
Where is Aunt

Eric's POV 

I stared back at her but still saw no reaction in her eyes rather she stared at me with a confused look before moving her gaze back to the doctor. 

''What am I doing here and who are these men.''she asked while staring at Elliot and I with curiosity. 

I was shocked with her words and rushed to her, but the doctor stopped me. 

''Let her be.'' he pushed me aside and stood beside her. 

''I'm doctor Steven and you are in the hospital.'' the doctor flashed her a big smile. 

''What am I doing hospital.'' she asked while touching her bandage head. 

''Stay calm, everything is fine.'' the doctor tried assuring her, but she wasn't taking it. 

''What am I doing here and where is aunt.'' she screamed at the top of her voice while trying to get out of the bed, but the nurses held her for the doctor to insert an injection in her. 

''What did you give me, who are these men and what am I doing here.'' she asked in fear as she kept on staring at everyone in the room. 

''Where is aunt.'' she yelled in a weak voice and slowly relaxed on the bed 

''I want my aunt.'' she pleaded slowly in tears and collapsed on the bed. 

I rushed to her and took hold of her hands as I gently squeezed it. 

''What is wrong with her, why can't see remember anything.'' I asked in fear as I felt my heart clenched in pain. 

''We don't know yet, until her results are out.'' he shook his head 

''We need to wait until she wakes up again to see if she will still react this way, if she does, then we will have to carry out some physical therapy on her.''  

''Therapy.'' Eliot asked in fear, 

''Don't tell me she is suffering from memory lost.'' Elliot asked in fear as he moved closer to her. 

Hearing those words from him, I felt my head spun around, but I quickly shook it off. 

It can't be possible, it can't be, Victoria can't lose her memory just like that. I said those words to myself in pain. 

''We are not certain, until the result are out, and the therapy is been done, then we can know what is really wrong with her. Excuse me, I have to leave.'' he explained those words to us and left the room. 

''No.'' I screamed in pain and moved away from her. 

Elliot stood there in silent and shook his head in anger before saying a word. 

''Congratulations Eric you've done your worst, hope you are happy now.'' he muttered those words with anger as he stared at me with hatred.

''Pray nothing happens to her, I don't care whether she is your mate or not, I will kill you with everything in me.'' he declared those words as a threat and left the room.

Hearing those words from him, I collapsed on the chair with pain.

What have I done, what did I just do.

I stared at sleeping Victoria and shook my head in pain and disbelief, this can't be happening, this can't be true.

I noticed the door of the door opened, and the doctor walked in and stood by the door.

''You should go home, she won't wake up until morning.'' 

I heard him but did not move an inch 

''Do you think she has memory lost.'' I whispered those words almost to myself, but I knew the doctor could hear me.

''We are not certain yet, we just have to wait for the results and when she wakes up.'' he flashed a weak smile and walked up to Victoria, checked her pulses and write down some note on his pad.

''You should leave sir, it's getting late.'' hearing those words from him, I slowly stood up from the chair and walked up to Victoria's bed.

I placed a kiss on her forehead and stared at her one more time before leaving the room.

I got into my car and drove out of the hospital, I drove back to the hotel, walked into my room and collapsed on the couch.

I yelled in anger and roughly ran my fingers through my hair in pain as I remembered all that happened that few hours ago.

I yelled and screamed in anger as I felt the silence of my wolf howling in pain.

I closed my eyes and memory of what happened in Elliot's house flashed in my head. If only I was careful enough, if only I noticed her the way Elliot did, all these won't be happening.

I brought out my phone and dialed a number, it rang a few times before it was picked.

''Sir Eric.'' Beatrice spoke over the phone 

''I'm in Australia, I planned not to come over to the house, but it seems I will stay longer than expected, please clean up the house I will be coming over later by tomorrow.''

''Yes sir, we will be expecting you.'' she replied, and I ended the call.

I released an heavy sigh and thought of calling Dad and Kelvin, but I decided to let it be.

Slowly I stood up from the chair, pulled off my clothes and stepped into the shower.

I took a quick bath, went back to the room and sat on the bed with water still dripping from my body.

I took in a deep breath, laid on the bed and forced myself to sleep.

I woke up the next morning, took my bath and rushed to the hospital without taking my break fast.

I got to the hospital and went straight to Victoria's room only to find her awake talking to a nurse. She noticed me and stared at me with curious eyes before looking away.

''Who is he and why is he here.'' she whispered those words to the nurse and stared at me not with anger but curiosity.

Hearing those words from her, I felt my heart pound in pain as the thought of she loosing her memory ran through my brain.

I took in a deep breath and composed myself before speaking up, 

''Hello Vicky, how are you.'' I muttered those words while forcing a fake smile on my face to hide the pain I was feeling in my heart.