
1. Progule: A Mistake and Return--Ai's POV

I made a deal with my grandfather; for two years, I wanted to enjoy living as an ordinary person. I reached Beijing, China. I worked hard to get the work position that I wanted in Ning Corp. I was just a office worker.

A few months later, I was promoted to be a secretary for our boss, which I never met him before. My boss has been away for a month now. I heard rumors about him being mean, strict, and very cold-hearted person. I can see why there's no rumors or scandals about him.

I did a research about him and what he looks like. I see nothing special about him but he does seem a cold person. Its a good thing he's away from the company.

One night, I got a text from my co-workers, they wanted to grab a drink at a bar. I changed my appearance and head to the bar to meet them. They were blown away of how I look. "Oh my gosh, Ai. You look different than your normal attire." "...Thank you..?"

We cheer our drinks together. I had fun. I know my limits of drink but I feel a little bit of dizzy all of the sudden. I stand up and decided to get some fresh air. "Hey. I'll be right back." "Hurry back up. We're going one more round." I laugh. "Alright."

I excuse myself and bump into someone. "Ah..sorry." My head was spinning. "Hey." Someone is talking to me but I collapsed. I heard him let out a sigh. I just knock out.


I was getting cold. I tried to pull the blanket but couldn't. Who dares to take all of the blanket? I get up and turn around. My eyes are widen. I was shocked to see a stranger laying next to me. Who the hell is this?

I quickly get off the bed and tried to recall what happen last night. As I stand there, I realize I wasn't wearing any clothes but my lingerie. I crouch down and hugged myself. What just happen? I looked up and check on the stranger. I squint and covered my mouth with both of my hands.

Shit! What did I just do? Did I just had one night stand with....my boss?!!! I then quickly grab my clothes and immediately put my clothes on. I look around for my bag but it was no where to be found. Shit. I'm doomed.

I quickly write a small note for him and left the room. I just cannot believe what just happen. Later in the same day, I wear my usual attire for work, old fashion suit, with glasses, no makeup, hair tied up. I sigh and focus on work.

Around 8AM, boss shows up. I stand up and greet him. "Good Morning, sir." "Mm." He didn't even bother to look at me. Thank goodness. I thought I was a goner. I sit down and continue to work. Around 10AM, I knock on his door and enter his office. "Sir, there will be a meeting at noon. Are you still able to make it? If not, I will call them and have them reschedule."

He looks over at his watch. "Noon is fine." "Alright." I set some documents on his desk. "These documents needs to be verified by you. Let me know you are done reading them throughtly and signed." "Mm." "Do you need anything else sir?" "No."

(Rude.) I bow and left the office. Damn him. Not once he made eye contact but its alright. It's a good thing though.

A year has passed since I've been working in Ning Corp. One day, I was dealing with a rude woman. "Ma'am. President doesn't want to see anyone." "Don't you know who I am? I am his aunt. I have the authority to come here and see him." "I apologize but I am just following his orders."

She then slaps me across my face. Damn woman. I clench my hand to fist. Calm down Ai. Calm down. No need to make a move. I bow to her. "I still cannot let you enter." She scoffs. "Damn you. How long have you work here, huh?" "It doesn't matter how long I've worked here. Like I said, I'm just following President's orders." "You--" I am going to get hit again or so I thought.

President catches his aunt's wrist. "What are you doing?" She pulls her hand back. "I am just visiting you but this secretary of yours refused to let me enter." "I told her not to let anyone in." "Zhi Yuan! I am your aunt. I have the right to visit you." He sighs. "Aunt. I'm working. I have no time to chat."

He turns around and heads to the office. His aunt follows him. I follow them. "What are you? Married to your job? Can't you go and meet this granddaughter of his." "Aunt. I don't want to get married." "For the loving peace, you're at the age to get married."

He looks up and our eyes met. I jolts. I look down. He knits his brows. He walk towards me and lift my chin up. I was holding my breath. Did he know that...we...

He asked, "What happen to your cheek?" My cheek? Oh? "Nothing, sir. I just..." "What happen to your cheek?" "....Your aunt..." He lets go and glare at his aunt. "This my company. My employees. You have no right to hit my employees." "You rather side with this...this...secretary than your aunt?!"

He sighs. "Enough with this marriage talk. I will not get married. And that's final." "You..." "You may leave now." He turns his heels and sits on his chair and get going onto his work. His aunt scoffs and left.

I then bow and was about to leave his office. He speaks, "You know...you should at least defend yourself than getting hurt." I turn around and met his gaze. "She's still your family, sir. I wouldn't dare." I bow again and leave his office.

Next week, I walk out of the company. I notice a man leaning against my car. "Uncle?" He looks up and was shocked at my attire. "Ai...is that you..? what happen to you..?" "Nothing. Anyways what are you doing here?"

He bit his bottom lip. "What's wrong, Uncle?" He looks at me. "Ai...Grandfather...has passed away." I was shocked. "..What....what do you mean?" "We already had the funeral and buried him." I was speechless. "Ai...Right now we need you. You're our only hope."

I grab his collar. "Funeral....and buried him...yet you didn't bother to tell me?!" "Ai...I know you're hurt and in pain but that's Grandfather's wishes." "Unbelievable." "Ai...will you come with us?"

"First...what happen to him?" "I am sorry I cannot..." "Fine." I continued, "I will find the answers on my own." I get in the car and drive away. First thing first, I sit on the chair, grab pen and paper. Letter of resignation.

I then pack my bags and leave money into my landlady's mailbox with a note. I head back to the company. I walk into President's office. I set down my letter resignation on his desk. I head back out and get back into my car to head to the airport.

After several hours, I have arrive to Tokyo. "Home sweet home."

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