
Chapter 4

I dashed to the forest not paying attention. I was just running because I didn't want to be Eun I wanted to be Kyung-Mi again. I stumbled upon a lake. Above the center of the lake was a broken stone pilar and a swing above that. I quickly found a way to get on the swing without getting wet. I sat on the swing going higher and higher till I slipe off the swing and fall into the watery cavern. I thought of Kyung-Mi but along with Kyung-Mi, Eun appeared. I finally noticed something. I was Eun. I never believed till now. Yet I was still sinking. Lungs were filled with water. At least maybe I can leave this strange place I thought till someone pulled me out. I opened my eyes. I was out of the water but, I was still drenched in water. I noticed a small man, around 5'6-5'8. He was so handsome he had blonde almost white hair. He was looking straight at me.

" I'm sorry to disturb you sir. But thank you for saving me. " I slightly bowed.

" No need to bow princess it's an honour to see you in person atleast once in my life. " the man bowed to me.

" What's your name if you don't mind me asking?"

" My name is Jimin Princess Eun. "

" Eun. Call me Eun. "


Sorry I haven't updated in awhile major case of writer's block. Leave suggestions please It'll help me out so much. I'll also try getting a schedule set up since I have 2 more story ideas. Give me your ideas too I'd love to make your stories be true. Bye~~~

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