
Chapter 3

Who was I truly? Am I really Kyung-Mi or am I Eun? I don't even know what I want anymore. I woke up not feeling tired just confused.

"Looks like you finally woke princess. Why so tired thought you'd struggle by now." It was the same man I saw in the forest.

" I have no need to talk to a stranger. " I replied coldly not even caring.

" What do you . . . mean princess I thought we were close friends. . . are we not? " The man sounded really sad.

Ugh! Why am I to nice. I can't watch him be sad or anyone in fact.

" Hey I'm just joking with you! Calm down we're always friends. " Hopefully he believes me.

" You must really care about noona huh Yoongi? " so his name is Yoongi I thought.

I finally realized we were back at the castle. But, that boy called me noona. Is he my brother?

" Your sister and I are very close Jungkook but, I have no intention of dating that devil. " Oh he ded not!

I got out of someone's grip and stomped up to Yoongi.

" So calling me a devil is fun for you? "

" It really is Eun. " There he goes again with that name.

" Hmpf " I pouted cutely hoping he'd fall for my trap.

" Aw is the devil princess sad? That's a first. "

Yoongi began to walk up to me. Once he was in

reach I slapped him as hard as I could.

" I don't know who anyone here is! My name is Kyung-Mi not Eun!! So stop bothering me!!! "

I noticed some if them starting to cry but now I don't care. They really need to learn who I am truly and leave me alone. I dashed for the forest.

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