
Chapter 1

“Your daughter is gorgeous, Christine! When she gets a bit older, I presume that she will make boys cry and break a lot of hearts.” A woman in her thirty’s said while pinching both of my cheeks.

This kind of gathering where people boast their new and expensive clothes, eye blinding jewelries just for a day to tell their former classmates that they have become rich for years of working in some companies. I am so tired of dealing with my parent’s former classmates for I know that they are being “civil” with each other. It’s a thing here in our place, reunions to show off. Besides, I do not see any people of my age that is why I am stuck here at our table eating foods and playing alone with my dolls to ease my boredom. In addition, I can hear people boasting about their husband and children whom I never met.

“I know for sure she will become a gorgeous girl when she grows up, I was like her when I was in her age. Fortunately, she did not inherit her father’s genes, though some of her personality like staying quiet for a day is like her father. Right, honey?”

I awkwardly smile at my mother’s classmate and excuse myself from that table. I cannot believe my mother just said that in front of me and my father, and he was like “not giving a care about how mother describe the both of us in front of her former classmate.” Well, what she said is true about my similarity with my father. We were both a silent type and prefers to stay out of people not because we hated them, but because our relationship is rather complicated and not worth mentioning to others.

My mother is a former beauty queen, not exactly like what we see in the television but in a small pageant that was founded by a government or in their school. Her exceptionally long hair and Bambi eyes is what I inherited from her good genes, also her amazing height of five foot eleven. Good thing I never inherited her “friendly” attitude or else, I would be everyone’s best of friend right now. I mean honestly, this is supposed to be a fun and relaxing day for all of us but they use this opportunity to boast about themselves. Okay, I am getting mad right now and everything I have said is repeating.

That’s how I relax myself from all the stressors that I am encountering right now. Therefore, I roam around the house of my mother’s former classmate which came from a very successful clan of business tycoons. And here I thought that all of those wealthy person as portrayed by television dramas were always a three-floor spacious room, the materials used to build it were expensive and they have maids to help them maintain the house, lastly were the fancy outfits. In contrast, this is just a simple and humble bungalow style house that fits a family of three. It is spacious actually and neat looking, you can easily look for someone.

“Am I being to nosy?”

I thought to myself because I am literally inside their house, in the living room, looking at the pictures that was hang in the wall. I was right, it is only a family of three that lives here. I am about to go out when I heard a piano piece all over the house, its kind of creepy since I saw the couple owner outside and I was told that their son is in school right now.

“Clair de Lune, a composition that stir a lot of emotions. Who is this playing that he is tapping the keys to strong? Like he is angry.” I step closer to find the sound coming from.

One step, two and three steps until I reach where the sound coming from: “the walls?”

I swallow really hard from the thought in my head. Ghost came from our mind; they do not exist rather they are just a product of our wild imagination. They will not hurt me, mother told me that a person still breathing is scarier than a ghost which we cannot see. I am literally shaking and building up my courage to look for the source of the sound, my legs are in no help and they are a jiggly as jelly ace. With my hands clench I push the wall and push it again.

“There maybe a secret switch to open the door.”

Searching for that switch, I master up the courage when I heard footsteps coming to my direction. This is too cliché! I only watch these scenes in television dramas and now I am experiencing it. I tap the wall hoping whoever playing piano will hear me but he kept playing it, so I nervously search for that switch with my busy eyes looking back and forth. My heart beats erratically when I hear voices coming closer, and about to hide when I accidentally step on something causing the door to open, making me fall on the ground.

I shrieked when I felt my back hit the cold and hard floor, oh wait is this marble? So, a simple and humble bungalow is just a front and here lies the real picture of their house. No wonder they look different from what I see in the television dramas, this move is just cunning. They made people think that they live a simple life despite those large businesses that they have. This people need to be true to themselves, not all people wants their money.

Someone on my back cough which made me look at who is it, as I turn around, I saw a boy who is the same age as me or slightly older than me. I have to add those dead eyes of him by admitting his snow-white skin, those pointed nose and thick but natural pink bow shaped lips of his. Everything looks perfect for him but his eyes only shows nothing, he is not even shock that I am here in some kind of door connecting to a huge house. Due to shock I am not able to speak for a while, leaving a minute of dead air and awkwardness between us.

I smile to ease the “thing” between us and fix my white full sleeve mini dress partner with a sky blue short and a pair of white low-heeled wedge sandals. Never felt so embarrassed since I started schooling, and also my mother being a former beauty queen made me wear it. Its uncomfortable and those sandals limits me from walking, they are like an ancient tool to punish someone for escaping because of treason.

Facing this boy who only observes me quietly while sitting on the piano chair with his casual clothes, I look at him but deeply regretted it. Those eyes are creeping me out, leaving out that impression I started blabbering some words.

“Do not look at me as if I came from outer space, the reunion outside is killing me from boredom and I was looking for something when I heard you playing Clair de Lune. Actually, it was the reason why I am here because you played it like you are angry at something.”

Why am I explaining myself that much with this guy, I should have just run but my curiosity is really a pain in the ass!

He did not respond instead; he taps the space beside him like he is asking me to sit. Without thinking twice, I obey his command, well not really but he looks safe to me. I think he is not a type of person to speak all the time, but his parents told us that, I do not want to stress myself over it.

“Who are you?”

I ask him upon sitting on the space he pointed seconds ago. He did not answer and just looking at the piano keys in front of us. I do not want to be rude but is he mute or deaf? It is nearly impossible for someone who is deaf to play such a piece like Clair de Lune. Biting my lower lip and searching this place, we are actually in their living room and I do not know how to describe anymore besides the feeling of awkwardness. I thought that I am silent enough but he is more.

Since he won’t talk to me, I started playing Clair de Lune but this time I play it with calmness unlike how he played it a while ago. It should sound this way and let the keys tell you that life is meant to be calm, not angry. Music notes are like river flowing down the stream, it is utterly beautiful and peaceful despite what problems we face.

“You should not play when you are angry, the sound you will produce will turn in to a pig being slaughter.”

I thought he will ignore me again but alas; he speaks for the first time.

“No one will listen.”

“I do.”

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