
Day Seven #4

Later in the very same day, back near the cave that Inis was born in, there were many Gremlins loitering around.

They were cackling and displaying their usual mischievous behaviour towards each other.

Some were pulling smaller pranks or were causing problems for the others while others had took things further which led to a sight between them.

The old Gremlins had played the mediator as usual but he had stopped to look towards the cave. "Inis?"

He looked inside but there was nobody inside but the cocoons that were left behind.

Some seemed to be almost ready to hatch but the old Gremlin had not paid them much attention.

His gaze was towards the cocoons that Inis had created that had several purple veins on the outside that stood out the most among the others.

The numbers of the Gremlins had dropped to a much lower number since their past battle so they heeded to quickly replenish their forces.

He had seen how much better in combat those born from Inis had been compared to the others so his gaze towards those cocoons was slightly expectant.

He did not find Inis so he watched over the cocoons until there was a noise outside.

The Gremlins had been disorderly moving around their own environment so they were not really gathered together or alert of their surroundings.

A lot of them were too carefree to be prepared for what happened next.

A Gremlin had picked its nose and flicked what was on its finger towards another, it started to cackle mischievously. "Ackakaka."

The other Gremlin had taken offence to it so it had slapped the other across the face suddenly.

The Gremlin had fallen back from their seated position and fell onto its back when there was suddenly a strange beam that had passed over it. "?"

It displayed confusion on its face as it saw the strange light then its eyes turned towards the other Gremlins that had pushed it. "Aga?"

The other Gremlin had fallen down slowly with a small hole in its chest area but since the body of the Gremlin was still not that big, the hole was large enough to cause a major threat to its life.

Blood rapidly drained from its body but it did not just end there, more beams of light had suddenly fired through the bodies of the Gremlins.

Not every single shot fired was fatal or completely accurate so some were able to escape from death or injury during the first attack on them but more followed.

The Gremlins were not organised and the shots fired towards them came from many different locations that could not be discovered easily.

The weapons that had been used were not the average weapon that Inis would be familiar with and it seemed like they could pierce through the bodies of the Gremlins with ease.

They were silent but deadly weapons that seemed to fire off some form of light or energy.

The humans using them seemed to be familiar with the usage of them and hunted down each Gremlin with their own vantage points before moving in to finish off the rest of them.

It became a one sided slaughter of the Gremlins until some started to try to dight back but it was already much too late for them.

Their lower numbers and Inis being away was what had let them be taken down so easily.

Once the Gremlins outside had been dealt with, a group of humans had stepped forward holding their guns and entered the cave.

The father of the daughter that Inis had saved was the first to point his gun towards the Gremlin in front of him. "Evil thing."

The old Gremlin was shaking in fear after it had witnessed the slaughter but its eyes turned towards the cocoons left behind by Inis.

It was easy for him to realise his death was coming but he could not simply accept the situation he was in. "Inis.."

He saw that the guns were not just pointed towards himself but also towards the cocoons so he jumped in front of one of them. "Guk."

He shielded it with his body but the beam of light had passed through his body cleanly leaving a hole behind.

The cocoon that he had tried to protect had still been damaged and it was unknown if the new born growing inside would survive.

More beams of light had hit each of the cocoons inside the cave until there was no longer a known threat left behind.

The father had held his gun and stood looking over the remains. "This is too easy. Not like my daughter had told us.. was she lying or is the threat still somewhere else?"

His gaze turned cold as he said. "Search the dead for one that has purple hair and is female. That should be the leader among them."

"Got it."

"Will do."

"Are you sure that they really exist like she said?"

"Perhaps she was just hallucinating or something."

The father shrugged. "Just confirm the dead and check for what I said."

His gaze went towards the left over pile of things that Inis had been crafting. "Take those back to the village. It seems that what my daughter had said does have some truth to it."

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