
I'm sorry

It has been about 20 minutes since I started walking in that direction.

"I am so glad that I didn't leave without my phone" I am not familiar with this area so I had been using maps to see which street to take.

The mint scent is getting stronger and stronger with every turn I take.

The breeze is still gentle but at the same time it's pressurizing. The pressure of the breeze has been getting stronger with the scent.

I covered my mouth and nose.

It has been getting difficult to walk in that direction.

The mint has started to sting my eyes and nose so bad, that it's hard to open my eyes.

I stopped walking with my hand grasping the edge of the wall.

I was panting heavily. It was difficult to breathe with my burning nose and throat, and the pressure was making it hard to walk on.

Not only that the breeze had started to feel rough on the skin. I felt like a barren land.

I looked at the dark sky then back at the turn ���just this one ….huff huff ... one more".

I looked at the slightly illuminated edge with determination.

[Well at least there is moon light] I stared at the sky trying to stabilize my breath.

"Huh!" a crooked voice left my mouth as I was searching for the moon in the sky.

I couldn't find the moon even after 5 minutes of desperate searching.

"Then…" I looked at the still luminous edge.

My eyes were open to just a slit.

I made one last effort by conjuring all the energy from my body.

As I turned the corner, my whole body went stiff, maybe with wonder or maybe with the fear of unknown. At that moment it didn't matter, I was stupidly staring at the most mysterious and enchanting thing I had ever seen.

There was a huge hole right in the middle of street, with its center being the darkest of blue. The whole was like a tunnel; trying to lure me in with its dept.

The tunnel was filled with this strange fog. The fog was dense enough to not let me see what was on the other side but somehow I could still see the depth of the tunnel.

The tunnel was somehow radiating light; which was bright enough that for a few moments I forgot it was night time but strangely it was gentle to the eyes.

The faintly lit fog was calmingly flowing out from the tunnel and was enveloping each and everything.

I looked around myself only to see that same fog hugging me from head to toe.

No matter how enchanting it was, it gave off an ominous feeling.

This feeling was enough to stop me from going near it, not that I can't. It was already hard standing at this distance.

Even though I was covering my nose, it didn't help at all since it was a feeling not the actual smell.

Could it be a gate? I looked at it closely.

If so then where does it lead to? Wait there more than one type of gates in manga, which is this one?

[Honestly speaking manga and anime don't even do justice to real thing] I thought to myself [how does protagonist have so much courage to just go in one of these things].

"Going in does sound tempting though..." I started to get excited thinking about all the possible scenarios.

Even if I did go in, would I be able to come back out again?

I don't even have someone to pull me out after I do go inside, incase I can't come out due to some reason.

Just thinking about what kind of world is waiting on the other side was trilling.

"Maybe someday…" I looked at it one last time before turning around to leave.

I couldn't handle the pressure anymore.

I glanced at it once more while turning the corner.

A huge grin formed on my face.

I started running towards home. Everything finally started to come back to normal.

I could finally breathe when a shiver went down my spine.

I started to run even faster.

I might be a curious person but not a stupid one, at least regarding stuff that happens in movies.

Whatever it was, it passed.

I was completely fine after running a few streets.

I sat down in a dark corner. I was breathing heavily but still had a smile on my face that was threatening to turn into a laughter any moment now.

3 days have passed since then.

If I focus hard enough I could still see the same fog in my surroundings when I was at home although it's really weak to the point it does not exist.

It gets stronger near the gate or the area where I could smell mint scent. It does not constraint eyesight at all, it's there but it doesn't seem like it.

During these past few days I went to gate many times but no one came out or went it during these past few days.

I had been hiding near it; I just couldn't get that shiver out of my mind.

The effect of pressure and mint was drastically reduced too, I still felt uncomfortable but that was it.

I looked at the dim sky covered by the dark heavy clouds.

"I wish I could get a cup of tea and watch this amazing weather while sitting somewhere in the open…" I felt cozy as I thought about all this.

