1 Ordinary

Im pretty sure sure Im an average person. Or maybe Im below average. But one thing I could say about myself is that...

Im not and never gonna be someone's ideal.

Not my family's, not my friend's, not even a stranger's. Because that's just how I am. A boring and ordinary person.

And I accepted that Im like this. It was okay being like this. Being myself.

"You're never gonna be liked if you're acting like this you know."

But because Im alive and breathing, things had to change. And I dont know if its in a good or bad way.


Beep! Beep! Beep!

I reach out my hand towards my alarm clock. It was still dark so I couldn't properly see what Im doing. But when I felt that my hand has touched a rectangular object, I quickly pushed the button for the beeping to stop.

After turning it off I look at it.

4:30 AM

The start of my ordinary day.

I stood up, stretching my body as I do so. Mornings really aren't my thing but since I have to wake up early to go to school, I really have no choice.

4:30 AM is too early, isnt it? But that's normal for me. Afterall Im pretty lazy when it comes go moving. Preparing for school takes alot of time.

I went to the bathroom and start my morning routine. Took a shower and brushed my teeth. And after dressing, I hurried downstairs.

"Morning, mom."

I greeted my mother as I saw her back when I approached the kitchen. She was cooking breakfast from the looks of it.

"Good morning to you too, Clarissa. Its already 7 o'clock. Aren't you getting late?"

She asked me as she put the food on the table. It looks like she's quite upset. But I didnt mind it too much and sat on the chair and began eating.

But it seems like doing so just made her more irritated than she already are. She glared at me then frowned.

"Clarrisa---"But before she could finish saying what she wants to say, I already cut her. "Mom, I woke up at 4:30 AM. I wasn't being tardy you know."

She stared at me for a few seconds and I return the gaze back. Then she sighed and turn away, giving up on scolding me.

"If you say so, but if I find out that you're just being tardy. Im really going to confiscate your books and your smartphone, remember that."

She said then after leaving the kitchen. I reminded myself to make a mental note to never provoke mom again.



A familiar voice called me from behind. I turned around and saw my friend, energetically waving at me. She ran towards me and clung to my arms.

"Good morning! How did your math homework go?"

She asked with a jolly tone with all the smiles. If I hadn't known this girl for years, I would have said she's a nice and thoughtful girl. But well...

"Oh, please. Drop with act, Heather. I know you just want to copy my homework."

I said, acting disgusted. And she just laughed loud and smacked me lightly on my shoulders.

"You really know me too well, Ria. Let me copy it please?" She said with puppy eyes

"Yeah, yeah whatever. Not sure if its correct tho. "

I sighed and just continued my walk to our classroom. She then followed after me while still smiling.

It seems like today's going to be a normal day again.
