1 the deal

so a time patroller named Kai had made it through all the main story he's gone through a lot of stress being a main instructor of newer patrollers but as we all know there's always someone else to mess with history when fu had shown up it was different nobody was in the time nest except him

fu-ah there you are friend I was waiting for you

Kai is troubled he doesent remember anything

fu-oh you must've forgotten I thought you wouldn't such a shame well you helped me get alot of energy through the time rifts so I'm gonna repay you the favor I can finally get you away from all this you know finally experience what it's like to just have fun and not worry about others being mad at you we can have way more fun together man c'mon whaddya say

Kai was already planning to leave the time patrol but he dident think this was right so he backed off

fu-awww too bad don't worry tho my offer still stands if you ever want to change your mind I'll be here bye bye!

fu absorbs the rift they were in and Kai is in the time nest now rightfully confused questioning everything

Next chapter