
Day Seven #6

Outside of a fenced off village that had a large gate that was facing towards a road that went further away, the small body of Inis had appeared.

She was the size of a small child and her green skin had helped her to slightly blend in to the forest environment when it was slightly darker.

The trees were cleared out closer to the village and there seemed to be a poorly built area that would be used as a watching post, it was built near where the gate was.

It meant that if there was someone on lookout, once Inis had stepped out from the forest and had walked on the road leading to the gate or had chosen to take another path, her body would be within the view of those on lookout duties.

Within the dungeons, there were some more complex environments that were made up of more intelligent races or creatures that had built up fortresses to protect themselves.

When Inis had seen the walls that surrounded the village, she had thought to herself. 'So much time has passed but this really is a disappointing sight. I expected something more difficult to gain access to and something more advanced.'

There were loud noises coming from inside which usually came from children playing while some older people with deeper voices had occasionally shouted.

After seeing what had been done to each of the Gremlins back at the cave, Inis had expected to come across a more advanced civilisation but was left greatly disappointed.

There was a large gap in development in different areas of the world and smaller places had been the ones that had fallen far behind.

They had to rely on the technology and help of others to be able to survive.

The technology that they did have was limited and there usually had to be some kind of cost for them to be able to get their hands on even one of them.

Even if certain arrangements had been made to allow more cut off and smaller villages to gain some things to protect themselves better, there were always chances that there would be problems in between the delivering process.

Some may not have even reached the location where they were set to be sent to or perhaps all of them may not have been able to reach that destination.

It would not be surprising if someone would have arranged for some of them to be taken away so that they could be sold off in other places so that they could gain a little more funds for themself.

The small villages did not have the power to voice their dissatisfaction against those from bigger towns or cities so they often had to accept what they had been given even if it made their lives difficult.

Some areas may have been developed on their own or through projects that had been sponsored by nearby cities to expand their land but it was not always the same for every village who got left behind by the times.

What Inis was witnessing before her eyes was one of the less fortunate developments of a human village.

The walls looked like they were built with old wood and they seemed to be poorly maintained.

While the walls and gate did look quite tall and thick to be able to keep out different kinds of creatures, it would not hold out for long if there was a sudden wave of creatures that attacked.

There were no other advanced pieces of technology like cameras to aid in the security of the village and areas that could be used for lookout duties was very low.

Even some fortresses within a dungeon would hold out better than the one that was in front of her.

The sight before Inis had left her disappointed in how humans had progressed but there was something else that she was feeling. 'Is this what I had been fighting for? Where is the glorious future we planned out together? What about building a better future for everyone?!'

The guild that Inis was a part of with her boyfriend had been a big part of her life before she had been betrayed.

There were promises and goals that had been made within that guild between each of the members.

The noble dream of saving the world and making the world a better place for everyone was one of their goals.

There were small human settlements back in the dungeon era that were in a better shape than the village in front of her so all that Inis had seen was how far some places had regressed over the many years that had passed.

All her blood, sweat and tears went towards the betterment of the world but what she was fighting for had not turned out how she had imagined.

The village was in a state where they may have been better off to live during the dungeon era, that way their odds of survival would be higher and so would their living conditions.

Inis had waited for the surroundings to become darker so that she could move from the forest but had thought to herself. 'No.. those betrayers were always out for themselves. Of course they would prioritise themselves and make a mess of things once it was only them left.'

The possible world that the guild could have created together could have been so good but the new world that had been built was nothing like what those in the guild had spoken of.

Inis was already disappointed with what she had witnessed but she was hopeful that the humans she met would help to change her mind.

She had yet to find out anything else about the world around her so she had to make her own assumptions based on what she saw or experience, the recent losses of those of her own species had already left a heavy feeling on her chest before she arrived at the village.

Even though she was hopeful that the humans could surprise her, Inis had to keep up her vigilance for various reasons since she was technically stepping into enemy territory.

The lack of vigilance and the poor security of the village had left her very disappointed at how humans had probably regressed a lot in their vigilance towards the threats that surrounded them.

It was shown through her observations that people from the Dungeon Era were definitely very different from those from the new Aether Era.

The Dungeon Era people had been furiously fighting to overcome the threat of the dungeons but it seemed like the people of the Aether Era had softened up greatly as time passed.

Inis took in a deep breathe then slowly walked towards the tall wall, the bone knives stabbed above herself into the wall which had helped to pull herself higher.

Once one had allowed her to pull herself higher, her other arm had removed the other knife that was slightly lower then swung her arm higher to stab it into the wall.

Her body had slowly climbed the wall until her hand had touched the top of it, her head poked over the top after pulling herself up.

The village had very few people wandering around and the lighting within the village was very poor.

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