
First day as a wedding couple

It was soon 11:40, the coupled exited out of their room wearing coupled clothing. Complementing each other with their excelling beauty. Xu Xuanyi was wearing a beautiful coral red blouse with white pants. Mu Yu Chen was wearing a similar outfit with Xu Xuanyi. They then walked to the elevator and went to the black car that was waiting outside for them.

Mu Yu Chen walked to the driver seat while Xu Xuanyi sat in the passenger seat. He started the car and drove off, the sight of the hotel was getting dimmer until it was lost in sight. Mu Yu Chen received a phone call.

"Yu Chen, when are you and Xuanyi coming back? Mother is going crazy since you haven't brought Xuanyi back. Mother wants to see Xuanyi." His little brother, Mu Qingming asked. In the background, they could hear his mother scolding at Mu Qingming.

"What do you mean crazy Ming!" Shouted Madam Mu. "Give me the phone. Let me talk to my daughter-in-law." Madam Mu shouted then there was a loud commotion before someone talked. "Xuanyi?"

"Hello, mother." Xu Xuanyi said with a smile on her face.

"How is your guy's honeymoon so far?"

"It's been great though we came here late at night." A ringing sound was heard in Xu Xuanyi's purse. "I got to answer this phone call, mother." Madam Mu said goodbye and Xu Xuanyi answered her phone call. "Hello."

"How is the honeymoon so far?" Her brother, Xu Yixing asked. Xu Xuanyi let out a chuckle. "What's wrong?"

"Why are so many people asking how's our honeymoon so far?"

"Who asked?"

"Yu Chen's family."

"Ha ha ha. I guess I will call you later. Also, don't do it too much, I don't want to become an Uncle already Yi." Mu Yu Chen let out a chuckle and he glanced at his blushing wife.

"We won't Yixing." Mu Yu Chen said in reply since his beautiful wife was embarrassed caused her brother asked her a question. "Xuanyi is blushing." Both boys laughed while she was embarrassed and cover her beat red face.

"Bye, brother." She said and ended the phone call. "Why are there so many people asking us? We just got married yesterday Yu Chen."

They had finally arrived at the location. Both were very hungry as they haven't eaten anything at all this morning. They walked in the small restaurant while holding hands. A waitress walked toward them and lead them to a table in the restaurant.

"Yu Chen." Xu Xuanyi said and Mu Yu Chen looked at her as they followed the waitress.

"Yes?" Mu Yu Chen said while looking at Xu Xuanyi with loving eyes. She looked up at him and then smile. Shaking her head.

They sat down in the middle of the table. The waitress came to them with the menus in her hand. The couple skims through the menu.

"I'll have your rice porridge with meats. I'll just drink water." Xu Xuanyi said as she closes the menu. She then looked at her loving husband. Taking in his handsomeness. His beautiful feature and the most beautiful feature she loved the most was his eyes.

"You know, you can just take a picture of me Xuanyi." Mu Yu Chen said breaking off her distant thoughts.

"But if I do, I wouldn't be able to enjoy the sight in front of me." She said with a beautiful smile taking over her face. As she opened her mouth, his phone ringed.

"What is it?" Mu Yu Chen's tone changed. It got cold.

"There have been false news going on around Miss Qin Lingling." His secretary said while looking at the computer in front of him.

"Find out who is making the false news and check on Qin Lingling. Is that all?" Without having to listen to his secretary reply, he ended the phone call.

"Aren't you being too harsh on Secretary Lin?" Xu Xuanyi said as the food arrived.

"Harsh, why are you defending him instead of me Xuanyi?"

"Doesn't Secretary Lin have a wife?" Mo Yu Chen just nodded and took his spoon. Dipping it in the rice porridge of Xuanyi. "Hey! That's mine! You're making a mess Yu Chen!" She yelled as the spoon went into Mu Yu Chen's mouth. Along the way, rice porridge spill on the table.

"We'll just clean it up?" He said without a care. Xu Xuanyi suddenly felt stares at them. She then looked around and realized that they were in a public restaurant. They must have been loud.

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