

"Please help my daughter. Please do everything to save her."

Akane felt like every single cell within her body was hurting like crazy. She tried opening her eyes but they seemed so heavy. She tried lifting her fingers but doing that simple act hurt so much.

What happened?

She tried recalling but she felt muddled. She read a book? Then ate her breakfast with her twin brother. And then... then what?


"Why isn't she waking up? Please, doctor, help my daughter."

Daughter? Was the person talking about her? But the voice wasn't that of her mothers.

"She hit her head when she fell, Ma'am. Aside from waiting for her to recover on her own, I can't do anymore. But if..."

"If what?!"

"If you can find a healing magician, there's a chance for your daughter to wake up soon."

A healing magician?!

What kind of a quack was this doctor to fool this poor mother? Tsk tsk.

Akane did not hear anymore aside from their footsteps. She wanted to wake up to see who were those people but she couldn't open her eyes still! Her consciousness was awake but why couldn't she open her eyes?!

And where were her family?! Her dad? Her mom? And that annoying Aoi?!


She then remembered what happened to her. She remembered running and then Aoi shielding her from the coming car.

Where was Aoi? Was he okay?! That stupid brother! Why did he shield her with his own body?! What was he thinking?! Stupid, stupid Aoi!

"Are you in pain, Asthreia? I'm sorry Mom can't do anything for you now. I'll find you a healing magician, daughter. Don't worry, okay?"

What a loving mother. She hoped her daughter would be okay soon. She missed her family. Maybe they would be back soon.

Akane was confused when she felt something strange swirling inside of her. It wasn't painful but warm instead.

She could feel her consciousness fading the same time she felt a warm hand touching her forehead.

The next time she was aware of her surroundings, she felt like her body became lighter. A groan left her lips when she tried to move. Her body wasn't hurting anymore. It just felt so heavy.

"Asthreia? Can you hear me, Threia?"

What?! Who's that?

She felt a hand touching her cheek and it was then she noticed that someone was holding her hand and was squeezing it so hard.

"Are you in pain? I'm sorry Mom's so useless. I can't find a healing magician to cure you. But don't worry. I will do everything to find a healing magician. Please stay strong for me, Threia."

What healing magician?! Who was Threia?! She was Akane! Who was this lady holding her hand and acting like she was her daughter? Where was her family?! Dad?! Mom?!

"A...oi..." she muttered.

"Asthreia?! Can you hear me, Threia? Open your eyes, Threia."

She slowly opened her eyes but instantly closed then when the harsh lights greeted her.

She heard the voice sobbing as a hand gently stroke her cheek. "Asthreia?"

Little by little, she opened her eyes and what greeted her was a face that should have been unfamiliar but familiar at the same time.

"Thank the Heavens. Thank the Heavens!"

The unknown sobbing lady suddenly hugged her. Akane's small body was enclosed inside the lady's shaking arms. She was hugging her so tight as if she was afraid Akane would be gone if she would let go of her.

Akane was confused on who this lady was and why she seemed so familiar to her. And where was her family?

"My baby. You finally woke up." She let go of Akane before looking at her face and body. "Are you okay, Threia? Is your head hurting?"

Okay. So why was this pretty lady calling her Threia?!

"Uhm... who are you?"

The lady's face turned stiff. Horror was written all over her face as she looked at her. Akane knew the horror on the lady's face was mirroring her own. Why? Because Akane's voice turned of that of a child!

Heavens! What happened to her?!

And Akane’s finally awake but who’s the lady that greeted her and why is she calling her Asthreia? ? Thank you for reading and I hope you’ll give my story a chance. I will do my best to update frequently. Your comments and votes are highly appreciated x

astheriellexcreators' thoughts