I was walking back home after visiting the gate.

I had been walking extremely carefully, trying my best not to make a sound, after the shiver I felt that time.

I was in the area near the supermarket, when suddenly I detected strong mana.

For the lack of better term I decided to call the mist mana, don't worry, I was pretty fair about it, I even took votes. I chuckled.

Well mana is in the atmosphere though that mana is connected to magic. I have no idea if this mist has any connection to it or not but name mana suits it quite well.

As soon as I sense mana in the air, I got this thrilling sensation.

My eyes sparkled with a hint of joy.

This mana was stronger than that of the gate.

I looked around to check the mist in the surrounding area; the mist was getting thicker in one direction.

I started walking towards it "maybe it's somewhere here".

[Maybe a new gate opened] I thought to myself but I could not have been more wrong.

I was about to reach the end of the street when I heard some noises.

I cautiously made my way towards the end.

Now I could hear different voices.

"Please… please don't do this … I, I ... I'm begging you" I heard a sobbing women beg.

I stopped at the end of the street.

My body froze in its place as I tried to eavesdrop.

An extremely cold voice mumbled something back.

I gathered all my courage to take a quick peek.

A black haired guy was holding the sobbing women wrist. He wasn't that old, maybe a year or two older than me so 17 - 18.

Another guy with red hair had its back towards me; he was standing a couple steps away from them.

There were about 10 - 12 other people surrounding them, I couldn't see their faces because they have some sorts of cloaks on.

My heart started pounding loudly in my chest.

I wanted to help the lady but I had no clue of what had happened here.

[What should I do? what should I do?] my mind was pacing around.

[What can I do?!] I almost screamed inside my head while observing the mana surrounding all these people.

I realized that they were all emitting a strong mana, even the lady.

There was an even stronger mana coming from the guy holding the women and the red haired guy.

I just couldn't jump in, it's getting myself killed with that lady, but I can't leave it alone or run away.

I thought about making a distraction somehow, but then decided against it.

Even if I somehow make a distraction, one of those men will take care of it.

I leaned against the wall feeling more and more helplessness as the sobs got louder and louder.

First time in my life I felt stuck in time.

Tears whaled up in my eyes as the lady started shrieking.

I looked around for something I could use, anything, anything at all.

I was desperate and then hopeless as I … I just slumped down against the wall.

I had both of my hands on my mouth while streams of tears rolled down my cheeks.

"Help! Help me, please…. Please, believe me!" She begged for help from the people standing beside her. She looked at them with pleading eyes, hoping to get even a slightest response but was utterly disappointed.

She gave up all hope of being saved and started to curse.

At this point she started to shriek; not being able to say anything at all.

My toes curled in frustration while I just tried not to sob.

My fingers dug deep into skin.

A drop of blood flowed down my cheek, then another and another.

Suddenly the world become quite again.

Everything came to halt with my sobs.

Breathing became a voluntary action for me.

-Thump- I came back to my senses when I heard something hitting the floor.

All I could do then was to pray.

Pray that they don't come here.

Pray that the girl somehow survived.

Truly humans are selfish creatures. I didn't do anything for her, I could have made a distraction and let her run away, I could have come up with something but I just cried.

The same cold voice came again "move out!"

Everyone vanished from their places. There was no more strong mana in the air. Everything went away as if there was nothing in the first place.

My hands loosened around my face and slipped into my lap.

I looked at the bloodied nails but I couldn't feel anything.

There were blood and tears running down my cheek.

After a while, I stood up with great effort.

I walked slowly and clumsily towards the lifeless body.

She laid there on the cold ground. Her body was just skin and bones, having no sign of flesh or blood.

My tears fell on her face as I stood beside her, whispering "I'm sorry…. I'm …. I'm sorry" over and over again.

Before unsteadily running away towards my home.

What I didn't know then was that before everyone left.

The red haired guy looked with questioning eyes at the place where I was hiding for a few seconds.

He then left with his lips turned up in a smile.

Next chapter