched. "Here's your coffee and I am going to the company if you need anything just give me a call", he said while picking up his laptop and needed documents.

Chapter 2 is out. Tell me what you think in the comments section. Much love and respect.

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