9 Chapter 9: Totsuki Island/Academy Part 1

Friendly Reminder: Timeline currently for MC, is 3 years before Luffy departs from the island and starts his journey. And also, Sabo is alive and this is known by Ace and Luffy.


All: "Woah~..." We all look in amazement at the things on this island, whether it's the markets, the food we tasted, and other stuff.

Mr. Sponge Bob, the person leading us on this island, stops in front of us, so we stop as well. Once we look in the same direction as him, the girls open their mouths in shock, and stars appear in their eyes.

'Wow, the anime wasn't exaggeration the size of the academy, it's very beautiful as well'

SpongeBob: "And this building, our final destination: Totsuki Academy" He starts smiling, as if he was a small kid showing another kid his newly acquired toy to show off.

"So what exactly do you do in Totsuki Academy?"

Nami: "Right, right, I've never heard of an 'academy' before"

Since this is the One Piece World, with now cross overs from Food wars, the normal One Piece characters most definitely wouldn't understand what an academy is, the closest thing to it would probably be the Marine HQ training/academy thing-

'Wait, if food wars is here... What's stopping there being other anime? What if there actually IS other anime?' At this thought, I started getting a little excited, but also a little nervous. I mean, think about it this way, what's stopping there being characters from an anime like One Punch Man, or Bleach? The only thing that I could hope for in that case, is for their power to logically fit in this world.

For example, let's take Take-Over magic from fairy tail: The obvious way to make it logical in the One Piece world, is for the user to have eaten a Zoan Devil Fruit, which is basically, if not the exact same as Fairy Take-Over magic, minus the mana.

[ A/N: Hint Hint :) ]

SpongeBob: "Totsuki Academy consists of young, capable chefs that will improve for the future of the chef world, whether it's to improve this island, or leave this island and join an organisation and be known for their food, the headmaster created this academy to ensure these young ones unlock their full potential, and to compete with each other to see where their food stands, and also learn from previous generations where they can improve"

[ A/N: Hope that made sense ]

Nojiko: "So it's like the Marine HQ? And how they take young people who want and will join the marine higher ranks in the future?"

SpongeBob: "Correct. And, to further help the chefs for the future, instead of only teaching them cooking, the academy also allows chefs to train, whether it's in knife-combat, Melee, etc"

'Ho~ Now this is different... So not only do Totsuki students cook, but they also fight? Interesting...'

Kuina: "Are any of them capable in actual combat, as well as cooking?" She asks, for the fact that, if there ARE any capable people that can both cook and fight, they would maybe, hopefully, I hope so, join our crew.

SpongeBob: "Most of them, if not all of the students are capable in fighting in some way, however, we can see the best of the best of these students with our ranking system of the students, with our main one being the Ten Seats of Totsuki" The girls and I ask him a few more questions about the academy, to which he answers to all of them. Eventually, an elderly man appears, he has long spiky grey hair with a moustache and a beard. He also has a scar on his right eye running diagonally from the middle of his forehead down to just above his right cheekbone. Despite his advanced age, he is incredibly fit and muscular. He also has a very intense, intimidating look, which due to our experience, only me and Kuina, and SpongeBob don't get affected, but the same can't be said about Nami and Nojiko.

'His stare is almost as if he has Conqueror's Haki, but it's not the same, only difference is his stare gives intimidation to weaker people, but Conqueror's Haki could do practically anything'

Old Man: "My name is Senzaemon Nakiri, the headmaster of Totsuki Academy, welcome to Totsuki Island" His intimidation vibe wares off, and he seems like a normal old man.

"It's nice to meet you, I'm the Captain of the crew, Gilgamesh"

Kuina: "Vice Captain, Kuina"

Nami: "Nami, The Navigator"

Nojiko: "Nojiko, The Sniper, and Sewer I guess" We all introduce ourselves, to which Senzaemon nods.

Senzaemon: "Pirates huh? And what are you guys doing here?" He asks.

"We were sailing and ended up seeing this island, since it was the first island we saw, we decided to land here and park our boat and go 'Sight-seeing' in a way"

Senzaemon: "I see... so, none of you are chefs?"

Kuina: "Nope"

Nami: "Nu-uh"

Nojiko: "I can cook, but I wouldn't call myself a professional or anything"

"I can probably cook, never tried it" At my answer, everyone looks at me in different ways, differentiating from: Disgust(?), confusion, surprise, expressionless, curiosity.

'I mean, what can I say? Why would I try cooking if I had people cooking for me when I lived with Garp, and also, I can li-ter-al-ly just summon food whenever and wherever I want from GoB'

Senzaemon: "What do you mean by that?" I use GoB to make a dish appear out of nowhere, surprising most of the people here, the only person not surprised, fully, is Kuina.

Kuina: "I thought you could only summon weapons out of thin air?" The reason she was slightly surprised, was obviously because she's only seen me summon weapons.

"I don't summon anything out of 'Thin air', I summon it from these golden portals that I call, Gates of Babylon"

Senzaemon: "I've never seen that kind of Devil Fruit before..."

"Correction: This isn't a devil fruit"

All: "WHAT!?"

"It's an ability unique to me only, well it was actually unique to my race, but I'm the only survivor apparently, so as I said, I'm the only with these abilities" I say to keep up the act of my abilities being from an "Extinct Race"


Meanwhile, somewhere else in the world:

??: "Master **! I've found him!" A scared voice shouts

???: "Show me.." Says a menacing voice

The person that the scared voice belongs to hands a wanted poster to someone else that looks to be of high standard, before that person hands it to the owner of the mysterious, menacing voice, before they both walk off, leaving the weird being by himself.

???: "I've found you... Gilgamesh, of the **** Race... I'll kill you and end your kind once and for all... And then... I'll kill the reincarnation of JoyBoy..."


Weren't expecting that were you? Actually, you probably were, I dunno.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter.

I've got covid so I'll be posting as many chapters of this as I can before I have to go back to school... BUT DON'T WORRY, because next week/this week is the final week of school before we have 2 weeks of huehuehue.

Leave a review pls, would appreciate it. add it library

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