
A Night a New:(Kyung-Mi's P.O.V)

I was out late last night. I didn't know where I was going, didn't matter. All I knew was that I'm never going home again. The house I lived in was a mess. A mother who hated her own daughter because she's done nothing, a father who cheats on his wife bute she is to blind to notice. I hayed the abuse and the lies I just couldn't take it till I started running. Growing faster and faster till I heard something, no someone calling me. I turned around and notoced a thick fog surrounding me. I followed the fog and it lead me to the ocean. It's waves crashing against the shore. The water glistening in the reflection of the Moon. I neared the edge not noticing where I stood. I heard another call and I took a step tripping over the railing falling into a deep slumber thinking I was dead.

I woke up in a strange bed. It was a large white circular bed with white chiffon curtains. I got up and changed into a white kimono. I heard noises and footsteps approaching my room. I quickly. bolted for the window and jumped out luckily, some bushes caught my fall. I heard the calls but they were not for me.

" Princess! Princess Eun! "

I didn't know who Eun was all I knew wad that I'm Kyung-Mi. I began to run into the forest so I wouldn't ve caught bby anyone but, I was wrong.

" Well, well, well looks our little devil returned "

~ This is the first time writing a fan fiction on my own. I ctually paired up w/ another author to write The Phantom Foxes please go check it out too. Thank you for reading!

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